Is this true?


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Yep. All the midwit plebs will buy into everything the establishment says is the intelligent view to have, what their controlled so called experts have agreed upon, to signal to their midwit pleb friends that they too are enlightened individuals.

>Dunning-Kruger effect
>media savviness
>low level philosophy
And much more.. it's all midwit stuff.

Yes. Low iq. Whites hate niggers based on their instincts and observations. High iq. Whites can articulate reasons based on statistics; of crime and child illegitimacy for example.

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Yes this is reality. Midbrains go with jew propaganda from our jew controlled government.

Yeah, also anyone who has actually had to live near niggers get the same feeling.

Looks like right-wing cope to me. Show me highly intelligent people who are racist.

Most smart people known that being a racist is a quick career suicide so few smart people are overtly racist

im a midwit (125 IQ) . what can i do? i unironically feel disgusted. i feel like salieri in amadeus. i see that midwits are inferior and the cause of every problem in the world yet i cant help but be one

They dont use the word racism obviously, but I think any biologist would agree that ethnocentrism is essential for the survival of a species

This is a midwit thread now.

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Why do you want to be spoon fed?

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Midwits are smart enough to suppress their instincts for social status but are too stupid to break free of propaganda


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is it same to Asians? kkk

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Context is everything. If you are in a multi-ethic area, then being racist isn't really going to go well for you, this is like big cities in the USA or most the world nowadays I guess. However in countries like Sweden which is being overrun with male immigrants from Africa, I can see racism as all but an impossible reaction to the invasion. But they are entirely different things, and it takes a smart person to see that.

Pic related. It's how smart people shit.

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Does anyone have more?

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Red pill me on mossad and greenbaum

Yes. Yes its true. I myself am represented on the right side of the chart, as most Yas Forums users are.

No, high IQ people know racism is just another form of control.


You should see what that kike Einstein had to say about niggers.

>is this true?
Almost. Replace "I'm not racist" with "I don't want people to think I'm racist" and it's spot on.

I love the midwit bell curves.

No, it's not. Intelligent people don't have to rely on their instincts to create a social defense mechanism in the form of hatred, they can rationally explain what are the drawbacks of living with people of African descent.

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Where can i see Watson's documentary?


100 iq mid point is a bit generous. Should be more like 70-90 at best

I wonder if China for example have a similar situation being the majority is there a Chinese vocal.grpup saying Chinese shouldn't be racist like with white people

Or is it a strictly western white mindset

What about Indians?
Middle East ?

Yes pretty much. I've yet to meet a liberal city middle IQ yuppie who can explain to me why divergent evolution would stop within the skull for humans, and humans alone, in the past Xk years for no reason; an unique anamoly in the history of life itseld and I've yet to see a grunt tier or a megabrain disagree with me (the grunts don't understand the science but they do know niggers are violent smelly and dumb based upon their proximaty to them).

The middle are like "wow, science!! Wait..wise not that kind..wait STOP".

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christopher langan



Marc Dutroux actually provided rich pedo rings with young girls. Not a not of people know that.

Based kraut

Very based.

Someone post the curve about the holocaust and trump’s migrant camps both being the same