Just a gentle reminder of what's in store for all the bootlicking servile fascist cunts who post here

Just a gentle reminder of what's in store for all the bootlicking servile fascist cunts who post here.

Follow your leader.

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STFU snownigger

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*nobody liked that"

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Truth is that Communism is right but it will lose because leftists are pussies these days.

It's all over, all we have now is Capitalist Realism.

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>the bootlicking servile fascist cunts
Antifa doesn't come here
>Truth is that Communism is right
Yeah except it's not, a history of failure kind of proves that

Show your flag lol

Unless we ditch the 20th century paradigm and start anew. We need a new leftist ideology, one that is clean of the pussification of the 1960s. We need a new project, lifestyle and aesthetic. The solution to 1968 faggotry is 1848 fervor.

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>Antifa doesn't come here
RED-dit, user. RED, as in commie.

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Because the only way you can defend yourself is by calling somebody a jew/leaf/ahmed/burger. Pathetic right wing gimp.

>Just a gentle reminder of what's in store
Thanks for the warning, Commies are indeed murderous scum.

What are you afraid of

You realize the whole world is getting ready to boycott China and they are the ones that have been financing your side for decades, right?

Your whole world is about to come crashing down and all you commies are going to the camps. Have fun bitch

big bois with big mouths should have to head the stack

hurry up, i'm getting restless

i hope you faggots are wearing lvl 4 plates

>two morbidly fat mystery meat spew buzzword at each others like they have meanings
america is dead anyway

Someone is forgetting how subhuman their kind really is.

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You are subhuman maggots who were butchered like cattle. 3 for 1, 10 for 1 even. Now, all of Europe is becoming fascistic and there's no one to save your greedy, traitorous asses.

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Bretty much this. China is the prime example of a Communist cuntry. Rampant human rights abuses. Massive corrupt government. Orweillian surveillance, etc.
I wonder why the lefty types never talk much about China?

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The only fascism currently being practiced in the United States of America is that of the democratic governors and their mandates.

Got em

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stfu you dumbass right winger. go suck trump's cock somewhere else.

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technically the axis won the battle. just not the war. thats why the jewish bolshevik occupied union only got half of germany and not all of it.

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Nope just asking where your from because by the way your speaking you probably are apart of one of those groups.

>the whole world is getting ready to boycott China
LAMO in your dreams civnat

are any of you faggots planning on being at the convention? if so, we really should make a plan to meet.

I'm white british. But I don't live in the UK, I am what you might call... an immigrant ;)


Do NOT reply to memeflag threads

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but maybe i will eventually find someone stupid enough to agree to meet in person?

You're as dumb as the cucks who respond.

>Bootlicking service fascist cunts

Interesting. So, we're hanging trannies, social justice warriors, political activists and democrats?

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No, just nazis and fascists. Cuckold bitch.

Oh boy its THIS thread again

Thanks for the bump.

Save it for kikebarts and the Quarterings comment section

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Only reactionary npc insectoids like yourself abid by someone else's bidding through threats. No matter how fringe or hated my ideology is your fucking threats only make me wanna butcher you degenerate fucks even more, and be more vocal about it. Save your threats faggot, I'm not impressed.

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remember. you're fighting for gods chosen people, poor black men and trans folk yall!!

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Bring it on you little bitch. Leave your fedora at home.

Who cares, fighting the (((enemies of mankind))) is worth the risk.

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