The Holocaust is a fucking 80 year old piece of wartime propaganda manufactured by the Allies and the Comintern around 44-45.
With all the horse shit they made up and pumped out (especially immidiately after the war)
how the fuck do people still buy it Yas Forums?
How the Fuck Do People Still Believe this Shit?
>how the fuck do people still buy it Yas Forums?
feels over reals
Decades worth of brainwashing propaganda via education and media coupled with legal battles, career annihilation, and social ostracization.
That book was written by an Australian goy, there are many examples of kikes saying stupid shit but the masturbating machines isn't one of them.
Because the nazis admitted to it and it's corroborates by evidence
>implying all confessions came from torture
But how does this explain evidence like the posen speeches or the groening confessions?
no one believes that shit. It was made up by a non jew in australia in 2004. it has nothing to do wtht he holocaust.
anyone who thinks it has anything to do witht eh actual historical claims is either a shill or an idiot or just a plain liar.
why straw man like this? pathetic. Millions were murdered and you pathetically lie about it. below shit tier. not even sad, just trash.
ah that old shit again.
Are you the French frog? Dude, I haven't seen you in a long time
the simpson inquirey made no such report. that is a flat out lie by the deniers.
absolute plain 100% falsehood.
why are they lying to you? why do they have to lie to you? why are you not angry at them for lying to you?
Daily reminder that there's absolutely no documented evidence of homicidal engine exhaust chambers at Treblinka or 900k cremated bodies. All documents related to Treblinka refer to it as a transit camp and make no mention of death by engine exhaust or the massive logistical force needed to carry out such an action
And bribes!
The biggest threat was extraordinary rendition. The allies threatened to send the families of the defendants to Russia.
been busy. Sad and pathetic to see the same shit still being spewed by idiots on here. I had hoped that they might get a braincell working, but hey, it was always a faint hope.
Here we see fine german craftsmanship in Krema I. These expertly designed holes were where SS guards dropped pellets of heat activated Zyklon B onto unsuspecting jews
Because the jew literally lies so much it somehow becomes a reality
>I had hoped that they might get a braincell working
That might be too much to ask
Is this the first time you post since your hiatus?
except for the several reports by visiting SS men on the way the operation worked, which make it clear that they used petrol engines to mass murder peope and cremation on pyres - for which there is ample archaeological evidence (which deneirs just lie about)
graphic misquotes Wiernik who did not say bodies burned without fuel to start them, and who said that fat women burned easier than emaciated men (so they started the pres with piles of fat women, then threw the emaciated men on top) whch is perfectly correct physics adn biology. Your graphic is attempting to make him look ridiculous - what a pathetic thing to do.
Also misquotes Bomba - again pathetically attempting to ridicule what he actually said (that the nazis lulled the people into a flase sense of security by saying it was a bath house and that they were being deloused)
don't knw about the other two but I suspect the graphic is lying about them as well. after all it lied about two, why woudl they not lie about all of them?
why do they need to lie? why not honestly report what they said? could it be because the testimony is damning and detailed adn that Treblinka was a deathc amp?
fuck off.
It's interesting how the delousing Chambers are all air tight, because the Germans weren't morons, but the suppose gassing of humans took place in the Krema (crematoriums) where there was no effort to make anything air tight.
do not be silly. Those are post war soviet reconstructions.
of a gas chamner that was used experimentallya few times, probably only killing a few thousand people (Soviet POWs to start with). why are you trying to lie about this?
It's their form of meme magic
>except for the several reports by visiting SS men on the way the operation worked, which make it clear that they used petrol engines to mass murder peope and cremation on pyre
Which ones?
>for which there is ample archaeological evidence (which deneirs just lie about)
>graphic misquotes Wiernik who did not say bodies burned without fuel to start them, and who said that fat women burned easier than emaciated men (so they started the pres with piles of fat women, then threw the emaciated men on top) whch is perfectly correct physics adn biology. Your graphic is attempting to make him look ridiculous - what a pathetic thing to do.
So Wiernik has bulletproof skin?
>Also misquotes Bomba - again pathetically attempting to ridicule what he actually said (that the nazis lulled the people into a flase sense of security by saying it was a bath house and that they were being deloused)
Bomba literally said that they were normal haircuts. Do I need to link you the video?
>don't knw about the other two but I suspect the graphic is lying about them as well. after all it lied about two, why woudl they not lie about all of them?
>why woudl they not lie about all of them?
Sounds like denier logic to me!
>fuck off.
Have a nice day :)
It's funny because Hoess had absolutely nothing to do with the Simpson report nor the Malmedy hearings. I dont know why out of all of ww2 history, deniers particularly conflate these two events. I dont think it's intentional at this point, they're just genuinely this stupid
I dropped in a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. I got bored. it really is just pathetic to see this shit over and over again.
If the came up with a new argument every now and then it would help, but it is just the same debunked shit in buckets.
>do not be silly. Those are post war soviet reconstructions.
That sounds like denier propaganda. Where are the murder holes in the birkenau gas chambers?
>Where are the murder holes in the birkenau gas chambers?
Murder holes?
>He remembered the horrors of the enormous pyres, where "10,000 to 12,000 corpses were cremated at one time." He wrote: "The bodies of women were used for kindling" while Germans "toasted the scene with brandy and with the choicest liqueurs, ate, caroused and had a great time warming themselves by the fire."
> In chapter 8, he describes seeing a naked woman escape the clutches of the guards and leap over a three metre high barbed wire fence unscathed. When accosted by a Ukrainian guard on the other side, she wrestled his machine gun out of his grasp and shot two guards before being killed herself.
> A camp guard in hot pursuit shot Wiernik with a pistol but the bullet didn't penetrate his skin. Wiernik said he then turned around and dispatched his pursuer with the axe
From Wiernik's wikipedia page
Yes, the holes that SS men dropped pellets of pesticides in to mass murder jews
the first gassings with Zyklon B were int eh cellar of Block 11. they buried the windows with earth, adn put felt dseals ont eh doors. the Krema 1 morgue was a sealed room, no windows, and the door was made gas tight, probably with felt seals. That door was removed adn the doorway bricked up when the room was converted to an air raid shelter a couple of years later. the doors now on it are in doorways that did not even exist, adn the original doorway is a simple open hole int eh wall now. You cannot say they didnt make it airtight - you have no evidence to say that.
the other gas chamebrs were built to be gas tight. the blueprints we have are clear. the farmhouses that were converted to be gas chamebrs were sealed up, adn felt sels used ont eh doors.
why do you make such a silly historically unfactual (lie) claim? it is pathetic.
They tortured germans to get confessions. There's no physical evidence. Made up jew lies, like Saddam's wmds.
>If the came up with a new argument every now and then it would help, but it is just the same debunked shit in buckets.
They actually do evolve, albeit negligably. For example, before I started seriously shit posting on Holocaust threads I would see deniers push the leuchter report asking why several gas chambers don't have the prussian blue stains on them. Eventually they learned that one of the gas chambers does and they stopped shilling this argument all together.
Baby steps
Haha what the fuck are you doing? Nobody wants to read this weird, forced conversation between you two faggots.
“Heeeey, omg french bro - man these nazis sure do get tiresome XD”
There's no documented kill-the-Jews plans and no mass graves of millions of remains. No way for a war machine to carry stuff out without orders/memos.
>So Wiernik has bulletproof skin?
he does not say that either.
why are you making silly lies up about him? And if you do not know about the several archaeological reports ont eh site I suggest it is because either youa re deliberately ignorant or just have not done your homework. Similarly the reports about treblinka in use. Your ignorance is not an argument. do some research.
Naziman bad. Jewman good. Trumpman good.
That's it.
>Yes, the holes that SS men dropped pellets of pesticides in to mass murder jews
All of Birkenau's gas chambers, kremas 2-5, have been destroyed.
he also was not tortured for information. he was beaten nearly to death by the men who arrested him, (and knew what a bastard he was) but he was never tortured.
You can't practically use engines to gas people. And you can't do it when you don't have fuel because you are fighting a war for survival.
>They tortured germans to get confessions.
This is a half truth that's been debunked several times. Not all of the nazis were tortured for confessions
And there is physical evidence. Pictures of mass graves , forensic reports testing for cyanide, and so on
Lol look at this kvetching
>There's no documented kill-the-Jews plans and no mass graves of millions of remains
And? There's no order for the holodomor, are you saying that didn't happen either?
the holes in teh roof of the birkenau chambers have been shown to exist, adn to be built in to the moulding of the concrete - they are visible in the ruins of the rooms that the SS tried to blow up. The only building in the camp that they tried to destroy by the way. why did they leave the huge factory complex for the russians to capture, but used valuable explosives int eh midst of a war fought on two fronts to blow up a few innocent buildings that were just used as showers for prisoners? Seems odd.
>he was beaten nearly to death by the men who arrested him
Ehh, that's considered torture, frog bro
They haven't found bones. No remains means no mass gassing.
>and the door was made gas tight, probably with felt seals
Got a source on that? I've tried searching for the felt seals on USHMM and Yad Vashem but nothing shows up, sounds like denier propaganda
>he does not say that either.
You should probably consult wikipedia and edit their page then, because that's according to his testimony. Are you some kind of denier now?
>And if you do not know about the several archaeological reports ont eh site I suggest it is because either youa re deliberately ignorant or just have not done your homework. Similarly the reports about treblinka in use. Your ignorance is not an argument. do some research.
Yet you can't actually post sources. The other shills at least dump a bunch of links they never read, but there were mysterious German reports that detailed exhaust chambers of death in Treblinka?
Holodomor was primarily famine. You don't need orders to kill with hunger. Jews kind of fucked themselves by claiming anything other than mass famine.
How long have you been researching this?
That plus say what we want or we give you to (((russians))) for torture/death gets germans to confess at nuremburg to stuff like using atom bombs to kill 20k jews.
You mean graves dug for typhus and starvation victims? Sure. Fucking idiot. Wait, you're actually just a commie shill.
That's because the nazis cremated millions of bodies mid-retreat to cover up their horrible crimes, of course! As you can see, in pic related you can see Babi Yar right after they finished their massive cremation work. They even used nazi magic to remove all traces of scarring on the map from machinery used to cremate 100k bodies!
Decades. I'm nearly 50. Redpilled by ruby ridge / waco.
It's illegal to say anything against the Holocaust in a lot of countries. Most people are afraid to handle Judea in general, let alone contest them for historical accuracy.
>Holodomor was primarily famine
A man made famine, but you're not wrong. And even then, part of the reason the famine happened was because of Stalin's collectivization of Ukrainian farms which there is no order for but we know happened.
Literally constant brainwashing from the time we enter gradeschool.
>All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
>It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
Adolf Hitler, who was at least, whatever else he was, a genius in understanding mass psychology.
Can you find some of these mass graves for us? I'd like to see evidence of a sufficient amount to indicate millions dead. A few pictures of isolated graves is nothing, that shit happens in camps where people die of natural causes, disease or hunger
For the a-bombs on japan we have documents and physical evidence. For the holocaust we have tortured confessions and no memos nor physical evidence.
Krauts were way too decent to jews.
Jews invested a lot of money into the holohoax. It paid them back dividends and allowed them to justify doing horrible things. The holocaust is their magic curse the lie that protects them from the golem they have created
so, a woman climbs a ten foot tall fence. Wow. big deal. She takes the rifle (i think, not machine gun) froma guard who is surprised - could happen. Big deal. The man details how he is wearing two coats adn a jumper adn two shirts, and how he is shot at by a guard witha small calibre pistol, at some range. the bullet fails to hit him, being caught int eh material of the clothes. Oh wow, big fucking deal. A miracle.
the pyres according to him were soaked in benzene - gasoline, petrol - and piled with wood, as well as bodies. he does nto ever say that the women's bodies were the only kindling - he is making a comparison, a simile, not a literal statement. A lot of his language is poetic actually, lots of simile and metaphors.
lying about what he says is stupid. why do you act so stupidly? it is easy to read the original.
Holdomor wasn’t on purpose it was just an unsurprising consequence of communism
Image sauce right fucking now.
>but used valuable explosives int eh midst of a war fought on two fronts to blow up a few innocent buildings that were just used as showers for prisoners? Seems odd.
Well the nazis were known to do odd things, like spend valuable fuel and manpower to cremate millions of bodies and crush up bones mid-retreat. Or build hospitals in death camps to nurse jews back to health. Very odd
thousands of mass graves are known of. Some are huge. the einsatzgruppen reports document over 1.4 million shootings. You are talking shit.
Jews rule us so it makes sense. Eg shit on the Armenian genocide and its no problem. Say you think 5,999,999 jews died instead of 6,000,000 and you go go jail and lose your job in almost all formerly white (now jew occupied) counties.