I live on the coast and I can't fucking stand people who live on the interior of the country

I live on the coast and I can't fucking stand people who live on the interior of the country.

Dumb, retarded rednecks. People who think Chili's and Applebees is luxury cuisine. These mouth breathing magatards are the absolute worst and should be sterilized. They've ruined politics in our country and now we have Trump ruining the country thanks to these inbred morons who live in these shithole states.

Ever notice how education in these states is nonexistent?

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you're all retarded

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Enjoy starving. The American Midwest is literally the breadbasket of the entire world.

>t. New Yorker

Do the rest of us a favor and Kill yourself.

Stay mad fag

Ever notice the high levels of faggotry on the coast? The OP for example.

Based fuck flyovers , fuck white people in general we would all be fine on the coast without you racist ass whiteys

isn't that what keeps both coasts alive?
I mean in terms of agriculture and such

OP is speaking facts. Mfs out here really think Olive Gardens is good Italian food. Middle states are full of uncultured swine. That being said coastal states are degenerates.

Stay mad bug man

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Did you know that in the midwest I can walk around all day and not see a single jew?

shitting on and dismissing the central states is what got trump elected.
so please continue.

Ohio ranked #1 most affordable state to live. Have fun throwing your money in the fireplace.

>muh education

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Only boomers in any area like olive garden and similar chain restaurants.

My grandfather was "uneducated". He served as chief postal inspector from 1979 to 1985.

Absolutely BASED and coastpilled.
But you forgot some coast down with texas.

Got a reservation at chilis with my boys!

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this, but unironially

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>I live on the coast and I can't fucking stand people.


I live in a coastal state and all I want to do is hang out with flyover country

>why did white people elect Trump?

Don't talk shit about applebee's

Why do you hate whites?

Obama dies

Literally getting rich off IHOP/Applebee’s right now. Stock is up 26% today. I love my interior bros. They know that luxury is a Jewish trick to needlessly separate you from your hard earned money.

Do you see somalis?

i poop my pants and that's okay

>fuck core Americans am i right guise?
Most coastal niggers deserve to get roped.

>big think

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Eh, pretty sure they don't like you either.

Tell me more..

I'm sure this tracks with demographics, i.e huwyte people.

Fixed your pic

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i haven't seen a jew in rl

>Imagine eating out more than once a year.

Why not just prepare and cook your own meals, you utterly useless, dependant nigger. You probably don't even know where food comes.

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Why, pooing in the streets reminds you of your home country?

Jerseyfag here. I must apologize for OP’s faggotry. The midwest is the breadbasket and the heartland of this beautiful nation

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bruh, this is just nonsense. Mississippi river basin is the envy of the world. Enormous surplus food and capital generation. Basically free natural gas and dirt cheap oil. The keepers of Americana live there, as well as having their own megacities

Whatever you say, Mr. Fletcher

How do you get your food m8

Chilis tho

>Ever notice how indoctrination in these states is nonexistent?