VIDEO: De Blasio MASS ARRESTS THOUSANDS of Jews in the Street

Hours after threatening Orthodox Jews violating quarantine with jail time on Twitter, NYC mayor Bill De Blasio deploys military into Jewish neighborhood to round up and arrest them all on sight for further questioning and potential sentences. Is this too harsh or simply necessary during these times?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the tweet that started it all.

This too:

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>disperses crowd
what a nothing burger


Checked from

Are Jews in NY being particularly obtuse when it comes to the “stay home” stuff?

Based de Blasio

So maybe Jews shouldn't be gathering in large crowds? Of course even the reform or secular jews will doggedly defend their child raping hasidic brethren even though they're a major problem


Stop handling these parasites with kid gloves. The NYPD should be picking Jew teeth out of their nightsticks at this point.

Holy fuck how did he go from being such a turbo nigger loving faggot to mein fuhrer so quickly????

Based Obergruppenfuhrer de Blasio treating da chosen like the rest of us under this curtailment of liberty.

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Do you have other question?

What do you think user?

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Did he even send out the pd? All I saw were shomrim kikes

is this guy based as fuck or is this just a result of him being so un-based that he's taking covid seriously

Jews are a plague


>massive butthurt from Republicans on social media

Why do you guys even vote Zogpublican again?

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>voting at all

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optics, sheesh.

They're the gigajews that are afraid of light switches and have magic strings, they're far more imbred and retarded than the subversive jews, they're essentially nigger jews but not the based ones

>runs to see what republicans say on social media to post about here.
cut back on the onions.

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Based Wilhelm

Is he /ourguy/?

(((WE))) make the rules goyim.
You follow them.

The Chad Bill de fucking Blasio
Who is this beautiful based man

Heil Kaiser Warren Wilhelm!

>defending zogbots defending kikes

>jews die en masse from disease just like in Germany
>jews blame NYPD for the mass deaths
>the New York holocaust that vicious Aryans perpetrated against innocent Jews gets taught in American schools
>New York Holocaust memorials are built in Europe
Can’t make this shit up.

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they deserve it

Orthodox Jews are based as Hell. Orthodox basically ignore regular laws with Total impunity and they're used to it.

I don't think they're scared of deCuckBlasio and the Orthodox have Mossad on speed dial so good luck going against the trad Orthodox Jews.

>hold groundhog day ceremony like every other mayor around the country
>kill the groundhog
Billy boy is a giant retard, probably didn't know he wasn't allowed to call jews out, just a happy accident most likely.

This is so dumb. Jews keep winning because they understand how the game works. They just staged an event that makes them look less powerful than they are. They just convinced america that they dont control america and they are foolish when they know what they are doing. Jews will always win this game because they understand it. We need an actual counter to their tactics.

orthodox jews are based and redpilled.

Too harsh?? Are you retarded? those subhuman ratfaced kikes deserve to be shot on sight.

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>can’t make this shit up
But you just did

send all jews to the camps

dem are way more against jews than gop nowadays

look at pelosi coronachan bill that wanted not only RACIAL diversity but ALSO ETHNICAL diversity.
imgaine finding out that 50% of all "white men" in corporate board are actually jews lol

>literally the branch of jew that Israel hates

how dare he?

>bubonic plague
how hard is it to resist the urge to infect everyone?
is it a decree from H-m H-mself?

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very based

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whoever thought fucking DiBlasio would be /ourguy/?

>(((WE))) make the rules goyim.

For the sake of NYC, NY and the rest of the world, please continue to disregard the warnings and congregate. Cough in each other's faces and swap spit with your kahaver.