The time is now to admit it's over. The USA is done for. Your civilization is crumbling. Your people are getting hungry. They will riot. Communists and Nationalists will ignite a new civil war. That's when we will come in full force. It will be over before you will even know that we invaded you. Your people are weak, fat and lazy. Ours strong, smart and obedient. We will genocide your people, rape your women and enslave your children.
>. Communists and Nationalists will ignite a new civil war. Hahahahaha The commies got manhandled in street brawls with nationalists, you think they stand any chance in a civil war? >That's when we will come in full force. You'll probably lose a quarter of your men to malfunctioning planes before you even get out of China
The Chinese military is like a swarm of ants, brainless hivemind with no self thought
How can you win a war with no experience and stolen tech?
Canada and Australia could fend off China without americas help, both are militaries have more experience than your entire armed forces
If all of NATO is going to them, I give them a week
Ian Brown
And what will you do without their retarded consumerism?
I just really can't picture a Han Chinese pillaging or raping anything quite frankly.
Maybe launching missles from afar or cyber hacking... yea
But no masculine invasion or chad level war crimes.
T too low.
Xavier Jones
Jews have been subverting China since the time of Mao Zedong. Some of the highest level advisors to the CCP have been kikes. China is just as ZOGged as the west. The only difference is that the Chinks on the street don't even know it.
Benjamin Lopez
Sure thing Chang, China is the world's number one threat, your lies to lure us into a false sense of security is too obvious.
Charles Baker
Oof Chinese commies came in heavy. As many Yanks have said to the Brits in here...”it was good while it lasted”.