Why are Canadians such shit posters? And I don't mean shitposters like Aussies, I mean shit posters...

Why are Canadians such shit posters? And I don't mean shitposters like Aussies, I mean shit posters. Are they all chinks or something? Is it some super elaborate troll? I don't understand.

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Canadians spend most of their time inside which lends to a culture of online communities. video games for instance and obviously Yas Forums. we reign supreme here, despite our relatively low population. our existence is antithetical to whatever philosophy of the red pill you subscriber today. thus we are a convenient and natural antagonist and it's awesome

-they're polite in real life, so the opposite comes out here where no one's looking
-lots of seething ethnicels
-focused on being "not America" and thus extremely progressive, which motivates antagonism towards any kind of conservatism

They're just cranky because they're hungry.

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Chink shills and then some canadians think it's "funny" to "act like you really believe something". Coming to Yas Forums to do that is lowly behavior.

Antagonist to the red pill? Why is that "awesome?" I know there are some based Canadians out there. I read Thoughts Of A Beaver, but maybe he was only based because he was from Quebec.

All Canadians confirmed NEETS?

becase the red pill is nihilism thus retarded and it's good dopamine pissing off poltards

well we did get trudeaudollars to stay inside for four months so yes

>red pill is nihilism

> greentext


Show in store prices fag

>Canadians spend most of their time inside which lends to a culture of online communities
Yea that still doesn't explain why you all say such stupid ass shit.
It's not that you're really trolling or you're assholes or anything like that.
It's that you're fucking cringe. All the time.
All of you. Like your leader.

Obama sucks Trudeaus cock

Fuck you

Obama sucks big mike

Checked from Checked


see natural and convenient antagonist. our existence is antithetical to the red pill. thus you need to larp Luxury Soup to make yourselves feel better about your submission to nihilism. I'm such a good leaf I even have personal pics of in store pricing ready to go

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>the red pill is nihilism
I hope youre just pretending to be retarded. Did you even watch the movie? What do you think Neo was before he met Morpheus? In the first scene that we see Neo, he pulls out a book to get a program he's selling to some hedonist. What was that book? And upon what chapter did he open up to?

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funnily enough you'd hate the wachowskis

>our existence is antithetical to the red pill. thus you need to larp Luxury Soup to make yourselves feel better about your submission to nihilism
> nihilism
That word doesn't mean what you think it means leaf. Either that or you're so retarded it actually hurts. This what I'm talking about. The cringe.

That's really it. I just don't get it. How can you all be collectively so fucking pathetic?

>implying I don't already know about them
Ok leaf. Answer the questions. I already gave you one answer.

>How can you all be collectively so fucking pathetic?
Maybe it's because they're all kind of French?

> ad hominem

subscribing to the red pill is accepting nothing altruistic matters. immigrants finding a new home, doesn't matter. universal health care, doesn't matter. gender equality, doesn't matter. racial discrimination, doesn't matter. the general values of an academic liberal western civilization, which we definitively are, do not matter.

Ok Cypher.

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Because as pozzed and as shit as the rest of the world is you’ll never be as bad as Canada. It’s basically the same thing minus any semblance of masculinity or pride.

if anything cypher is the poltard and judas of western civilization. he betrayed Neo, liberal values, to continue living in a nihilistic lie, the matrix, a capitalistic dystopia wherein you wage slave. did you make it you to your quarantine protest?

Change that, fren. Be the change. Don't be a leaf, be the god damn maple tree.

>subscribing to the red pill is accepting nothing altruistic matters
No that really has nothing to do with it at all.
> immigrants finding a new home, doesn't matter
Yes it does matter. Especially when it's white nations. I'm interested for instance what the home they came from looks like. What kind of culture and society did these people build? Was it good? No? They running from it? Guess what they bring to you? What happens when they replace the general population with themselves? Well then Texas turns into Mexico for instance and the thing they ran from, is suddenly with them again. You see how this is counterproductive? A land was ruined, and now they need to run again.
> universal health care, doesn't matter
Well we have more care beds per capita by far than any socialist country. We have a far greater capacity for health care than you do. We like it that way.
> gender equality, doesn't matter
It does matter very much. Women flooding into the workforce made all the demand for workers to cut in half. Meaning now men and women HAVE TO WORK. That's equality alright. But it's not good and it doesn't help families exist.
And who said making women work all the time was a blessing? Work sucks ass.
> racial discrimination, doesn't matter
It doesn't exist except against white people.
And yea being that's the case it matters a lot.
> the general values of an academic liberal western civilization
There is no western liberal civilization. Any civilization calling itself such is simply a classic right wing civilization that's in the process of being torn down. Such as yourself. That's not a civilization bitch. That's the annihilation of a civilization. You'll see. It'll happen long before you die.

Is that really what you think the red is, leaf? If anything, I see it as just the opposite of what you've said. The red pill is about finding something to believe in again. It's the opposite of nihilism.

Do you honestly expect anybody to believe that pic? You can barely read it and God knows where or when it was taken. Why are leafs such shit at photography?

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It’s the cities that are like this, the problem is that 90% of Canada’s population are in like 10 cities, basically enforced capitals of socialism across the country such that they re-elected Trudeau despite him getting less votes overall (this is also why he abandoned his promise of electoral reform before the second election). We have no power by design. I only have hope in a western succession but Alberta’s self concept of worth makes it impossible (generations of being overpaid to stand on oil platforms in a shithole will do this).

I honestly don't care if you believe luxury soup or not. even if a can of stew cost seven dollars a can, we all literally received thousands upon thousands of dollars from trudeau. trust me we're not having trouble buying food. Americans however, are not so lucky.

see, antithetical to the red pill

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>wage slave
If you can point me to where capitalism in itself was brought up in the films I'd be happy to learn. Closest I can think of is the Merovingian, though not really focused on capitalism, his philosophy is that of causality and power. His wife shows him the error of his ways pretty quickly though, as it's inherently cyclical.

>Cypher is the poltard
>Cypher is the Judas
>Betrayed Neo
No, he was never a friend to Neo. He betrayed the crew, and Zion, to live in the sweet bliss of a lie. Neo did not matter to him until Trinity started liking him. He didn't believe in any of the prophecies either. He chose the red pill initially like the rest of them, but reverted back to a state of longing for ignorant bliss. He talks about it with Neo one night when he shares alcohol.

I never had a problem believing in things. murder's bad. vaccine's work. the earth is round. normally, DONT go into mosques and shoot people. you should think about the friends you keep who use the word red pill unironically

What will happen when inflation starts kicking in?

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You seem like a sad and weak person, lead, and I pity you and your country.

the same thing that'll happen to your stock market after dumping a trillion a day into it thinking that'll look in November. at least the money we're dumping is going into consumer's hands which is keeping business open

I paid my ski pass upfront 4 years in a row. Always did shit tons of OT at my company. My time off was to ride but instead the hill closed,the border closed,no customers so I get laid off. Cheap rent because of staffcom but there is no fun to be had. JFC I cannot have visitors to my building. Work gave me purpose but Trudeau bucks will get me past my savings if the banks don't fail.

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We r retardo pls understand

>I never had a problem believing in things

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>your stock market
>implying the whole world doesnt have its hands in US stocks

Lol you don't even sound blue pill. You sound like an agent waiting to happen