What the fuck is wrong with Europe?

What the fuck is wrong with Europe?

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It's completely totally uterly fucked

Americans keep posting false meme news stories about us with no link.

Taken by external actors and their accomplices. It's not ruled with Europeans interest in mind, that's for sure.

They didn't fight for liberty hard enough so they're sliding back to feudalistic rule. The lords want brown servants and anyone yipping complaint is getting put in the stocks and that's that.

No First Amendment backed up by the Second Amendment.

Proving once again the UK is the most cucked place on the planet. It's not even an argument anymore.

Germany will fight for the 1st place.

Stop financing those licensed murderers with your taxes.

I agree that no-linkers deserve to be executed, but come on. Are you honestly calling these stories false? You must live in a mountain hut.

I don't even remember Germany making threats like this though. Once you get that wicked cunt Merkel out of office you'll be ok.

Oh I see what you did there burger
It's just karma, they deserve it for what they have done in WW2

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The shame that's coming from the Anglosphere is getting too much to bare. Probably one of the most blackpilled things I've ever seen. Freedom died with a thunderous applause. Makes me want to give out free armour trimmings with an axe in Runescape.

At some point whites will start antagonizing rather than resisting.

Lift Iranian and Saudi Arabian Ayatollahs to government, and when they start using the power of European governments to replace agencies with Islamic Caliphates and Shia/Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence. Then completely illigitimize the government all together.

Popping the head off a bolt isn't a violent action, it's big ass leverage and a bunch of faint clicks.

>What the fuck is wrong with Europe?



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Go fuck yourself, Mohamed.

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We bombed them into submission and installed puppet governments under the guise of democracy. They still need to unfurl themselves though.

You forgot "WHITE"

well, UK is part of Europe, and Germany is sending their law enforcement units to restrict free speech there too.
Those are what we're aware off, I'm sure there's a lot of cases in other countries where people have been interrogated or worse by the police without any news outlet catching it

The British police state isn't Europe.

Is the NWO already in place? For example, are the people in the police all satanist authoritarians waiting for an event like Corona to get the tyranny started, just like in the film A Clockwork Orange?



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Tell me again why they voted, and continue to vote for this?

Good summary. We are headed the same way though, just a few years behind due to Trump. He'll be gone soon though.

Churchill will go down as the biggest son of a bitch in the history of europe

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Gott strafe Europa.

You need this unironically


>this is ALL (((deliberate)))

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