I'll just leave this here

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Why do trannies think they're relevant at all?

>I'll just leave this here
Would you please take your trash over to Yas Forums?

Aren't like 50% of threads related to trannies
Also have you ever seen the news? Trans everywhere.
Ever listened to a political podcast? Trans everywhere.

I've never even seen a tranny before, they aren't relevant to normal people

Mass hysteria

This is the worst lefty comic I’ve ever seen and that’s really saying something

widespread on the internet =/= widespread in real life

Wait are they claiming that trannies don't contemplate suicide at high rates? But they also frequently talk about how bad depression and suicide is for trannies? Which is it?

>expecting me to read all of that
Die in a grease fire faggot

Attached: faggotonastick.jpg (549x510, 91.34K)

>Aren't like 50% of threads related to trannies
Paid Russian shills must have these threads high on their Daily Propaganda Agenda board today. The Kemlin faps to tranny dicks/

they should commit suicide for looking so ugly. We only want hot trannies, the dick only makes it better don't lie.

it's literally a 4 panel comic


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Indeed , traps are hot and based

Lmao they don’t even understand the stat being quoted
No you 41% of you actually commit suicide, not contemplate it
We can always make that number bigger

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A survey that's from 1 year ago instead of 10 said it's 50%, so 41% is wrong.

they committed, you degenerate fuck, and soon will you, with a face like that

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I don't get why Yas Forums has so many posts about trannies. Is it a thing in America?

Hahahaha so funny, she is so brave goys!
>pic related is the creator

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>the left cant STILL cant meme
>h-here r-read my lengthy, shit gaysplained comic g-guis

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Powerful, brave AND stunning.

At every opportunity canadians manage to remind us their cuck faggots

>people need statistical evidence to come to the conclusion that getting your genitals mutilated at great expense doesn't lead to happiness

Ariel Pink made this shitty comic?

Corporate media has been trying to normalize the most extreme perversions for the last 5 or 6 years. We live in Hell, basically.

stop exposing yourself to such shitty media then, you're bringing it on yourself. the only fucking time i hear about trannies is when you stupid whiny faggots bring them up.

Tranny comics are not funny. BRBBRB GOING to reddit to post 42% jokes

>Trans everywhere.
>Because a discord filled with blackmailed trannies post on Yas Forums
made me reply 2/10

Why can't lefties make memes without writing paragraphs? All their comics are aimed at low iq basement dwellers who know nothing about the world around them.

why can't americans read more than one sentence before needing to take a break?

Trans people somehow managed to hitch their wagon onto the gay community, and now you can't talk about gay people without mentioning trannies in the same breath. It's a weird juxtaposition of something that's pretty common and not very stigmatized with something vile and so rare that you can go your whole life and never meet one.

Fuck off Leaf, it's called having faith in your audience. If I'm making a comic aimed at the trans community, then I assume they're aware of 40% statistic, and if not, they can fucking Google it. Shoving an encyclopedia entry into every piece of content you produce makes it look more retarded, not less.

All trannies deserve to be gassed

No no no take it where he can die of AIDs with other faggots

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one off bud

You're the same fucker who was posting those porn threads, right?