Why has there been such a massive disinformation campain going on with not just Yas Forums but the rest of the internet...

Why has there been such a massive disinformation campain going on with not just Yas Forums but the rest of the internet right now?
There is more than enough viable evidence to suggest that the coronavirus is life threatening and will kill you, and then hospitals say there's no one to treat and there's nothing to do.
Nurses are demanding that they are respected for their life threatening work and then they make fucking tiktoks signaling that everyone is dying and they don't give a shit.
30 million people are fucking unemployed and somehow the economy took a nose dive and fucking recovered at the last second.
People are getting arrested for going outside and exercising basic constitutional rights, and somehow people are just alright with it not doing shit outside of protesting that won't do anything.
I keep being told alien disclosure and and death asteroids any day now, and I wake up and it's a very nice day outside from my house.
TL;DR what the fuck is happening anymore? I feel like I'm going crazy and everyone has gone off the deep end yet somehow the world is still funtioning normally. WHAT IS ANYTHING?

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Ride the tiger. The Illuminati is slinging disinfo as quickly as real info can be released. Something big is happening, that much is sure. Use discernment and be prepared, it will all be revealed soon, I think.

kek will resurface in 7 days

Attached: 1588122168183.jpg (713x1024, 140.65K)

Shills on suicide watch. Fuck shills shilling shills

He has spoken

Attached: Screenshot_20200425_015938.jpg (1080x2110, 449.39K)

>everyone is dying and they don't give a shit.

Attached: 3b8e11d9a1b31ec70f6617c9c6f25e1fe600dfd02a25f53a497d5555f885b505.jpg (244x255, 11.42K)

See? Digits confirm. PRAISE KEK!

best song for end of days or just eating kike pussy:


it's almost like the world is a big big place where multiple different things can happen at the same time

WHO is "we"?

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pretty soon everyone will be standing in bread lines and getting food rationed to them based on their social credit score.

Pentagon to use AI to predict panic buying, control food distribution:


Don't you see moloch being killed? Do I have to explain

>economy took a nose dive and fucking recovered at the last second.
Stock market is not the entire economy, son, and its almost detached from reality itself in order to work

Based stockposter

>Ride the tiger
Or surf the Kali Yuga

Thank fuck someone put it into words. That shit is clocking 24/7 in my head, I feel like a fucking lunatic. I'm glad that there are others. Truly. Even if you cunts are fucked in the head.

I see lockdown, violent arrests for people not following the retarded lockdown bullshit, forced vaccines incoming.

Yeah, that's totally Moloch being killed ... in upside-down world.

>Hillary will get arrested any minute now

The difference between we are winning and we will win.

I'm not talking about actual events.
Chaos is fluxing down from the acausal, then we will fight. And then we will win

Oh and moloch being killed was the description about the image prophecy posted

>viable evidence to suggest that the coronavirus is life threatening and will kill you
There is few cases because the lockdown is working.
>Nurses are demanding that they are respected for their life threatening work and then they make fucking tiktoks signaling that everyone is dying and they don't give a shit.
Soldiers would do this in the Iraq after an IED, trying to fuck a female while standing in the blood of their fellow soldiers ie the goyim on war. Honor the heros user.
>People are getting arrested for going outside and exercising basic constitutional rights
This is self evident in court. Let the juries do their job, you've already paid taxes for them to do so.

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>After I got forced vaxxed and got my vaccination app on the Apple store plus after the currency reset to fully tracked shitcoins, then I will surely win
Think about that for a second.

I am just going to give you some interesting truths to help shatter your stupid little indoctrinated mind. :p

The world is doing better today, even including our current Covid shit, than ever before. This is always the case. Crime is always down. Racism is always receding. Same with sexism. We are doing better and better for our environment every year. Humans are fucking killing it. Always. We rock. The world is great. Everything is super awesome.

Every word you hear saying anything else is lying to you, or uninformed. The panic, or uneasiness you feel is entirely manufactured by a media that wants to scare you for money, cheered on and funded by people who want to scare you for votes.

Every one of us is better off than our fathers in almost every way. Smarter, kinder, more aware of the world and our place within it. Every single day every single one of us should wake up and give each other and ourselves a huge pat on the back over what wonderful creatures we all are. But that wouldn’t get clicks, views, impressions, votes, nothing.

>Racism is always receding. Same with sexism.
>We rock.
You need to go back.

Get glassed kike.The world sucks ass.Comfort and distractions doesn't mean better.

Doesn't matter man. The comet hits tonight.

> a very nice day

Take those away and we are still doing better by any metric you can likely find.

Ha! Jokes on you, buddy. I’m an American of German ancestry. If I “go back” I’ll end up even closer to you.

If we don't fight that will happen.
There is not a single fact except their silly "plans" for the id2020 by exploiting current situation.

So, we still have to engage in the fight. Then we'll win.

>We will fight

This is what I see too.

Attached: wew_german_heritage.jpg (800x600, 116.96K)

>We will win
>Oh wait, we need to fight first right before it's all over
>And if we don't win, it's because not enough fought
See you in a prison cell.