what do you think of children who claim to be transsexual?
What do you think of children who claim to be transsexual?
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Brainwashed. It may happen naturally, but not in this current climate. It's forced through indoctrination of some kind.
Beat me too it.
Child abuse perpetrated by leftist parents or even worse homosexual parents who adopted. It's a fucking crime.
Weren't bullied enough
Old enough to be a tranny is old enough to be fucked. Not that I want to, that's nasty, but there is no argument to be made against it. If a child can consent to life altering hormone treatments and potentially surgeries, they can consent to being fucked.
I'll entertain their claims out of politeness, but evaluation by professionals is needed to ensure that a child is actually transexual.
The same way I think of vegan cats.
>It may happen naturally
No. This is a pederastic fantasy told by trannies.
what do you think of vegan house cats? same thing happening
Never really cared.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
I think their parents should be diagnosed with munchausen by proxy and thrown from a high building into a pile of steaming manure
Children are prone to fantasy.
Brainwashed and the parents or people responsable need to be hanged.
Trans people are pretty normal, cultures around the world have had inclusive names for them for centuries. There are lots of people realizing they are trans at younger ages. Puberty blockers are well studied and safe.
But it's not really legal to cut off your junk till you're an adult anyways (for good reason), other than that let the kid do what they want.
People who hate on kids for wanting to wear different clothes and act differently are just braindead fagphobes probably overcompensating for the fact that they like dick.
I think the child didn't even wanted to be a transgender I think the libtard mother/Father forced him to be a transgender not so that he could get benefited but they did it just for their own "political" agenda
>posting this
first of all faggot no trans are not normal and have not been around for centuries, gays and lesbos on the other hand yes but on a much more low cuantity than today.
>Puberty blockers are well studied and safe.
not enough there is a reason why high suicide rate exists retard.
>But it's not really legal to cut off your junk till you're an adult anyways (for good reason), other than that let the kid do what they want.
finally something that makes sense, also consider it might not be want they want but what they where brainwashed to want to fit an agenda, like come on nigger people dont want hormone in their food but on their fucking children? fuck off.
>People who hate on kids for wanting to wear different clothes and act differently are just braindead fagphobes probably overcompensating for the fact that they like dick.
its not about clothes or "acting differently" its about literally making a dramatic effect on the hormonal balance and body of the child you mongoloid.
Reddit posting kike
Man user, facts again.
They don't, their parents do. It's like vegan dogs.
also this, fucking drag trannies, and fucking pedos need to be hanged.
>first of all faggot no trans are not normal and have not been around for centuries, gays and lesbos on the other hand yes but on a much more low cuantity than today.
Uhh they have been cringelord:
>not enough there is a reason why high suicide rate exists retard.
The suicide rate goes down for trans people that don't go through the "wrong" puberty. If they have to wait till they are older to actually get on hormones, blocking it safe and lowers the amount of dead kids lmao
>its not about clothes or "acting differently" its about literally making a dramatic effect on the hormonal balance and body of the child you mongoloid.
That's why I addressed the hormone thing goober hahaha
I'm not gay like you, I just have an education and can read scientific studies instead of listening to retard propaganda from either side.
already fucked in the head
>as a source
>not an actual valid source
ok nigger, also no use simple logic by definition a trans person needs to have a HRT or similar procedure so no , centuries ago they could not be trans but gay at best.
>The suicide rate goes down for trans people that don't go through the "wrong" puberty. If they have to wait till they are older to actually get on hormones, blocking it safe and lowers the amount of dead kids lmao
its actually the opposite
yep you are a fucking tranny
>im not gay like you
im hetero first of all, also what happens? sexual shaming now? fucking hypocrite
>I just have an education and can read scientific studies instead of listening to retard propaganda from either side.
you fucking retard i also have education IM A FUCKING MICROBIOLOGIST AND PARASITOLOGIST YOU IDIOT.
pic related took by me a lot of time ago so you dont do mental gymnastics.
Children do not care about sex. They don't think about it. I don't have children but I have younger siblings and cousins. It is unthinkable that a child would self-identify as transexual or homosexual.
I was a trans kid. My parents were conservative spics. I didn't know what a tranny was but I still had dysphoria. Who was I brainwashed by?
>i can read scientific studies
>cites wikipedia
fuck off brainlet.
so you had HRT as a kid? while you had conservative parents? yeah sure.
They've been brainwashed. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and it fucking sucks. All the glamorizing the media does, especially ru paul and the likes, has done the entire trans community a huge disservice. It's not fun, it's not a community you can just become a part of trying to "fit in" somewhere. And that's how zoomers see it because of the media. Kids go through phases of trying to find their identity and see on tv all these, ""stunningly brave"" drag whores and think they can be totally happy and have no issues in life if they follow the herd. Make those kids see a therapist and watch them get btfo when the therapist finds out they don't actually experience dysphoria.
>ok nigger, also no use simple logic by definition a trans person needs to have a HRT or similar procedure so no , centuries ago they could not be trans but gay at best.
>Doesn't even know what I am talking about
>yep you are a fucking tranny
Pretty straight have a hot gf, I am jacked and love my masculinity unlike you baby man
>you fucking retard i also have education IM A FUCKING MICROBIOLOGIST AND PARASITOLOGIST YOU IDIOT.
I'm a quantum physicist so your work is a joke to me
(Pic related)
I didn't have HRT at first. I started to take kt when I was 17 after my parents realized how much I was suffering. But they let me present how I wanted to socially when I was 12, they just didn't want to be involved. Trans kids don't go on HRT until at least teen years. In fact, it's illegal in alot of states until you're 16. And even at 16,you need to go under extreme medical evaluation if you're under 18. I needed a year of therapy before.
How can wanting to amputate your penis NOT be considered a form of mental illness?
Pretty sure it is, that's why you see a psychologist before you can do that
Brainwashed and groomed for pedophilia by (((homosexuals))). (((The left))) has tried to legalize pedoshit since the 1970s. They failed back then, but God knows if this will be the case in the not so distant future. "Hebephilia" is on the table.
>Doesn't even know what I am talking about
yes i do you are deflecting from the topic
>Pretty straight have a hot gf, I am jacked and love my masculinity unlike you baby man
post pic of you being jacked, and with your girlfriend larper, the fact that you have to say this just proves my point i never said you where gay or shit i just proved you wrong.
>I'm a quantum physicist so your work is a joke to me
>quantum physics
>better than actual appliable science
yeah sure nigger
>no proof
>pic related wojak crying
yeah that would describe you RN
It should be illegal to perform an elective surgery such as that. It is very unethical.
I think they've either been groomed molested or abused in some other way by their parents.
trannies are a cia nigger jew psyop
Jesus Christ is the Way of the Truth and Light.
Münchhausen by proxy.
Citing wikipedia to prove something existing is not the same thing brain. I wasn't citing data off of it
I study gay history from this period. What you're describing never happened, at least in mainstream gay activism. That was never apart of the 1970s gay liberation platform. If it was a thing, it was probably a fringe group that no one liked. Stop believing info graphics.
>kt at 17
you do realize there is a big difference between giving kt and HRT at 17 than at a lower age right?
Victims of child abuse.
prepare for the the New World Order!!!!
burn the trannies
I've never been groomed, molested or abused by my parents.
I would've liked to have been able to transition earlier. It was hard enough in 2007 as a young adult. Basically no shrinks would see me. GP said she'd refer me to a specialist, then her office promptly stopped taking my calls. Had a clerk at the DMV stonewall me. Testosterone wrecks you. I mean I was lucky that my growth stalled at 5'5", and I don't have weirdly big hands or anything. But yeah. Terrible. When you don't want to go through puberty for a sex you don't associate with, it really does a number on your head.
People equating that with sexuality though, saying that if you're old enough to make decisions about how people perceive you, that you're fair game to fuck, uh... weird take. There's more to being a man or woman than the tiny percentage of your life that you spend engaged in intimacy. Every day you leave the house, every little thing you do, people make judgments about you via the lens of gender.
I think their parents should be exposed and publicly executed.
>Citing wikipedia to prove something existing is not the same thing brain. I wasn't citing data off of it
yes its the same because its the source you are basing yourself off, of x being Y to explain a point if you are going to cite something use actual articules by valid sources , but you wont because you dont even fucking read them.
>only response is using wojak memes and no actual argument to my responses
>also memeflag
by all this things it seems to me you are from SOS dont you?