/migaturds/ will defend this
/migaturds/ will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
new term for migatards: miggers
has potential
i'm saving that term
Why cut off the onion logo?
what is a migatard?
>what is a migatard?
the name butthurt lefty crybaby snowflakes call trump supporters because he isn't 1488 enough, but they don't care about that, they just want to be faggots
"Make Israel Great Again"
like it was some huge surprise that trump would be nice to israel
fucking burn them all.
I cannot believe the arrogance.
These people need to be strung up.
only retarded plebs think this is inspiring
>We're all in this together
Sent from my private yacht offshore on my private island.
CNN promised us he would build camps and start WW3. Should've voted for hillary guys, they were on track to blow up Iran.
This is fucking Twitter-tier garbage.
>D-Drumpf is the fault of everything
Go back there, you whiny cunt.
People worshipping that fat fuck.
I swear to God, I really thought for a moment this was real and the "celebrities" really are that tone-deaf.
This is horrible bait. Sage.
Kek, Imagine being one of the B-Listers that doesn't have a bunker in New Zealand
Why are half the yachts censored? What were those elite doing out on the deck?
You da real MVP
>/migaturds/ will defend this.
the most elite assholes trying to make themselves look the same as everyone else in this situation . pic related is you
Checked from
Checks from
You are a MANIAC.
Based I'm saving this one
We never were and we never will be. Send cash
A term used by shills.
No, we won't, these celebrities are floating close to african borders so they can still get their child fix and adrenochrome, there is no justice in this world, i'm demoralized... fuck it all.
Onion article?
that's pretty and based desu.
Aliens are coming
Communism will win.
kek fpbp
wow i feel so identified as a fellow yatch owner wow