Brit/pol/deano mosque edtion

Carrie Symonds gives birth to a healthy baby boy: Boris Johnson is by his fiancée's side for arrival of their newborn son at London hospital as couple thank 'fantastic NHS maternity team'
>Royal Navy submarine lockdown party captain sacked
>Coronavirus: Testing opens for millions more people in England
>Virus crisis could lead to 18,000 more cancer deaths, experts warn
>Coronavirus has killed more Americans than Vietnam War
>New Gun Infographic was made and a UK /k/ Thread was made and expectedly died soon after, though the NHS are attempting to resuscitate
>Tripfags are (thankfully) Dying from Corona
>Eddie and ManHands the Newest Brit/pol/ Couple?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Underground hive cities need to be a thing

wow i just shaved my head i'm such a chad

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>Coronavirus: Pub customers hid in cupboards during raid

>Schools will reopen in phases, says Williamson

Doom mong BTFO again
>(LEAD) Recovered virus patients retest positive due to 'dead' virus fragments: experts

Solarpunk ethnostate pls

>Coronavirus has killed more Americans than Vietnam War
Many of whom probably fought in the Vietnam war given the age and sex of the people who are dying (boomer males).


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Based and baldpilled

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>Matt Hancock massively expands coronavirus testing to everyone over 65, key workers with symptoms and all NHS, patients and care home staff... as 100,000 daily tests target is tomorrow
100k tests per day is nothing. it would take around 2 years to test every person in the country once at that rate.

>Recovered virus patients retest positive due to 'dead' virus fragments
this doesn't explain the people that get sick and die after reinfection.

Yeah. Upper working class northern town.

Strangely most women in the office were early 20s, in long term relationships with people on similar salaries, and looking to buy these houses. My guess would be that they understand on some level how fucked they are if they have to face the modern world on their own.

asda's zinc tablets give me ball pain

I fucking love Phillomena Cunk. She is the perfect woman. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't

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the last kingdom is basically a story about how raising someone from one ethnic stock under the clutural traditions of another creates dysfunctional people with spilt loyalties

> Tfw you'll never be this masculine


The prime minister spoke to Sir Keir Starmer on the phone this afternoon and updated him on the Government’s efforts to combat coronavirus. It was a constructive call and they agreed to continue speaking about the national effort to defeat the virus.
what "efforts" to defeat the virus? they don't intend to even attept to eradicate it. the government wants to keep the infection level just below the NHS's maximum capability to manage it. reminder that they stopped contact tracing on the 12th of March when we only had 562 confirmed cases.

mutts in outer/pol are trying to take the piss out our full english breakfast but it's backfiring on them even french and german bros were defending us. i've never felt so proud

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My dad told me that back in the 70s and 80s being bald was a sign of a loss of virility, attractiveness and youthful strength. Young hunks and movie stars had a full head of hair.

These days, in the UK, bald men are seen as masculine. It's a rough working class strong man look.

Woke up and I'm surprised the /k/ thread is still going on, what I'm not surprised by is the amount of paki jokes and fed posting to make /ptg/ jealous and 2011 politics look edgy.
It's all so tiresome.

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i feel like my balls have hemorrhoids lads

Fucking hell. It's just like r9k. /britfeel/ and /britpol/ are so different to r9k and pol generally. We truly are an island race lads.

SARS-CoV-2 attacks the testicles. you could be infected.

I wonder if Peter Hitchens still gets erections.

I know the reason that Woes was kicked out of PA.

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Is anyone able to substantiate the allegations Woes predated and potentially molested young girls? His adrupt and ambiguously explained exit from the scene certainly lends credence to claims, but outside of a Messenger compilation a year old and leaked dick pic six months ago, there isn't anything, especially given how tight lipped everyone is.

I understand the need to not in-fight but surely when you're supposedly as sexually deranged as this there'd be at least a solemn confirmation from at least one credible influencer.

nothing's more masculine than rocking the EMBRACE though

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have you tried fapping? maybe the release will ease the pain?

When will you take the deanopill, brit/pol/?

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what /k/ thread?

that makes it a bit worse

i wish it were so simple


250 years today, lads.

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Just take finasteride. Saved my hairline for a decade now. My brother is slick bald.

Collect your rare colonial flag here boys