
why is there so much research and literature involving and surrounding the physical theory of 9/11 being an inside job

but if i am to agree that is was and ask why they it was i am met with

>hur dur its obvious oil? lol
>america oil go take lol retard
>back to the beams anyway they couldnt definately stand up with boom crash

i sincerly want to understand more behind the intention of an inside job, maybe im just a fucking retard but i theres thousands of hours of videos of conspiracy theorists running around lecture theatres for twenty years talking about the actual event yet i can find barely any that actually make it past their so obvious in-agreements and explain the extended meaning of why is was an inside job

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It was an inside job to provoke Americans into adopting the fear of Mohammedanism. Zionists in America want to expand Israel and the Muslim nations are in the way. Americans die and fight for Israel.

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american airlines shorts

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there's only a couple people who can schedule training for NORAD

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that picture means almost literally nothing to me, there was gold physically buried under the towers so they flew planes into it?..

alright im taking a look at those terms youve mentioned not heard them before

wasnt aware of any of that ill take a look

what about them, somebody bet on an airline to get shutdown so they flew their planes into a building?..

no idea what this means

gold repository in bld 6. pic related.

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shorting stock means you are placing a bet that the stock will fall

NoRAD training - ya know, the entire reason our nation's air defenses were otherwise occupied from planes flying into buildings was because they were participating in planes flying into buildings training.

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Do (((you))) like to dance?

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9/11 holds great significance in the bible. They knew at that point Christ was already born they wanted to make a statement. They wanted to show that they were still in charge but in truth they were doomed.

big boy redpill
911 was a symbolic sacrifice to satan in order to usher in trannyshit
the towers were the pillars of boaz and jachin, male and female
their destruction before the statue of liberty, a structure dedicated to lucifer the lightbringer, gave them power through satan to destroy Gods set roles of male and female
thats why there is so much trannyshit being pushed on our children through nearly all forms of media now
they literally hate God THAT much
dont care if you believe me or not but thats the truth

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cont'd also why only a single tower with elements of the former two now combined was rebuilt and not both

I think you are right. Also there is a reason the building number of the third tower was 7.

why would making money shorting a stock diserve such an extravagant chaotic display?

whats this

yeah and im fucking really good at it

i dont understand the threshold of irony or sarcasm here? im not from the USA

i dont understand the threshold of irony or sarcasm here? im not from the USA

>i dont understand the threshold of irony or sarcasm here? im not from the USA
It's not irony. The world is run by demons and Satan. And we are all essentially possessed by a demon as well which Jung called the shadow.

also sorry forgot to ask isnt it obvious and you get caught if you short stocks and interfere and conduct it to drop? forgot the word for it, wouldn't it seem obvious to everybody surrounding the short?

not a spec of irony user, we are ruled by the same evil fucks spoken of in 1st and 2nd Kings of the OT

slow day at jidf headquarters?

>muh oil
I always hated this. It always came from people who werent that bright and they were so confident in their answer. I learned later that my hunch was correcr, since we discovered Shale back in the 1990's.

The real answer is Israel, of course.

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ok i cant tell wether this is extended irony or sarcasm even thought youve literally cemented it in word.

i googled jidf, im not jewish and not american, i have basic knowledge of economics and it seemed worth asking

yeah i agree totally as is basically why ive asked and do ask

Listen to Christopher Bollyn

>ok i cant tell wether this is extended irony or sarcasm even thought youve literally cemented it in word.
hmmmm..... Alright user, maybe you are incapable of grasping it.

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Did any valuable information emerge from the 911 papers that were leaked months ago?

ok assuming your sincere, can i genuinly ask when the first time you were ever exposed to the idea of demons and satan running the world and what kind of a background you have?

im genuinly curious

they dont call the stock market a casino for nothin

Trump fucking over his voters on another promise

when our celebrities and elected leaders were brazen enough to be open about their allegiances
pride will be their downfall

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I second this OP. Christopher Bollyn is based. If you want a complete pictuee, he brings it. The only thing he doesnt dive into is the Talmud (which the Rothschild family admits to following). The Rothschilds ended up with the oil fields in Iraqi Kurdistan after Saddam.

I had an awakening at the beginning of this crisis. However the truth is that as a young lad I also woke up to the truth that the world is evil and run by evil. I think it put me on the radar of the powers that be and I had to forget or I would have been in big trouble.

I have personally communicated with God and Satan. I only wanted to communicate with God but Satan also attacked me. I am someone Satan is very frightened of.