Why do white guys date only ugly asian women?

Why do white guys date only ugly asian women?

is that because you can't distinguish between ugly women and exotic women?

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Men 'date' any woman kindly enough to touch their doodle.
That's the only prerequisite.

Because they are ugly beta white men with small dicks, and they think - Asian women are short and ugly, my dick is short and im ugly, asians want white mutt kids, i have white dna... asians women is my perfect ideal.-

Same goes for most non-western asian men dating white women.

What is also strange that most asian hollywood actresses are ugly as sin.

Why do kikes make slide threads....oh cause your ugly and fucking smell bad!

Post an actual ugly woman. She’s cute enough and seems wife material. Probably loves to cook and clean too.

Why does it matter to you who people chose to date?

>Why does it matter to you who people chose to date?

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Do you find her cute? WTF

More of a Chad than Tyrone’s spawn or some shitskin mutt.

People tend to hook up with people of similar sexual market value.

So we can dominate them

And? So? Do you care if I look like that? How would it change your life?

Because hapa mutts feel entitled to live in 1st world white countries. If they lived in the 3rd world shithole of their nonwhite dna nobody would care

Yes, all Asians look the same.



Why are all Indonesians short and scrawny?

Not a 10/10, but pretty cute, yeah. It’s not like she’s a pajeeta or something. Would wife in a heartbeat.

Built for BBC

You might be running the covid response for the country and tell everyone for the first critical month there is no evidence of asymptomatic transmission and its an overreaction to close down borders

They're bred to survive on low calories, of course

I want my kid to look like me, like my father, my grandfather...

Not like a mutt with no identity.

Dude she's clearly 5 years away from menopause, you horny little troll

why is this bumped
fucking stop bumping this

all you said is true except i have a big dick and i want them to taste my mutt 80% white dick

Some Asians have a cuteness/innocence about them that makes my cock diamonds, even if they're considered "ugly" by gook standards. The women that gooks consider beautiful are just ugly gooks caked in make up anyway.

She isn't pretty but she is feminine and thin so she is already in the upper tier of women.


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There’s still time for her to have children then. Better late than never, and better than being alone.

Absolutely true. For non-Chads at least.

Pretty much yes.

But dont forget as well that a yuge proportion of western women are fat.
For me not being fat is far more important than other beauty standards.

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I think she’s alright looking, but this. She’s very, very, female, unlike white women, and not a land whale.

t. yellow fever victim

yeah, not so much

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cause these kind of asians dont have an onlyfans account

what's a yellow fever victim? i've never had a gf in my life?

>For me not being fat is far more important than other beauty standards.
Or being a shitskin. I’d take a fat white woman over a thin shitskin, but a thin Asian woman like the little lady in the OP is as good as it gets.

Even if there’s a small chance. A companion for life who loves you for who you are is most important desu.

Looks like you answered your own question

Maybe you should work on improving your sexual market value over settling for a single hail mary mongoloid downie hapa low birthweight special needs baby?

It’s over for white women, I wouldn’t take them even if they wanted me now. I’ll only go for Asians. It’s not settling if they have something to offer.