Crash the economy

>crash the economy
>destroy birth and marriage rates
>destroy social lives
All for a stupid 0.1% death rate virus. Explain.

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>destroy birth and marriage rates
Those were plummeting for ages anyway.

>crash the economy
>destroy social lives

No, coffee isn't good for you.

Oh, I think you know, baconboy. One word, four letters.

Well it all started with this god who supposedly chose his people

Typical chinese influence on the west

Death rate is only that low if hospitals are able to treat patients, with no shutdown the assumption is they’d be overwhelmed and the death rate would skyrocket with the many untreated conditions


Prove to me this already didn't happen before the corona propaganda


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Cool it with the anti-semitism.

Boomers know they can rig the system to make sure they end up on top in a collapse, and that is all that matters. There is a psychological test that all Boomers choose option 2:
Option 1:
You get given $50,000 and everyone else gets $100,000
Option 2:
You get $25,000 and everyone else gets $10,000
Which do you choose? Boomers would rather be kings of a garbage heap than equals in an advanced society. That is why they want to tear it down for us.

Like all the untreated conditions now...while there is a lockdown.
Fucking hell you're a thick twat.

Sweden puts in some restrictions, and their economy is tanking anyway. kys

the financial bubble was going to pop at the end of the year anyway. this way they have a scapegoat. think of it as a financial 9/11. an undercover controlled demolition to deleverage the economy while they can blame a pandemic. the downfall is not over btw.

>just two more weeks
>flatten the curve
>social distancing

I admit I did this shit since mid-March but I'm done with it, nobody else is taking it seriously and we all probably had it by now.

can someone explain this coffee meme to me. I have been here for years but this shit somehow passed me by.

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Just more typical boomer behavior. Their age range was the only one truly at risk.

Oh no what are we ever going to do. Not the heckin economyerinos, my life is over, all is lost.

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t.neet who lives in parents basement

>Muh hostpituals

>Most are asymptomatic
>Less than 1% death rate
>Average age at death is 80-85

Yeh tell me again how were gonna crash the western world without survivors because of a hypothethical scenarios in which more boomers come to the ER

Yes I agree, women were a mistake

How do they time the collapse of the credit bubble?

the death rate is so low because the 99% that die from it already had a previously existing condition, you msm watching nigger


Imagine being in the peak of your flower and having months stolen from you. You wonder why these girls are upset and necking themselves.

You are glowing so hard you almost blinded me.

Yup, boomers have literally robbed young people of a spring in their prime

This is an 18+ website. You'll understand when you start living on your own and earning an income that having your job is preferable to losing it.

Don't have the original comic but theres a meme of a guy holding a sexually provocative photo asking is coffee good for you. The joke being that guys ask arbitrary questions as an excuse to post porn

How is this thread arbitrary? The pic was meant to show the real victims of corona; young people being forced to throw away their lives for old people


Trump bad

Those were already dead. Now social distancing from the real threats - normie NPCs? I can get behind that and they provide free entertainment as they try visiting the isolation we were born in and made from.

thank you.

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I never it said it was. Im just explaining the is coffee good meme which somone else used

swedens economy is tanking because theyre dependent on the EU which almost entirely locked down

>stock market alrrady rebounded
>small businesses closing for good
>Amazon gains billions in revenue in a matter of weeks
Sure thing.


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>>stock market alrrady rebounded
Q3 2019
Q4 2019
back-to-back declines in the US GDP (look up what that means)

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The shutdown didn't do anything at all to flatten the curve.

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