Is Jesse Ventura /ourcandidate/ now? What do we know about him? I know he was a pretty popular governor of Minnesota...

Is Jesse Ventura /ourcandidate/ now? What do we know about him? I know he was a pretty popular governor of Minnesota, A Navy SEAL and some conspiracy theory show on TV. But what are his views on our issues immigration, trade, civil liberties... and especially, is his family kiked up?

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Bump. I'd vote for him. He is a smart dude, and a badass. He would eat Trump for breakfast.

I'm digging but I don't see any jews in his family. Already better than Trump or Biden.

Bump, it's worth a look.

he was never a SEAL, stolen valor.

They'll dig up some sort of dirt on him.

I'm torn on his relationship with Mexico though. He lives most of the year there and he talks about bad treatment of illegal detainees on the border. I'm afraid he's another open borders stooge.

Welp, I don't see how he could be worse than Zion Don?

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Yes he was you dipshit

Jews vote straight fucking libshit you moron. Every Jew voted for Obama and will for Biden.

He was a seal before seals were even a thing. You're right but stolen valor is wrong hes a pretty good dude

He is an open borders fag

And the gop is still the party of Israel. Stop believing that if you flip the kosher sandwich it will taste better. Libertarians are just the coleslaw on the side.

Seals call him a seal

Yeah, hec was an underwater demolition expert and at 6'2" and in great shape for being 69, he'd make Trump and Biden look like dweebs. He never owned a cell phone, lives half the year off the grid without electricity or running water. He'd easily be tougher than Cornpop.

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Anyone would be better than President Jared and his fuckup lackey Trump.

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He's fought with the Libertarian party because they've banned him from debates. He's running in the Green Party.

Im sure he could get on tv if he tricked them into thinking hes going to trash Trump then go on a rant about how the media sent lawyers to your trial to legalize media lying.

Oh that totally makes it better. Thanks for telling me. I've changed my mind. He's a serious candidate now.

He is.

My theory is that Jesse was a test run on how to get non-politicians elected. It was successful and laid the groundwork for the playbook that got Arnold into the governorship of CA, and ultimately, Trump in the presidency.

Every single one of Biden's children married jews. Trump is bad but Biden is the patriarch of like 20 jewish grandchildren.

unlike swcharzenigger and trump jesse was a real anti-establishment candidate

I'm just informing you that he isn't a Libertarian. He was a Reform party candidate when he became mayor and then governor of Minnesota but fought with his party when they tried to force him to expand the party, he was an independent and has registered as a Green.

Also those two were elected as Republicans, that ties you to a certain system. Sure, Trump has reins over his party but at what cost? Also unlike Arnie, who won in a special election with Kennedy money and connections on his wife's side, Ventura did everything the old fashioned way: got money together, became mayor as Reform, then campaigned and got money to run as governor as Reform but took zero money from corporations (in fact he won on a shoestring budget of $300,000).

They disinvited him from their annual get together, after the Chris Kyle bullshit.

I'd take this over Cadet Bone Spurs with his bowling trophy any day.

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This. Anyone who doesn't vote for "The Body" is a slackjawed faggot.

what a bunch of faggots

They "had to defend" their legacy. And obviously the "American Sniper" is very good publicity.

>brags about being in mongols biker gang
>brags that he joined this gang because they accepted every race
>moves to fucking Mexico

Hes a faggot. If you like him you're a faggot.

oh look, another glownigger thread

voted for donald, i'll vote for jesse if he runs. somebody post the damn jesse/alex gif already

I met Jesse Ventura at a biker bar back in 2004. He was talking shit about the Marines, so I kicked his ass in front of everybody. It was a vicious beatdown like you never saw in your life. Blood was everywhere. I'm a real veteran, unlike the squid pussybitch Jesse Ventura. Semper fi, muthafuckas

Eh... 10 years ago, yes. Today... I don't know.

He's getting a bit long in the tooth. When I saw him talk on Rogan recently, he kept repeating himself (Like Trump) and telling tall tales of bravado in the Mongols(Spic) Biker gang (Like Biden).

He's moved to Mexico. I think the guys growing legitimately paranoid (possibly justifiably)

I dunno m8s...I also didn't like his recent comments on tightening gun restrictions.

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