Thoughts about the negroid race?
Thoughts about the negroid race?
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There is a lot of different nigger races.
Bantu exterminated most of them after jew slave traders gave them metal weapons in exchange for slaves to trade in USA.
>forward growth
Shitty shoop to prove an agenda. Woman on the bottom right also with a receding chin. Take the dogpill.
there are certain africans who look like the upper right quadrant but they're usually east as apposed to west africans.
the skill shape is different but the chin here is still not nearly as far forward as the african. I think looking at the anatomy there is a clear and distinct difference between sub saharan west Africans and the rest of humanity. Even the aboriginals of austrialia have a more "human" skill shape.
Previously they were monarchs.
Carpet bomb, nuke, bludgeon, shoot, hang, destroy, genocide
stupid, ugly, violent, literally 0 achievements or gifts to humanity
not great desu
Pic related, if you wouldn't, you're a literal homosexual.
i hate nigger worshiping americans
>sexual taste of a 12 yo boy with a underdeveloped dick and brain
Because of more skin tissue in the mouth region especially lips not because of the skull shape. Also, she's looking upwards which accentuates the lower region.
if you would you are into beastiality
I would if I had to put in zero effort and no one would ever know.
Otherwise It’s a solid no from me.
Mesopotamian kings
Yeah, you got me, I'm officially a faggot as long as I don't have to fuck this beast.
>At each poverty concentration level, the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts.
>Melanin concentration may directly correlate with aggression.
>Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty.
>The Black-White IQ gap in America is equal to the gap in South Africa, even though SA is ruled by Blacks.
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
>93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men.
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
>The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.
Would not what? get AIDS and smell that fat smelly twat....
Yet he still looks caucasian and that nigger a monkey
Where is her negroid sloped forehead?
Where is her negroid flat nose?
Where is her negroid jutting lower jaw?
Quit posting mulattoes and saying "SEE, YOU'D FUCK A BLACK BANTU NIGGER!"
What's wrong with beastiality?
Can I have the link to that study? Images are weak arguments and I'd like to read further.
Where is bix nood?
So what, her canine skull is still better in comparison to the bird skull in the bottom right, no matter if you like niggers or not.
Weaponed cattle caste unleased on Europeans by the Jew to attack and replace them. Nothing more, nothing less. I'd actually respect them if they were here as some kind of advanced conqueror, but they are not. They are still slaves and refuse to free themselves.
Pretty much this.
Chinlets ITT
Maybe if the rest of the world stops arming children with automatic weapons . And supplying them with drugs and
Maybe if the world stops testing new drugs and had'nt tested nuke prototypes in africa
Maybe if the world would direct its attention away from middle east and
Toward africa
I guess by then they would look pretty normal
They looted africa for .. idk 300 years maybe
For its minerals and its fertile lands able to grow almost any type of medicinal herbs for big pharma
Newspeak . Africanizairon is truly the great filter.
nice save name
He looks like a freak
They still have just as much land and mineral wealth (which they never used prior to contact btw) as they ever did and still nothing.
Why would divergent evolution stop at the neck?
niggers are chimps who should be ruled by european colonists
facts thats what I was thinking.
You prefer top left over bottom right? Good fucking god kraut..