Yas Forums Netherlands "Racist" JFVD memes leak

A "rightwing" (read neoliberal cuckservative) magazine published leaks of private Whatsapp group chats from the FvD youth devision.
FvD is the leading nationalist party in the Netherlands and want to return to a pro-Dutch centered country and culture.
Although they have become very mild over the last few yeard, their youngest voters still have the energy to fight on.
Judge for yourself. I will post all leaked pics. Most are in Dutch.

Also: Dutch politics general

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Other urls found in this thread:


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What hapenned to Geert Wilders? I kept hearing his name from 2016-2018, but he seems to have slowly descended into irrelevancy.

The article: hpdetijd.nl/2020-04-28/forum-voor-democratie-jongeren-fascistisch-en-antisemitisch-in-app-groep/

Reaction/statement: twitter.com/fvdemocratie/status/1255468761903177730

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How does he do it?

wtf is this real??


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He's still a massive cunt and totally irrelevant. Much like you. Why don't you fuck off back to your hamberder thread and stop trying to understand things beyond your ability?

2/9 Paul...
"Antisetism is always allowed sweetie"
Watch out Fons
Paul is not a jew so he should stfu

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Goy.. I..

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3/9 BREAKING: "Otten leaves own party" (Otten is a neoliberal politician that left FvD to form his own party with less philosophy and more capitalism)
Picture: See you soon
Breivik on the right?

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"I would literally support any ideology that makes Netherlands 95% white with 0% muslims"
Okay kind of "same"
Okay just "same"

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What interest do they have in weakening us then?
Jews are very scared of whites. Thats why all news organisations with mainly jews at the top are working hard to spread the anti-white rhetoric

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Totally a nothing burger. However OP is probably someone from a newspaper or some crappy other news source, they call themselves journalists I believe. OP is trying to build a story.


Attached: Sage.jpg (277x422, 34.2K)

6/9 And why are these people thrown out of countries 109x
*sings Horst Wessel song*
Confirmed and recording is in possession

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why they used fucking whatsapp its been looong before compromised
it was legit, didnt save messages on servers but since facebook bought it its fucking facebook messanger 2
retarded politiiancs

Wow based

7/9 Left/right, who cares. National socialism has made the poorest land of Europe into the richest country in a few years. Best economic formula ever.

Attached: 7.png (930x641, 327.7K)

8/9 First a revolution, then an authoritarian, nationalistic state

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Yes, this.

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which date the first one was going on?

Reminds me of what happened to Schild&Vrienden here.

Journalists infiltrated their discord where they posted edgy memes/ Allegedly at least, because the memes were shit and I can't believe they would be so retarded to invite journalists into their discord.

is this cat racist?

its just not right that far right politicians fully aware of judaic capabilities were using whatsapp - sold february 2018 to facebook - to say things about jews to eachother

He lost his chance, he was too much of a one-trick pony. Focused only on Islam, immigration and EU. FvD tried to take it further by looking more at the roots of the Dutch culture and identity. Although he is a bit more mild on islam (he is tolerant towards mild/progressive islam) he talks about topics like:
>Race (wants a dominant white Europe, backed down on that statement though)
>The green agenda insanity
>Dutch identity and pride
>Modern architecture and art and how it is evil and ugly
>Our Golden Age, our capitalistic history (pretty neoliberal but still interesting)
>Feminism (backs down on that from time to time)
>Free speech, even okay with legalizing Mein Kampf

Dont't be fooled by this, he is a very progressive neo-liberal hardcore zionist, okay with the following:
>Race mixing
>Gay pride/LGBT
>They are "unconditionally" pro-Israel

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No need to be aggressive, just a simple question.

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there is literally nothing wrong with XTC

Noooooo you can't make fun of Anne Frank. Her diary was one of the best pieces of fiction


No need to get mad at the American, especially if he shows genuine interest in our politics.
One thing I like about Geert is that he is unapologetically anti-islam, EU and immigration. Baudet wants to welcome all the based black christians and ONLY want to get out of the EU by referendum, not by all means like PVV. Both are controlled opposition but their strategies differ.

Attached: geertwilders.jpg (270x271, 26.85K)

is he referring to their politics plan? because that's weird talking about it via whatsapp not even gonna comment on this oneor thiseither they are some edgy motherfuckers or there's anti nationalist action going on in there to discredit them