Diversity makes people less likely to unionize. This is the real reason for the SJW push...

Diversity makes people less likely to unionize. This is the real reason for the SJW push. It has nothing to do with "leftism" or whatever fake shit that only 0.2% of the country actually buys into. Remember this next time you attack a strawman instead of the billionaires who have subverted our democracy.

Attached: billionaires.png (391x327, 12.11K)

>It has nothing to do with "leftism"
>Australian Labor Party ends the "Racist" Australia Policies, and opens the country to mass non-White immigration
>UK Labor Party comes to power in 1997 and immediately pushes rates of non-White immigration to the highest levels in the country's history deliberately to "rub the Right's nose in diversity" and "make the country truly multicultural"
>similar examples from all across Europe and North America

Sure bud. The Left dindunuffin.

I'm happy to get rid of the billionaires, but you lot have to go in the oven as well.

Attached: Labour Immigration Plan.png (836x2250, 221.92K)

> subverted our democracy
Democracy IS the subversion, retard.

Doesn't that go both ways though? Why not abandon all your faggy social positions to attract more right wing voters?

The Left and the Neo-Liberal Right both agree with one another about borders, migration, and diversity. OP is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

Attached: Compilation.png (3476x1984, 3.38M)


Attached: FEE Open Borders.png (1244x1612, 184.11K)

what makes you gay niggers think I'm a leftist? I just think its important to identify an actual enemy and not fall for divide and conquer tactics

Attached: identitypol.png (1080x1400, 1.95M)


Attached: Socialist Party Open Borders.png (1128x2176, 1.33M)

nice try faggot

Attached: Bernie DSA Open Borders.png (1192x2524, 995.27K)


Attached: Reason comp.png (856x3176, 1.27M)


Attached: Jacobin comp.png (1097x1678, 566.82K)

Not just billionaires, but Land owners shouldn't exist!

Attached: t_5f2bd6133fc8c9e815afe18e66536fa9-imagepng.png (175x200, 54.72K)



Attached: Koch v Trump.png (1136x3288, 695.31K)

controlled opposition is obvious as shit

Attached: f51417.png (1271x636, 769.75K)

This is a kike excuse for more non whites. Look at ups, extremely "diverse", extremely big union.


Attached: New Statesman comp.png (950x1902, 290.91K)

its literally a memo circulating at highest levels at amazon retard

Attached: republican5.png (1278x928, 1.62M)


Attached: Wall Street Journal Nation State Open Borders.png (1220x973, 139.68K)

The owner of amazon is a kike you fucking genius.


Attached: Left Voice comp.png (800x1789, 303.95K)

How much of Jeff Bezos own company must he surrender, and to who, to satisfy your childish edict?


Attached: Cato 4.png (679x708, 88K)

bezos is a spic

Attached: bezosdiversity18.png (635x491, 431.26K)


Attached: NYT Comp.png (598x1284, 122.03K)

more Leftists

Attached: Red Pepper Comp.png (920x2352, 287.58K)

and more Leftists

Attached: Guardian comp.png (648x2102, 247.1K)

>It has nothing to do with "leftism"
It has everything to do with leftism you dipshit.
1) leftists are the one who push for diversity
2) they do it to get the leech voters
3) every leftists state is build on cheap labor
4) they want to redistribute wealth of the europeans to create more consumers and cheap labor for the corporation that own them

The traitor should have his whole life confiscated

50% of UK labor party members want the nation's border controls abolished altogether

Attached: UK Labour Party.png (920x2936, 1.26M)

Why post anything at all genius?

hey ivan you dumb faggot
1) wrong
2) true
3) cheap labor is in interest of elites, you're deeply confused and probably drunk
4) yes and this again has nothing to do with leftism as the elites are the corporations

maybe try less vodka

Did you seriously just try to say leftists don't push diversity?

more Leftists who definitely, definitely care about homogeneous white societies

Attached: FSP Editorial.png (874x1398, 264.31K)

stay poor

Attached: 1558921146128.jpg (392x331, 23.14K)

read better

Attached: bogs.jpg (738x491, 57.22K)

Yes, he did. Imagine thinking he could fool anyone.

Attached: Open Borders No Nations.png (1116x1440, 2.72M)

more oven-dodgers

Attached: WSWS.png (792x1532, 100.68K)