Is he /ourguy/ ??
Bill de Blasio Names The Jew On Twitter
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SOON -->
Not until he forces them to wear a shiny gold star with "Juden" written on it
more like Bill de Gasio
ass hurt
Oy vey
Unbelievably based
Oy vey!
Oy vey, don't forget who's in charge!
This proves Q is a kike Mossad op
Our boy is growing up
so what, are you denying he wrote that? what's the actual difference between him saying it on twitter or elsewhere?
I'm saying you should go back
i think whats funny is that it is the jewish media pushing the lockdowns. lets see if they accept this
The left hates the yids more than the right. Facts dont care.about your feelings
I agree with this one
Looks more and more like the "out of shadows" documentary was on point.
Hahaha this is hilarious!
The dem racemixing major that dragged NY city into the mud was perfectly fine up until 5 minutes ago, but he names the jews ONCE and they immediately toss him into the garbage.
Take a good look at this, americans: this is a small anticipation of what will happen to YOUR WHOLE COUNTRY very, very soon.
When the rats will be fleeing the sinking boat named USA, it will be too late.
And of course some jew fucks have to pretend they are victims.
I really fucking hate them.
As if those that are awake to the JQ don't know they are a tribal people already.
It's like the Jews werent killed but they all came to this country to pull the same shit Hitler wanted to stop
>muh greatest ally
Kill yourself scum
just shoot the kikes!
they are the most evil fucks ever. everyone should hate them and kill them wherever they find them!
Trumpy also named the Jew and Israel. Is he /ourguy/?
Yes, let them go the fuck ahead and eat each other.
The bernie bros dropping N-words, the dem. major naming the jews, the jews hating muslims.
This is the reality THEY created. I sure hope it will crumble under their feet.
Look at all these likes and retweets.
It's almost like there's a group of people that share a common interest in de Blasio's comments.
A community if you will
It was.
Jewish Hollywood, Jewish MSM, and Jewish Mossad pedo-blackmail operations are a cancer in the West.
Pols best day in ages. too quiet here tho considering the entire north east woke up nazis.
What about watching porn on your phone?
>Calls out the Jewish community
>Doesn't call out Muslims who have been doing the same thing per my colleagues who live and work-from-home in NYC
I have to agree. Call out both or just say "communities" altogether.
Nothing as made my day more than reading the absolute reeeing in the replies.
>how dare you try to make us follow the same rules as you!
>trends for you
>for you
Just because Twitter knows you're woke on the JQ doesn't mean that the message is being adequately spread
Don't discourage this behavior!!
Let them die painfully en masse!!!!
I'm from the city. Not sure how to put this, but the Hasidic kikes are the worst "people" on this planet, bar none. Among other things, they scam welfare, buy property and call it "educational" so they pay no taxes even though they live there, go into communities and buy up all the property so property values drop, so if you are a holdout, the value of your house drops and you're forced to sell. When they buy up property, they turn it into exclusive kike communities and literally put a wire around it preventing anyone from entering. Or they build kike daycamps as they are doing upstate (that's the Cars4Kids scam--100% Hasidic jew scam raising money to buy out white property owners at extortionate prices to build kike day camps).
Periodically, they get arrested for various frauds and scams, because they don't actually have a legitimate way to make a living. See the massive welfare arrests in Lakewood, NJ. An orthodox kike just got arrested recently for hording medical equipment right as COVID-19 was breaking out.
These shitbags are the worst of the worst. They are truly the lowest form of life one would dare call "human." They are below 60 IQ Africoons. Somebody has to call them out at some point for being complete fucking pieces of shit.
LOL reminds me of that Israel user who thought Israel might become number 110 for the same reason.
>What was once the greatest city in the world
And Who the fuck caused it to no longer be a great city? Is it a recent huge influx of Whites you dirty little kike?