You checked carfax before you bought a car, now check coalfax before you invest in a woman

Attached: coaldgmatasstock.png (960x584, 455.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is next level obsession. Please, get help.

Hahaha noice

Found a cuck for the register

That sites reeks of jealously and inceldom.

very cute op keep it up

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I love the internet

incredibly based

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Great site bro, i keked

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Finally something that might keep these evil creatures accountable

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>all the seething white boys in that site
Never change Yas Forums.

Yas Forums actually did something worthwhile with their time? I can't believe it.

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Damn, this is some next level shot and reeks of hebrew trickery.
Glow hard, nigger. I'll run you over with my car.

Not dense enough. Plus unless you're willing to verify all the listings it's gonna get out of hand fast.

Ok roastie

How many men could have avoided trashy women if they knew they were a coal burner? How many divorces could have been avoided? How much money would have been saved? Time? Love?

Amazing. Well designed!
Hope the hosting is really bullet proved
Twitter Trannies gonna be hating hard

make it seem more serious
like a legitimate business

add marketing blurbs and shit too

Cant this be easily given false information

Great idea, user. If they really want to play by Alinsky's rules, then they force us to do the same.

This is hilarious

Attached: bibinue.jpg (480x360, 11.92K)

We actually need a database for full of whores who've done degenerate shit
Something like wikipedia where we can all
Post and expose sluts of society
We can bring back public shaming
Forcing whores to stop being whores
And teaching the newer generation the dangers



You just ask her when you date?
When she says yes, drop her on the spot, otherwise enjoy smashing some puss

arguments, try them

Yes but then either women will deny it and say theyd never do something so disgusting or say it doesnt matter and that will be a good way to distingùish

Though adding photo evidence would be a good addition

Funny site OP, although your not missing out on any of them. You seem like a seething incel worried about who other people fuck.

This is how you identify the roast.

Great site OP!

FPBP and checked

I just finished reading through the FAQ. This is the next-level shit that I've been waiting for.

Counterpoint: If a woman hadn't done something fucked up either way, no one would be trying to shame her

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Yes it can and that's why it fail.
Loads of angry ugly incels that got rejected by a girl will add them to the database, not for being coalburners but simply because they arent into needy, ugly incels.
Grow up, fags, this is not highschool anymore

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Sure thing, as long as we can do the same of every racist and sexiest post you ever made on Yas Forums or any other forum, along with your real name and address and photograph.

Fair is fair nigger, indeed lets bring back public shaming.

Attached: 87f.jpg (647x659, 40.42K)

>These memes exist because statistics and evidence support them
>evidence is racist!

Welcome to the real world faggots and seethe

Attached: once-you-go-black_o_992004.jpg (500x403, 35.3K)

This shit will backfire
>faggot gets rejected by gril
>faggot posts gril to coalfax, saying she burns coal
>gril hasn't, in fact, burned coal ever, but due to social pressures will NOT deny burning coal and might, in fact, start burning coal to appear not racist.

>what are skeletons in the closet

The ugly roastie is already on her third post in a thread of 20. Fucking hilarious. Linking this new website is going to become a staple for roastie seethe-collecting on Yas Forums, I can already tell.

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Often the only "fucked up" thing she ever did is say no to a guy.

The toll collector leaves no debts unpaid sweetie

Sure, if you're dumb enough to not post as user, or otherwise reveal personal information about yourself.
The difference is we hide our power levels, retard.
Are you now beginning to understand why internet anonymity is important

Suck more black cocks cat boy.

Is this your project?

>haha funny but did you know that by disrespecting women you become an incel who will never have sex with any of the beautiful women on that site, unlike me who after fiercely defending them on Yas Forums gets to make love to one of them
Simp on bud

The evidence suggests that far more incels seethe about girls that fuck black guys than girls that actually fuck black guys.

This post glows
Watch this become a disinfo campaign against Yas Forums

Then she was always tainted mentally

>You seem like a seething incel worried about who other people fuck.

Society should be worried about who people fuck, because sex is important and not something to throw around

Glad you agree we should take it to the next level. We'll take all the help we can get.

You need to go back to whatever faggot site you come from

No, sweetie. You're wrong, sorry. Try not to be so bigoted.

>If a girl does something I don't like we should publicly shame her
>If I do something other people don't like I should hide like a little bitch under my mommy's tit

That's your logic, man up bitch boy if you want shaming, it's gonna go both ways.

Absolutely based

hope you have a massive server, cuz almost every woman is a coalburner

This little website won't get attacked at all

I don't need to simp I married, I don't give a fuck who other people fuck.

i favorited your website OP this is good stuff

Yeah, that's my logic. I'm smarter than a nigger lover. Whatcha gonna do about it, faggot?


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You make a fair point
But ill remain anonymous for a reason
If i wanted to show the world im a shit poster I'd be posting on facebook kek
Coal burners publicly flant that disgusting non sense and deserve to be shamed for it

Too bad you can't build a website with your fragile coalburner hands

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But submission page full of bugs. I have to waste my time submitting firs time and only after that it required to select that it's a web article.

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>I'm smarter than a nigger lover.
No, your not, your actually a sad, pathetic little boy who's ashamed he faps to interracial porn.

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Fuck off, I can smell your roast beef from here in europe

You sure give a fuck about what peopel do online concerning people you will never meet... Unless... your picture is already up there! Holy shit, we got one!

Coalburning contributes heavily to the spread of STD's & is the #1 cause of single motherhood. This is a public health issue.

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i hope OP gets doxxed

This glorious ignore this jew

kys roastie whore.

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Add him!

Congratulations, I bet you and your monkey brain are very popular on Twitter

No one wants to be with a woman that has fucked niggers. Or Indians.

It would be far better to host a website for girls that have not done this shit. It would be hard to find them and confirm but it would be of great benefit to society. Me, when I meet a girl I assume she's fucked everydick and she has to prove she hasn't.

But he posts anonymously so that wouldn't work
Nice work user

Expose them, I'm just saying fair is fair and you should be exposed too. What afraid to let your friends and family know how you really thing? Or your employer (wait, that's implying you actually have a job)

Look at how they seethe.

The site won't last. It won't 'be consistent with our standards', for the hosting company or domain registrar or some such.

But you need to be smart about that. Pretend you like nigger music and then sneak up on them with the topic


>investing in a woman

I've already done that and did the family thing. When I divorce this bitch I won't be getting into a serious relationship ever again.

>We actually need a database for full of whores who've done degenerate shit
it's called facebook

I can, and have, but I pay developers to do it now.

Shills seething, this is probably a good idea.

most of the girls on this site have heavy jaws. Is there some kind of correlation with coalburning I wonder? Can a coalburner be spotted early and possibly corrected with hormone therapy??

Why though? You sould like a sore whore who is angry that your brethren got some heat and are now seething at the people who cheer when you got some well deserved justice. None of this moralizing will save you.

>It's real

Attached: aaaaa.png (358x363, 174.5K)

kek this is real

have a free bump

Well first of all faggot, I'm a guy so, but maybe that turns you on, never know with you finnish faggots what you're into.

2nd I'm here watching you snowflakes burn in rage as I point out how pathetic you are. It's amusing, I might just do this all day.

I never would've guessed how many roasties and cucks there were on nu/pol/ LMAO

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absolutely based

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Goodness why?
I would absolutely like to know if a girl I was interested in committed beastiality.
This site is a beastiality tracker.
Stay safe anons

Hilarious, simple, and effective.



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The roast sizzles.

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huh, yeah I never noticed that until now. Very masculine jaw lines. I wonder if we can compile their faces and make a composite so we can just tell who sucks nigger cocks by just looking at them.

Absolutely hysterical. All these chicks have multiple salvage titles lol
I know Yas Forums is cracking down on linking your own YT material, but check out these videos to get a greater idea of the state of these thots

Coalfax lol. What would we call girls who've slept with a a mocha thot?

you sound like an insecure feminist

>hErP dErP bEiNg uH nAtZeE iZ kEwL
>iT pIsSeS oFf tHe 'rEnts