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We get some early Trump bants from the Oval. 11AM Guv of Louisiana. (in house pool)
Hudson James
>permanently scarred lungs >strokes >heart attacks >infertility >infected twice! >kidney problems >basically airborne aids >death rate is a billion % >turns you black oh my what CAN'T this virus do? and all in >two weeks
What? No that's awful, how could you say such a thing? Niggers? Innawoods? come on now
Levi Hill
It's like 2016 all over again, where James Comey was going to come riding to Bernie's rescue and stop the top delegate winner from being the nominee, and thus the DNC would have to install Sanders, r-right?
That's not true. If it was Ebola-chan making her move right now like she did a few years ago, this result would be the same. It didn't matter what disease it was, they just needed something they could use as an excuse. Any sort of new or rare disease. The disease is an afterthought, a last piece to put into place before they went ahead with this social experiment of shutting everything down. I personally think they're trying to see how far they can push people before they revolt. In Minecraft.
Nathan Murphy
#BidenDropOut is a good read and active this morning
They're being had, and when Hillary finally concedes to run for President, they will resignedly queue up to vote for her like good little proles. It'll be a rerun of 2016, but with an even wider gulf between the red and blue tribes.
Hey, good to see you guys again. I love these threads.
What I don't love is the way Trump is failing us. Man, that is a hard pill to swallow but one I have swallowed recently. The final redpill is that it's actually better to vote for only Democrats.
So I'm encouraging all of you to vote for Joe Biden. We actually need globalism right now. Globalism is the cure.
And hey, if we can help China get back on its feet maybe they'll help us too? That actually sounds pretty cool.
Jason Morales
>I personally think they're trying to see how far they can push people before they revolt. sure does feel that way, huh?
Here is the rundown > NY removes every other candidate from their ballot ***EXCEPT BIDEN*** because with Biden hiding Bernie crowd would 100% pull an AoC and win the NY primary > Bernie does nothing It took Yang to sue
At least put a little verisimilitude into your "we have to oppose Trump you guys" shilling. Talk about Israel or whatever the tranny Discord's cooked up this week (something about bleach.)
Chase Edwards
Amazing how the MSM all go in tandem. All on the same script. CNN knows this is bad & everyone else is given the same script. They needed to get ahead of the story to try to write the end pages. Isn't going to work.
/ptg/ has conceded that Mike Pence has germs and fears them. Imagine how much the immunocompromised patients of the mayo clinic disliked getting breathed on by the fart scented boomer.
revolt for what? people are getting paid to sit at home like this theory about "the government's trying to push our buttons!" is pretty silly - no one in power would play a game of that risk when they could safely get the result of tyranny other ways. like how not only are they passing increasing amounts of communism and welfare, but also the fed is growing at an alarming rate that no one seems to care about as long as they get their gibs right now there are two losers: the current/future taxpayers, who will be footing the bill for all this, and any poor sucker, especially foreign ones, who buys any risky securities from the fed that they'd love to offload at a profit
This means Trump can recognize his own faults and mistakes right?
Logan Thomas
The Washington Post is so desperate.
>Hey guys, we found a few random people to quote for our new anti-Trump article, let's pretend this is a huge widespread thing
Nathaniel Brooks
>Never Trumpers getting mad at free money because it came from CLUMPF himself. Pottery
Zachary Fisher
Enjoy, fren.
Nicholas Reed
>didn't update their address >didn't get direct deposit by the way primarily niggers and spics don't have bank accounts for various reasons >washington compost i'm 100% sure that almost all errors will be their fault, not the IRS
so what is their goal with all of this, do you think? Just a way to push gommunism?
Matthew Rodriguez
Let me guess: >move >don't fill out the change of address form >wtf it got mailed to my old address! or >have a kid >wtf they didn't know I had a kid this past year even though I didn't file my taxes yet because of the extension given on them this year!
>Nigfoot: And Other Tales to Tell Nigger Kittens in the Dark ... And they say he hides deep in the forest, hiding from his child support payments and from every possible employer!
I think this is the first time I've really seen you submit /ptg/. Trying to defend visiting covid patients not wearing a mask was just too difficult for you.
Looks like /Poo Pee General/'s reign of brappers is over. You may return to your regularly scheduled shilling.