The more diversity there is in the workforce, the less likely workers are to unionize. It's to the point that it's worth having a few unproductive incompetent affirmative action workers just to discourage the productive workers from unionizing. That's how giant corporations benefit from affirmative action. For the longest time, it puzzled me why they practiced affirmative action, but now it makes sense. It's simply to prevent workers from unionizing.
Diversity Destroys Unions
This is why they have it in Hollywood and video games too, it's all about stopping unions.
Unions allow for more wealth equality, which means less money for the elites, which means the elites have less power over you. It's all to keep you enslaved. The people behind Hollywood and major video games are corporate sociopaths, too.
Divide and conquer, every fucking time!
But, to be honest, unions today are full of assholes who are in the pocket of company bosses anyway. Unions just work to calm down workers detecting dangerous rebels and pushing diversity and LGBT bullshit
>it puzzled me why they practiced affirmative action,
government forced them to. the fact that it discourages unionization is merely an observation.
>complains about elites keeping him enslaved
>three minutes in he interrupts the video to recite a sponsored ad for gas masks
>government forced them to
Is it really forced or merely a suggestion? There are a lot of rules companies don’t really hurry to implement.
Unions actually do work when it comes to increasing wages. You should see how bad living conditions were for American workers during the late 19th century. Corruption in unions usually occurs in states with mandatory union membership laws. Naturally, people will want to leave a union when they tell it is becoming corrupt.
There are no laws in the US that force any business, organization, or institution to practice affirmative action.
He's doing the opposite as what Marx said: prevent the creation of class-consciousness and keep the workers subjugated
Leftoids BTFO
I agree.... why would the (((they))) implement laws that could work against them.
The media, and quite a few other (((industries))) would have to be completely restructured.
Unions are a cancer on humanity so this is unironically a good thing
Unless you already belong to a rich corporate family, you will see your type of workers become poorer with diversity. Just wait. In America, H1B visas are turning the American high-skilled labor pool into just another slave class along with the American low-skilled labor pool.
if your workers are unionizing, maybe you should take a step back and ask yourself why that’s the case. Workers don’t try to unionize out of thin air.
based and union pilled
yes this has always been known, and is one of many reasons diversity is forced on europe.
>the productive workers
What do you do for work? What do you produce?
unions are fantastic as long as they are kept clean from filthy marxist scum.
The U.K. only has communist unions so obviously they’re trash.
>be robot programmer at large swedish multinational conglomerate
>company promises 4.6% raise to attract more workers
>'refugee' crisis hits
>company hires hundreds of dumb arabs
>raise slashed to 1.6%
>tell arabs to join union to strengthen our bargaining position
>they refuse because it costs $23/month
>arabs destroy goods worth millions of crowns ($100k's)
>tell factory boss during every crisis meeting that arabs refuse to speak swedish and I cant communicate with them
>successfully bait him into banning arab language
>arabs become furious at boss
>I tell them he's a racist and they need to unionise to help fight back
>they all join
we had to spend some extra money for halal food during our meetings but now the entire factory has agreed to threaten the CEO with a strike when summer-meeting comes
You say that because you can barely for a bond with your own race much less other races. Many of us are well integrated and can communicate effectively with other people regardless of race.
Nice, but you Swedish workers would still me making more money and be much better off if you're country didn't have any Arabs in the first place.
Yes I'm sure your søy platitudes are more reflective of reality than Amazon's research
>halal food
This is why you are going extinct. Letting enemy in and taking them into your ranks for filthy money
Eh most unions are just power hungry mafia style groups that extort workers for union dues and protection while keeping them out of work on strikes to “improve things”. Even when deals are reached and the strikes end its usually just the company paying the union bosses extortion money.
Same shit, different players friends. Which seems obvious since they are trying to pass laws making illegal to work without being part of a union. God forbid individuals have self agency of their lives and make decisions to enter into work agreements themselves.
what fascinates me is that every social democrat I come across (there are many in the factory) are all extremely racist and hate arabs but they still won't reject mass-immigration
had conversations with guys who say things about arabs you can literally get put in prison for saying here but every time I suggest lowering immigration they get quiet and 'shut-down', I say the same thing again and they just look around all bewildered and try to change the subject
there is something very wrong inside these peoples heads
it's that or slowly seeing our salaries get dumped over the course of several decades
either way the government is going to continue to import these people until they've replaced ethnic swedes (which is not an entirely bad thing since most swedes are mentally retarded)
>Corruption in unions usually occurs in states with mandatory union membership laws
Which is why these are being pushed everywhere, see right to work debates in the US. The unions are already corrupt and trying to push mandatory membership. You have your cause and effect backwards.
Unions are socialist and socialism is for criminals. How about working hard and being a responsible individual instead, you freeloader?
Lol what the fuck? How does that make sense?
False. If you dont you get accused of discriminatory hiring practices, which Is illegal, and fined into oblivion or worse indicted on charges.
>You say that because you can barely for a bond with your own race much less other races.
People in Eastern Europe still bond very well and do many community activities and have high trust among each other. America used to be the same way before diversity.
People naturally leave unions when they feel they are no longer necessary or when they feel that a union has become corrupt. Corruption in unions is very common in places where mandatory union membership is a thing, such is the case in many Democrat controlled areas.
>(which is not an entirely bad thing since most swedes are mentally retarded)
Tons of Swedes are very intelligent. You people are the descendants of the vikings, you have that same blood flowing through your veins. You are all capable of being highly-masculine and smart people.
So let me get this straight,
> boss forced to hire arab immigrants by the state
> retarded and incompetent arab destroy millions of crowns worth of stuff and completely fuck up business
> now they have all joined a union and everyone will strike if you try to make management decisions to fix this
And you think this a good thing? Retard, the reason your raise was slashed was BECAUSE of the influx of arab migrant workers. Your company didnt suddenly triple its output or revenue, so how do you pay 2x as many people with the same pool of money???
>you have that same blood flowing through your veins
Too bad they have the semen of Somalians flowing through their rectums.