Frantic Nurse says her health is more important than your basic survival, hopes you die

My message to those protesting the stay-at-home orders in Minnesota, Tennessee, Washington, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, California, Arizona, Montana, and any other state & to Trump:

Come take a step into my daily hell.

Come tell me to my face that “fear is worse than the virus!”

Come walk into the trailer full of dead, rotting humans, and I will pick out a spot for your body, since it is “your body, your right”.

If “Jesus is your vaccine”, tell me why I am taking the rosary off my patient’s lifeless body?

Anyone protesting should forfeit their rights to receive any medical care. NONE. You are putting the lives of anyone you come into contact with because of your boredom and selfishness. You are putting every single healthcare worker’s life not only at an increased risk, but your disrespect for humankind because of your ignorance and stupidity is beyond appalling. You are a disgrace.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Another virtue signaling skank ok with being overpaid for doing nothing, hates it when she has to do her job. She should just be barefoot and pregnant.

I was a truck driver and went into quarantine voluntarily. I said the same thing. I also hoped most of you would die. My, and my families health will always be number 1, and I'd let any number of you die to make sure they'd survive.

why are women like this? the slightest hardship becomes a literal shoah with, of course, some shitty selfie attached

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>tell me why I am taking the rosary off my patient’s lifeless body
Why the fuck are you doing this in the first place?
>see nose

Reading comprehension

If she thinks people aren't taking this seriously enough maybe she should start with her colleagues doing Tik Tok conga dances in pristine scrubs. She should probably communicate that "We're clean and happy and having fun" is the wrong message to send.

imagine working for $800 netto a month. That's what nurses earn in Poland. It's crazy they get so little for such a responsibility.

She has problem hair in prior posts.

Also she's ideological and very ignorant of the economic realities of the shutdown. At least she's getting paid

friendly reminder that medical malpractice is the 3rd largest cause of death in the united states, they aren't heros they are mass murderers

Can tell she's full of shit in the first paragraph. I know a guy who does boiler work at a hospital, they set up for negative pressure in a scramble and stood down because they found it wasn't necessary and a waste of money. A fucking sheet of plastic won't make a negative pressure room anyway

well know sshow me where "her" colleagues were the ones doing it?there is several hospitals through the country and lots of people are retarded also dont give a fuck about you and will do stupid things

In actuality it's probably first, they cover up a lot of fuck ups in an or

Is this her? Are you not gonna post her tits? Is this supposed to be a Beating Women General? I'm confused.

Who publishes pics of themselves looking like that? Jeez afford better equipment.

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Adults are talking, hue. If she's going to claim that people in 11 states are all part of the same 'boredom and selfishness' she's got to be accountable to her colleagues in those states as well. Try to proofread your argument next time instead of making it a personal attack.

We're being told they are so starved for ppe they need to sue their employers, you're telling me a hospital wouldn't negotiate with another with no patients to buy their masks currently being used on live action DDR?

In the US they make $70,000 to +$125,000. They're not poor here.

She's based

Look at that jew.

I got family that fought and died against tyranny and communism. Nothing is more important than your rights.

>Is this supposed to be a Beating Women General?

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Martín (pronounced [mar 'tin] (mar-teen)) is a common given name and is also among the most common surnames in Spain. Its Catalan variant is Martí and in Galician is Martiño. Jewish families in medieval Spain (Sephardic) Jews who remained in Spain and agreed to accept Christianity were asked to change their surnames. One of the names taken up by these Jewish conversos (originally known in Spain as Marranos, but preferred term is 'anusim' which is Hebrew for "forced") was "Martí" (also spelt "Marty"). Sephardic Jews also used Martín or Martínez, as a variation from the Hebrew name Mordecai.[10]

It's not even a bad flu season, I'm done with this farce.

Now comes the backlash


Dumb Roastie

At least they are keeping a stiff upper lip.

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Fuck of incel

Jew Jersey is a filthy state.

10000 dollars a month? Yeah sure

I ain't even Roman catholic and this was my first thought too.

>overpaid for doing nothing
yikes I get paid 1000USD and I work 13 hour shifts. Sometimes alone at night with 30 patients. When 1/4 are completely immobile. I was infected 12 days ago at work from irresponsible patient. I'm still quarantined and without symptoms. I changed my world-wide drastically during the last days. I was a very good nurse all the time. Doing more work for patients than 90% of nurses. Now I will do the bare minimum and nothing extra for people and once there is second wave I'm leaving a job. Dunno who will be working instead of me since we are understaffed.

Is she a leftist

I would almost let you die but I’m just so nice

You’re a media controlled retard. I understand now where Das Unternothing comes from. Amazingly (not) it’s from the TV.

Cool story, can someone explain why these stories always rely on and are accompanied by a picture of themselves?
Someone explain why they are invariably millenials who are on the bottom rung of the hospital hierarchy, if not just straight up lying about their situation?
Is it maybe because they are of so little importance the only way to get the attention they crave is to post drama on reddit and facebook?
I guess we will never know

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Ironic, since nurses smoke like fucking chimneys. Like 1 in 4.

Lol, that's the point. It's supposed to show that she's "badass", "hardcore", "suffering for others". She's a deluded masochist who wants plaudits for her "Christlike sacrifices".

This bitch is full of shit because Catholics don’t wear rosaries like a fucking necklace

Before taxes nimrod.
And it depends on the state, because taxes and cost of living varies.

Damn... I can't imagine going back to making less that $800 a week let alone a month. But in the US the lion's share of today's nurses had a crisis at 24 years old, realized they couldn't be teachers, and wanted to be something more than hairstylist. They're paid equal to more than their actual worth

>mobile posting
I hate us for not doing enough to stop you anglos.

Fox should be closed and pay reperations, like China.
Have a grill what learned to do pics. Took fucking years too before I saw good ones and they always get better with time.

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Poland is a third world country. You don't count.

Isn’t she beautiful now?

any medical professional who refuses to treat someone at a public facility should be dragged into the street and shot.

I love how these fucking women who have basically led freebie lives up until now suddenly face the slightest bit of hardship and fucking scream for attention.

Oh boo fucking hoo, you saw someone die. Fuck you bitch I've seen a man get pulled into machinery and the only thing I got for it was that day off, unpaid, and questioned by the insurance company trying to fuck around that it was all his fault so they didn't have to pay out or something idk.

People die in the workplace all the time, id rather see some fucking patient I don't know die than someone who I've worked years with, eat with, and consider a friend die a horrible violent death.

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What the fuck is that thing you posted
Is this more ayyy disclosure?


She's just setting up the conditioning for a future propaganda campaign that will attack protesters and Trump supporters for trying to work and pay their bills so they can support their families by saying they are just suffering from "boredom and selfishness"

> Doesnt mention the same thing going on everywhere like Italy
What is it like to live in a country where half your population has been totally indoctrinated by dialectical materialism to hate the place

rolling to see her killed by a deranged tranny

Nurse Anesthetists make an average of $175k per annum. Granted this is a certified and specialized nurse but still

You should apply for a visa for medical and come here. I think now over 1/3 doctors or nurses in the US are here on H1B visas for high skilled workers.

My wife is a nurse, she made 129k a year as a shift floor supervising nurse, a position she rose to about a year after getting hired (started at 80k). We built a nest egg over a few years and bought a house in a more rural state where nurses are paid less, but that's fine because she gave birth to my son three months ago.

Europoors can't even imagine lol

And It’s Beautiful

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their “medical” “care” is to shove a ventilator down your throat and wait til you die while they record slut videos on tik tok

nurses are glorified strippers retard

Nose ring

So how about that trailer of rotting people? Someone should do something about that very real problem. Maybe get some media involved.

>I was a truck driver

And that's the furthest you will ever get in life.

No he shouldn't, nursing is one of the few quality career paths left for Americans.

That’s how ripped off you all are if they can pay the bed pan girl what a managing director of a successful moderate sized company earns.
Stealing too much money aren’t they.

Based. There’s about 6 billion too many people on this planet anyway.

I'd coof on your soul but since you have brown eyes there's nothing there cunt

This is before taxes and no lie here.

>You are putting the lives of anyone you come into contact with because of your boredom and selfishness
is this fake and gay, an attention whore, or legit brainlet?

Yes, hardcore. Notice how it's so acceptable for her to insult Christians. I know she wouldn't have the balls to insult the Muslim community in MN where they are currently blasting the Muslim call to prayer over loudspeakers 5x a day.

>she has to do her job
Hey cop, why don't you have a police car and a gun?
Because I signed up for....this? I guess.
See, fingerguns will probably do, in Burgerland

Watch this video totally validating your opinion formed in your bubble

Malpractice survivor here. Honestly the ones who get killed have it easy.

cute babbe show bobs and vegana I love u babe

Even low-paid nurses in low-cost-of-living-areas are still bringing in 35-40K a year. Which is a decent wage in said areas.

Are nurses bound by an ethical code of conduct? Would such a nursing professionals association look favorably upon a nurse suggesting she would deny healthcare to patients with unfavourable political opinions?

She needs to be culturally enriched with three sand nigger cocks ripping her desert dry cunt apart.

Lube her hole with her own blood. LOL

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Yes a hardcore leftist. Notice how she doesn't flinch to insult a Christian. I bet she doesn't have the balls to insult the Muslim community in MN where they are blasting the Muslim call to prayer 5x a day from loudspeakers.

since triage rules are subjective, everyone with a trump cap or shirt unfortunately ends up in the hallway first
in italy, everybody over 82 was basically left for dead

Well at least its a real country, not just a city used as an attack point vs china

best post

Who the fuck has said “Jesus is my vaccine”? these people just hate the religious

No, fuck off. We full.

Lol I have a bachelor's in STEM and an MBA and I make more money driving a truck than I ever did in an office.

sounds like a bumper sticker she might have seen