What the actual fuck?

What the actual fuck?

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Their purpose is to establish this network of informants and agents under the guise of the corona scare and then, having it established and connected with and inside official institutions, use for political purposes on a later date.

Classic gramscianism

Risky business in the US probably get shot

what the fuck does that even mean?
are they trying to say doxers?

No way leftist allow opening up the economy. They will purposely spread this shit anywhere that opens so maximum suffering leads to more govt control.

warning shot through the door, biden style.

Skip tracers.

This. Refers to someone who is sought by collections they are using their variation

nice link numbuts

In some great states can legally shoot unarmed people if they are trespassing on your property and you painted the top of the fence posts a certain warning color.

Clintons are Chinese moles.

>"I'm afraid we're going to have to take your daughters to our quarantine island for further...analysis.."

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Pure, true wet zionist dream real fascism.

where can I apply ?
Can't wait to round up the Nigs and Jews

Buy guns, buy ammo. They're gonna come for us.


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youre banned, faggot. only admins can see you. go away now

We are doing that and it is working. The Governor of Jew Jersey went to the Germans for advice on how we do it. Having contact tracing teams is one of our methods, and one of the reason why we are doing somewhat OK during the coof.




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Hey antifa cucks, where are you when real fascism knock at the door ? I guess only people of value will fight true terror.

> (OP)
>We are doing that and it is working. The Governor of Jew Jersey went to the Germans for advice on how we do it.
Kek. Is that why they're rounding up the Jews?

Too late mutts.
Intense Contact tracing is how the virus has been kept in check in various counties that have actually managed to handle it well. Its way too late to bother with that in the US. Every MacDonald's is already infected thoughouly and won't be clean until a hurricane comes through.

finally a war that's not in the fucking middle east. it's coming home lads and we're here for it

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Epstein was also quarantined in a dignified manner

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This isnt about a virus

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We will be just be more resistant to chinese lab made corona viruses. It will be really handy when SARS 3 hit the scene.

>use for political purposes on a later date.
Yeah, the "later date" being August to November 2020.