Behold, le 6 bajillion year old dinosaur frozen in amber

>What do you mean where did we get that number?
>Psssst it's like science an sheeeit yo! You wouldn't understand.
>Dis nigga right here don't believe in science and sheeit!
>They done studies and sheeit that prove the erf iz like psssh 10 billion years old and sheeit
>Next your gonna tell me you don't think shutting down the world economy is a prudent response to coronavirus
>Or that you doubt the holabola

When did you realize darwinism/atheism was the great jew?

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i can understand science being to hard to understand for a nigger.

That's just a gecko.

Ok boomer

Christkike thread who thinks the world is flat and 6000 years old because some Jews herding goats and chucking children into firepits wrote some books.

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Takes one to know one

The exponential decay model is roughly y(x) = Ae^-kx, where x is usually time and k is the decay constant. The math is simple, it's just not reliable.

I am an applied mathematician. Carbon dating is BS. I've tested wood in lab I got off trees and it's came back as thousands of years old.

the conditions an object decays in effects the rate dramatically.

>muh totally irrefutable carbon decay

Scientism. The new religion of the age.

Fpbp. Retarded anti intellectual subhumans seething.

you do realize that we have other ways of dating items, right?

Earth is six Gorrilian years old. Evolution is a proven science. Just wait long enough and magic happens. Fact.

He cute

All are inaccurate.

>t. slug that laps up the atheist world view and current narrative
>pic very much related
>Flatten the curve!
>Destroy the economy!

I bet you don't even know the current model of pathology, germ-theory, is flawed and factually inaccurate you stupid flouride drinking mutt retard.

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>I've tested wood in lab I got off trees and it's came back as thousands of years old.
You're doing it wrong. Hurr durr must be the science though definitely not your own shortcomings input which produce shit results.

carbon dating and the CMB is surprisingly extremely easy to understand. Most people just don't want to learn it.

>tl;dr OP is extremely dumb and can't understand simple concepts, so they must be false

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I told you guys dinos are fake. Museum records need to be made transparent to the public.

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>When did you realize darwinism/atheism was the great jew?
When I saw my older brother basically worshipping Darwin. Evolution is his religion, it was very disturbing to see once I took notice.


I thought this was the most Jewish thing there is...

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Oh I understand it you cum guzzling kike lover. I reject it's veracity.


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he cute

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What's the difference between a goy and a cow? You can't milk the cow for 45 years AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>what do you mean kike on a stick?
>sheeeeit, i just turn the other cheek like a good cuckboi!
christfags need crucifixion

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Google search it's a 54 million years old gecko. Not even from the mesozoic
>muh dinosaur

Alright, extremely easy question then: How long would a 7500 Curie source of Cobalt-60 take to reach a 2000 Curie?

>Oh I understand it you cum guzzling kike lover.

You mean like this?

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inside thier rectum or mouth? does it depend on which the priest prefers?

He probably thinks that the Earth is just 6000 years old, just like the bible told.

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