Why does stonetoss make leftists seethe so hard?
Why does stonetoss make leftists seethe so hard?
because he's actually funny
I think its the short three panel shit that looks low effort and lefty adjacent.
tbqh its a little cringe at times, but he usually has his heart in the right place
Because they are able to comprehend the message without their brainwashing kicking in.
This really hurts the ego, so they go ape.
Daily reminder Karl Marx literally wanted to racially exterminate non Germanic Europeans and mentions this multiple times in his writings
He rubs their contradictions and lies into their faces, and in their narcissism they imagine everyone is watching and so they screech about it (ironically spreading his messages).
Basically this. he would be 100x better if he was critical of conservative politics as well, we're all guilty of it sometimes.
Is it true that Serbs are frustrated 24/7 because of the heavy burden of Serbhood?
It's very funny to me how much of a pass H.P Lovecraft gets. Being the based pet owner that he was
Youre lying. I see what your trying to do.
Not familiar enough to know what he has or hasn't done, but I'd assume that he'd go after neocons, RINO-types, and the "conservative" establishment in general whose goal is to enact/allow leftist policy on a slower, less noticeable scale.
Does he not go after anyone on the right?
Calling them lumpenproletariat is the biggest insult you can give them, even if they have no idea what it means. To be frank, Marx was pretty based, he advocated exterminating all people on welfare, degenerates, sexual deviants, criminals, and sexual workers.
Nigger if that shit ain't in Harry Potter it might as well be on the moon
Majority of the world is frustrated 24/7, I don't think it has anything to do with Serbhood.
This one will Hurt them so much like holy shit.
i dont get it.
Even back in the day Marx and some of his contemporaries kicked a bunch of homosexuals and feminists out of their little Scientific Socialism club for trying to make everything about their own little pet issues. Marx and others felt that any distraction from the worker's cause shouldn't be tolerated.
It just goes to show, throughout history, the people actually willing to follow Marx have been either power hungry Jews or worthless faggots. There has never been a middle ground.
selective moral and belief system
Is it possible to popularize these things about Marx and perhaps even hijack his teachings in this specific regard to use it against the real life lumpenproles we've got today?
Almost every Serb here is angry.
The funniest part is that they have to cope with his existence somehow, so they whip up cringe edits and pretend they have a stonetoss off their own. I’d love to read the guy’s hate mail.
Why are there so many Albanian diaspora in Netherlands?
Lunarbaboon is their stonetoss
It’s like that “anti-stonetoss”, spergzy or whatever that name is, they don’t have much content of their own. I mean after a few strips from him, his stuff were all the same “punchlines”.
Add to that, the fact a lot of leftist shit have a fucking wall of text for exposition and explaining what they’re trying to convey, as if they fear the readers are too retarded to follow. When you make something with a message that isn’t outright spelled out for the reader and they’re able to connect the dots and get your message, it comes across much better than reading a tim buckley novel.
you mean this guy?
Because they ran away from their country and anger is the usual coping mechanism for cowardice.
/leftypol/ agrees with this.
Yeah, you ever read the one where they bring a literal stranger home and then have him tend to their son in the morning? these people are fucked in the head
>called me an Albanian.
This is a grave insult.
does his wifes boyfriend have to loosen the lid first?
all spergzy punchlines come down to 'I AM SILLY' and the guy is actually legit mentally handicapped ad he admitted
The edits are also funniy
Only in the capacity that they want to die, because /leftypol/ is 100% nonpassing trannies and skinny malnourished homosexuals.
holy BASED
Digits say yes.
It's the cringey emotional style that the right wing just ignores- but the left can't.
To be fair, his ideas might even work with all of those gone.
but where's the joke in this
>be proud of who you are
>trannies hate and want to change who they are
well, if your plan for perfect utopia requires killing around 95% of people maybe the plan itself is shit
those are so cringe
It’s an edit, not even a good one at that since it’s so on the nose.
Only funny one I've seen
Because he's funny, his art style is visually appealing, and he doesn't require blocks of text to get his point across. He's what lefties wish they could be
Jesus christ this gotta be an edit.
Lunarbaboon got too many shits in his life.
so he's saying the conservative wants to be a woman? good god fuck the left can't meme
He's funny while telling the truth and that hurts certain people.
>"Hey guys by the way in case you laugh at this he is literally a nazi! so...."
As if I wouldn't laugh at them if they said funny shit about anything really
This is the cuck who is always making stupid comics teaching his son to be another cuck.
And to think these people reproduce...
yeah, i'm thinking based
Not really memeflag. It's a boring joke and it doesn't work when you observe that lefties will try to get serviceworkers fired for tiny or invented infractions, and that the left wing instinct is to politicise *everything*.
Lefties do not opperate on the "this is a wendy's premise", and to the extent they do it shows their conservative instincts towards preserving the existing state of things.
Because the worst thing that you can do to a leftist is to hold up a mirror.
>good god fuck the left can't meme
Lately you can see them trying to be succinct but instead of words its more visual panels that might as well be
Thinking about the seething he'll produce is more funny.
Thats a good edit... i give credit when its good.
We can't be sure he is his son.