a group of Muslims attacked a Christian woman for selling food during the day in the month of Ramadan.
A group of Muslims attacked a Christian woman for selling food during the day in the month of Ramadan
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Tradition embraced
Nonwhites were a mistake
if you live in nigger land you better play by nigger rules
I see nothing wrong here
Don't care. Maybe Christians should realize importing stinky brown people into white lands is a mistake. But they won't.
Based muslim
Stupid bitch
Based we need to do that here but to eThots who sell themselves online
But they have the big penis user we need them here
Kek but who made this mistake?
According to christcucks... never mind they got BTFO'd already.
Such a peaceful religion.
What country btw?
Video please. Don't give two shits about Islam or Muslims, just like rekt.
Nah most Indos I’ve fucked seem to struggle with my white cock so I don’t think Indo men have much to play with
Should've respected their culture
limped dicked faggots, just what i expect from INDOGS
modern day pharisees
What are you implying? I imagine fasting has dropped your blood glucose and you're not thinking clearly. Stupid muzzie frog
They did the same thing to my people in Iraq
It's her fault for being Christian
Omegalol... onta gan
not sure which are worse
nigger or jungle asian mudslimes
I used to think there would be a glorious re- conquering for western world. It's not happening. Our Charles Martel would be arrested and put in a max security facility and in isolation. It's over boys. All we can do is watch it burn and laugh.
Kikel-jerk thread
Nah... it is a place where the majority ethnicity is Christian.
two missionaries from boston are killed by them but a german missionary (Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen) finally succeeds in converting them. LoL
they killed two missionaries from burgerland but they were finally defeated and converted by a missionary from germany.
because white people, they become Christians ... fuck white people.
white people made them Christians and they finally abandoned their traditional way of life. Look, now they are Jewish supporters
Udah tiap tahun sih warung2 orang di rusuh.
Kalau gak ada rusuh gini malah kaget kan
Indonesia actually
Your country is also Muslim though.
Clearly we are fighting the wrong enemy here.
so much about respecting Peoples of the Book and all that
Muslims are so full of shit