Why is everyone addicted

Hey Yas Forums,

how do you deal with addicted people within your friends/family? I am talking about degenerates who consume drugs, social media and/or fastfood.
I am sad to see, that many ~90% are addicted to at least something. Most guys are mostly alcoholics
>just once a week with friends, I can stop it, its for socializing
or pot smokers
>it relaxes me, I can stop whenever I want
For woman its more socialmedia/consumists. Both lie to themselves and do it more than their brains can even keep track of
How can you help the people around you? I try to shame them and be a good example myself, but most of them fall for the poison

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ok no one cares. is Yas Forums also addicted to drugs?

The human brain is not evolved to deal with alcohol/drugs and modern technology. It literally hijacks the dopamine system that kept us eating and reproducing for our entire evolution.

>t. alcoholic

Yeah I smoke weed every fucking day germanoid fag. Helps me lift strong and last longer with my gf. You purity nerds dont realize that ganj isnt like alcohol, when I'm high I'm peak performance. Now that I'm awake my plan for the next 1 and a half includes 3 things 1. Morning blunt 2. Breakfast 3.sex

I laughed at people being straight edge in my 20s, but now I understand, it is the only legit way to live/survive with a healthy brain

some weekends I drink, some months I dont

caffeine addicts are the worst though since they cant fucking go one day without it

Trust me that's straight edge is the way to go. I don't wish my path on anyone.

i know many pot smokers like you. the sad truth is you probably have one of the many negative symptoms, you cant sleep without pot, you cant have sex without pot, you cant feel happy without pot, you are easily depressed when you dont smoke.
you need constant dopamin from that drugs, yet you think its a good thing.
addicted to drugs = low IQ = degenerate

please elaborate before potsmokers take over this thread

Drinking once a week in social settings like bars or clubs is not being an alcoholic.
Drinking every day is. "Muh beer after work to relax" and it becoming multiple drinks until drunkeness is.
>t. Alcoholic parent

>pot smokers
For the 100th time, it's not even closely as addictive as alcohol or jewish pharma. Did you ever ask yourself why is pot illegal and jewish pharma is promoted on tv every 15 minutes? It's because anyone can plant cannabis for free and destroy a massive part of jewish pharma income.

This boomer I know used to be an alcoholic, he told me he was on the edge of beating his wife every other day. Then he started smoking pot and these tensions disappeared.

And in regards to pot, I can go months without smoking anything. And sometimes I'll have a week long pot binge.
Pot isn't physically addictive, it's psychologically addictive. So yes if you get addicted to pot you are legit low IQ.

Why are the dutch the worst posters in Europe? Sweden is better than you. I’m being serious, every post I see from the Netherlands is terrible.

I empathize with them and understand why they are the way they are. Most people in a modern society are chronically bored. Work a wageslave job, and then do nothing except sit in front of a screen the rest of the day. Using dopamine spiking substances to alleviate the boredom is very primal and natural.

you guys are always talking about pot like you dont have any experience. if you cant see the side effects, I have bad news for you. you are not smoking the relaxing pot from the 70s, you are smoking hardcore stuff. every pot smoker has problems with sleep, paranoia, depression. the meme that you can go months without smoking is a fucking joke. get this on your head: abstinence starts AFTER one year of being free. not after 2 weeks not smoking, or 5 months. you are only free in your mind if you can stop taking your drug for one full year. neurochemistry is one of the easiest science fields to get into. stop spreading misinformation.

These chemicals hijack the brain to the point where you can be entirely rationally aware of the damage and consequences, yet continue to use them out of some deeper instinct. I believe they literally hijack the deeper animal part of the brain that drives us to sex and food. Making rationality and higher order logical reasoning completely useless when it comes to the drug.

Please elaborate as to why my post is terrible.
But to your question the Dutch are the most pussy people on earth where they let Hamza and Mo take their women. Most girls I meet are retarded feminists devoid of personality with the only hobbies being Netflix and shit like shopping and the guys are effeminate whiners that look like twigs.
I'm not Dutch, I just live here.

What they don't realize is that the positives they are talking about is actually just dopamine making them feel good. Although it does seem to be have a weaker effect than other drugs and alcohol. I notice that as my alcoholism got worse I had almost no "feel good" effect from pot whatsoever. I think this is probably from being desensitized to dopamine.

>addicted to pot you are legit low IQ

Addiction correlates with high IQ.

It’s odd isn’t it? The feminization of men. Here’s something about me. I used to be in a “artistic” left wing friend group in high school. I used to think it was cool to look like a lanky queer with long hair. Looking back on it, it was bizarre. I would even look down on muscular men as fools or something like that. Now that I’m redpilled I know better but what a bizarre mentality. I know many young men think that way now. It’s fucked up. Thinking masculinity is bad.

Oh Hot Pic

Kinky Mommy exist?

kek so now cannabis causes insomnia, paranoia and depression? it can give paranoia to some who have subconscious problems or major insecurities. Nice try shill

Come to america! You can take all of them with ya you crazy fucking Spaniard

I grew up in S. Africa. Compared to Europe it's very traditional still. Men are men and women are women. Highschool 15 year olds there are bigger than university students here. Chivalry is still a priority in terms of treating women. Old school values.
The jaws are more square. More body hair. Wider shoulders. Beards before 18 while it seems the Dutch can't grow them at all(might just be genetic).
I was truly shocked after moving to see how most of the males here are, skinny jeans, twigs, more wax in their hair than in a candle factory. All walking like virgin in the meme.
I truly wonder what's happened to Europe.

>Pot bad
>ignore this

Your brain is destroyed this is why you have attacks of depression and anger.

This is why you are/were never invited to parties, at least the fun ones.

It’s trendy to be a faggot buddy. Looking like one, acting like one. With the deconstruction of gender roles and this and that it has become cool to be that way. And because of the prevalence of media in everyone’s life now people have been entirely programmed to follow that script. A script that is entirely against nature.

My parents were addicts, I've had addict friends. I cut contact. Filthy fucking drug addicts will drag you down with them given the chance.

“Life’s all one big party baby! Let’s smoke and drink all day every day! Woooo!!!”

Drinking once a week is in no way an addiction.

-non drinker.

You are addicted to instant and immediate response, how about that?

i am converging upon those position

>t. alkoholfrei drei Monate

alcoholic bros, its okay.

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Drugs are as American as apple pie and racism.

I am addicted to sucking cocks desu