And how dare this board call us cucks when we are the least blacked country in western europe (austria is honorary east europe)
>only 494k people have atleast one grandparent born in sub saharan africa, i.e. ~ only 500k people who are even 1/4 black
And how dare this board call us cucks when we are the least blacked country in western europe (austria is honorary east europe)
>only 494k people have atleast one grandparent born in sub saharan africa, i.e. ~ only 500k people who are even 1/4 black
Hitler predicted this in Mein Kampf.
> Austria is honorary East Europe
Adolf would faint on the spot if he saw what was going on today. Not even in his wildest imaginations could he predict this.
There are two types of blacks in France, ancient colonies, and recent immigrants. It's not like the USA and their street apes. (well most of the time, thanks globalised media)
Looks at this ridiculous nazi propaganda.
Kek, imaging believing any of that delusional crap.
lol hitler thought le "west allies" like france/UK/USA/Sweden were based when they are the most BLACKED today
and meanwhile he hated slavs when theres literally maybe 3 black people living in all of eastern europe
>France is and remains by far the most terrible enemy. This people, which is basically becoming more and more negrified, constitutes in its tie with the aims of Jewish world domination an enduring danger for the existence of the white race in Europe. For the contamination by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe is just as much in keeping with the perverted sadistic thirst for vengeance of this hereditary enemy of our people as is the ice-cold calculation of the Jew thus to begin bastardizing the European continent at its core and to deprive the white race of the foundations for a sovereign existence through infection with lower humanity.
>UK 2011 Census....
Implying nigs fill those in! haha
>Uses results from 2011
>(austria is honorary east europe)
Whoops meant to quote the OP. Guess I FUCKING HUMILIATED MYSELF
Are they niggers? Then it's just like that.
unlike Germany, Slavic (which have racial censuses updated yearly), Nordic and Iberian countries: which have a list of people with migration background up to 1 grandparent published every year or by race, the UK only conducts its racial census every 10 years, and does not measure the migration background of a person.
And France unlike the rest, publishes nothing except migration numbers so for all estimates for france, we only have access to inwards african migration numbers for them we just use that number from year starting 1951 and multiply by birth rates for said immigrants and adjust for life expectancy and avg migrant age, giving us a rough (but accurate) estimate.
if we combine the UK method to 2011 with the French method, we'd get an additional 600k african and carribean migrants by 2018 alongside 250k births (including mixeds) and 180k deaths, leading to a 4.5% black population
keep in mind
By the time Hitler was alife, none of the european countries except France had any niggers.
Swedes didn't even know niggers exist, until the jews started their immigration campaign in the mid nineties.
Now, is that just niggers mixed with Arabs or are French women really that into burning coal?
How the fuck do we have more kangz than germany. There has to be something wrong with that map.
Large portions of West Africa are ex.colonies of France as such the French language is ubiquitous and the national language of many West African nations.
Most W.A. families have one or more family members working in France - they absolutely love the place and most dream of visiting Paris at some point in their lives.
14% Niggers
34% Spics
11% Gooks
5% Jews
Europe is lost accordning to coping murrikanians
True that
Parts of France are literally in Africa. If you were to compute the same statistic with continental European France only, it would be more similar to it's neighbors.
But wait, there's more
Based 0.55% spain. Literally the only western country trying to keep it together (along with austria)
Our non Hispanic whites reproduce more than yours and our leftists are killing their selves off en masse by not reproducing. Cope harder, germ.
because greece has the most refugee camps per capita, you have like 300k people in refugee camps of which 120k are kangz
Leftists aren't born, but rather made
Wait so if you add the muslim population to that, how high would the percentage be? kek, France is lost
At last I truly see
You know that france still have colonies in africa right?
The French have a long lasting attraction to negrophilia.
You're just infested with roaches.
>Our non Hispanic whites reproduce more than yours
So what, spics reproduce even more in the US, plus the constantly ongoing migration.
>and our leftists are killing their selves off en masse by not reproducing.
No different to the situation in Germany. They are incels all the bunch.
>Cope harder, godlike German superior
Cope harder, ramirez.
germany has 4.5 million MENAs and asians (of other forms) and 3.5 million turks
so with those added we are looking at 8 million muslims and/or asians
by this measure theres 16 times as many muslims as blacks
this means france would be 100% muslim but i guess itd be accurate for our country and yours
8% muslim spain and 10% muslim germany, but remember turks are as white as the avg spaniard
>Ahh so glad Europe is white. Don't know what everyone's bitching about.
>Takes a step out the door, screeching adhan and sea of bobbing black heads
>Takes another step, gets stabbed
>Falls down on a landmine and blows up
its so satisficing to see all the allied nations being more fucked up than any of the axis nations, karma at its finest.
you typically wont see blacks here except in city centers and U/S Bahn lines going towards it
like its essentially impossible to see blacks in bavaria outside munich and nuremberg and 80% bavarians live outside these two
austria's nigger population is so low because
1) no nigger has even heard of austria before and would rather want to go to ger, fra and uk
2) in the 90s we took in loads of yugo refugees which settled mostly in our big cities. they repay this hospitality with messing with non whites and muslims. an uppity turk or nigger is impossible here with serbs and croats always ready to burst out the nearest shisha bar or bookmaker to fuck them up. god bless the balkan peoples.
German is a hard language to learn. Congrats.