So Karen's are starting to hate the word Karen, so let's give them what they want, this will have some bleed over to that lady who runs YouTube, plus, ya know it's the stupid kind of shit you guys love

Call em Susan

Also it gives us a chance to make Karen into a real curse word kek

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What’s a Karen? Another word for thot? I’m out of the meme loop.

The only good that comes from “Karen” is that hopefully white women will realize that leftists and niggers hate them.

Did i miss something? I thought they are called Stacys. Why Karen all of a sudden?

Karens are those entitled soccer moms you see at stores demanding to see managers and being otherwise full of themselves. Like a Stacy who has tasted power and then hit the wall

Imagine being THIS disconnected.

An entitled mom who curtly tells a cashier "let me speak to your manager" is a Karen. A Karen may also be a Stacy, but potentially also a landwhale and/or wine mom.

Karens have short blonde hair, an entitled attitude, a fetish for salad, and, most important, they always need to speak to the manager.

Entitled middle aged white woman. It’s POC racist meme. Kinda based desu

Ok saggy naggy

A Karen is a stereotype of a white woman who is nosy, vindictive, selfish, bossy, but in a specific way. The meme is they say “I need to speak to your manager” and they have that Midwest haircut in OP’s pic.


Karen is the stereotypical name for a soccer mom who wants to speak the manager to have her first world problems sorted out.


Alright you slow fuckers, glue sniffers and reddit fags

Karen is slag for a woman with a "let me speak to your manger" hair cut.

Do ya get it now? Or do I gotta hold your hand all the way home?

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stacys are female chads who know their value. karens are "i want to speak to your manager" adult white women, usually with a specific short hair style.

Nice digits.

How can we A C C E L E R A T E this trend and get white women woke on how PoCs and leftists hate them?

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This is a jewish attack on white women, so niggers and others increase their hatred towards the white race

Why not make a few memes of rappers saying "when a Karen calls you a nigger"

Curse deployed

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I like it!

That's based though and I do it all the time. Wagies are only given so much power and there's zero reason not to go over their head to demand shit from management who caves to your demands 9 times out of 10 unless you like cucking to corporations. Not doing so is the equivalent of sitting through the automated press 2 for English menus when you call a company instead of saying "speak to a representative" and getting a human right away.

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American obsession with labels is really reaching critical mass. As if Horoscope magic wasn't bad enough, now you let people name's drive your life.

It's the greatest meme of our time. It turns well-resourced white females against sheboons and leftyhug fests.

You sound like a nigger, being a huge pain in the ass to everyone around you to get gibs.

It's because American culture has been destroyed other than mass-market capitalism, so they have to adopt nigger twitter memes to communicate.
>but mcdonalds and coca cola is our culture!
Okay, then LGBTQ tranny faggot shit and jew worship is also your culture.
You sound like a cuck that cares more about corporations' profits than your own quality of life. And yes, being a pain in the ass is how you get things. Ever hear of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease?" You learn that when you're not a beta male who always does what they're told.

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People are going to think these Karens are non-Karens that hate Karens. People are going to be so dissapointed to see that they are in fact Karens who have duped themselves into emboding a sign warning others what a Karen looks like and that they should avoid them.

It’s a reddit meme aimed at white people


Imagine being an adult human being with more important things to focus on than silly name calling.


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>nosy, vindictive, selfish, bossy,
sounds more like a black woman to me.

If you're American and don't worship niggers' flavor of the month twitter terms you're persona non grata.

my yummy Optimus !! yummy yum yum YouTube ecelebs and their yummy yum yum memes!

>Karen is slag for a woman with a "let me speak to your manger" hair cut.
Karen are a lot more than that: they are the insufferable soccer mom type who can’t stop slagging other women, who are their husbands life a living hell and won’t shut-up about their fucking kids, notably named Kyle and Zach.