>god is my shepherd
Does this mean we're all dumb sheep?
God is my shepherd
>Does this mean we're all dumb sheep?
Yeah pretty much but not you since you are a creature from hell
So it's so we are not lead astray, he guides us.
Yes, and we're getting closer to the day of the ultimate barbecue, when we put god's chosen people in a giant oven
Guides us straight into the slaughterhouse?
Don't forget that in the bible, the word "shepherd" had the connotation of a vigorous young warrior-like person who can go toe to toe with mountain lions.
It's a parable;
Shepherd is God,
Sheep is His people,
Wolves were pharisees and now false prophets.
>GuIdES uS sTraIGht InTo tHe SlAugTErHOuSE??
DOn't foRgEt ThAt iN tHe bIblE, thE wORd "sHePhERd" hAd thE cOnNoTatIon oF a viGorOus YoUng waRriOr-likE pErson WHo cAn gO toE to tOe witH mOuntAin lIonS
Repent faggot or you will burn
parabole, yes...
a shepherd is keeping sheep safe from wolves so he himself can exploite and devour them, that's the point
also, what about Matthew 4:18-19
"18 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
are fishermen fishing for the benefit of fish?
>so he himself can exploite and devour them
Well, that wouldn't make sense since the shepherd gave his life for the sheep's sake and that did lead to salvation unto the sheep if you choose it, of course, John 10:11:
>I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
imagine being so mad you go through writing all that
Of course we're dumb compared to God. He's almighty and eternal, goes without saying he will always know more than us
NPCs have to follow something, religion is unironically the best option. Otherwise they fill the hole with pop-culture shit.
If you even halfway believe what's in the Bible it's not exactly difficult to put your faith in your Creator and one who possesses all the knowledge in the universe. Especially once you factor in he is the source of all morality and logic. Makes you do a big think who would rationalize that disobeying him would be a good idea.
>Of course we're dumb compared to God.
I actually am much smarter than the Jew god Yahweh.
Have this big brother.
Let's see who is the butcher.
Big brothers?
Where are you?
In the name of Jesus Christ, demons begone.
Sloppy job Mossad,,, you didn't change your flag... Also you're a dumb ass because Christian Zionist are the backbone of your support in America, sure you hate them, but without this voting block of useful idiots your gibs would stop.
except he didn't die at all, he was dead for like 3 days
How proudful do you have to be to be insulted by that statement?
The fact that Jesus resurrected doesn't change the fact that Jesus died, and that's the gospel.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
>Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
>By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
>For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
>And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Of course the detractors are going to say lead the sheep to slaughter but can anyone really deny that we are truly sheep in both the positive and negative connotations? A sheep is as animal that is fiercely loyal to its master and trusts its master so much it will go to the ends of the earth with him as David describes in Psalm 23. The sheep also knows it’s masters call well and only responds to its master and no one else as Jesus describes in John. However, the sheep is also so loyal that it follows its master without question or resistance as Jesus describes about the nature of children in Matthew.
>If you do not accept the word like one such as these you will never see the kingdom of heaven
There’s also plenty of “lean not on your own understanding” all over.
The sheep also knows its place and would never attempt to walk in front of its master as Peter quickly found out when he opposed Jesus’s death in Matthew 16 and Jesus replied with
>Begone Satan! You are an obstacle in my way because these thoughts don’t come from God but from human nature.
It’s not like he could have known what Jesus was about to do but he’s accused of being Satan anyway. It’s a bit hyperbolic. Why do Christians only talk about the easy parts but skip the hard to defend parts like Romans and 1 Timothy?
the point is he didn't sacrifice anything, he chilled in a cave for 3 days and then he ealked around and was proclaimed god... his "death" didn't hurt him at all, he did not make a sacrifice and we owe him nothing
It's quite the contrary, if you don't want to believe in something that would be the resurrection. The historical figure Jesus dying on the cross is already well know between historians.
I'm not saying you owe something, it's a free gift after all, we are all walking to hell in this very moment, I'm telling you how to avoid that.
>Does this mean we're all dumb sheep?
Were we ever not?
>well know between historians
kek, please do recheck your sources
also, have a nice day
You too, user. God bless you.
I'm going to pray for you.
ooo i like that one, thank you user see you in eternity!
Anyone have the image of all the Talmud portions that talk about raping children? Saw it earlier today but didn't save it.
That's what God would want you to believe