Would the world be much better if the spaniard/portuguese sand niggers didn't fuck indians to create spics?

Would the world be much better if the spaniard/portuguese sand niggers didn't fuck indians to create spics?

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>sand niggers

Cool projection achmed on french soil

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fuck off, all current South America is a msitake


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Even hating you so much, and not liking being called "sandnigger" by an algerian... The answer to the question is yes.

Unless those lands would've been populated by anglos or frogs, in that case the outcome would've been pretty much the same shit

t. Faggy McFagginton

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Fuck off

Is that /ourgirl/ Tila Tequila?

Aren't most French Canadians like 1/4 native Metis or some shit? The few French Canadians I've met have been pretty chill. Maybe South America really would be better off having been bleached by French and Anglos.


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Self-hating cuck

Conformist indio. Go enjoy that gib from the government as people that actually work get taxed to death and vizcacha sells out to china

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Yes, if my Great-Grandfather, who is french, never fucked an Amerindian Woman, Specifically Otomi. My Grandfather would of never fucked an Amerindian Woman.

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coming to fuck your mother next

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Literally fuck yourself traitor
Spainbros are based
Mutts are kikes

Typical mutt family tree. You can remove all pics and replace with picrel

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the world would be a better place if the brits won during the american revolution

t. moor rape baby medcuck

I like South Spanish woman. They have a nice arab style tan, nice features, and most of the time brunette.

The typical french family tree is gonna be muslim men fucking your women all the way down baguettehamed.

How delusional are you?

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>al-andalus left no trace in the genetics of southern Spain
I mean come on, you only have to take a walk and see the faces...

Yes. Their second greatest mistake was not taking pure Spanish prostitutes with them to the new world so their men wouldn’t breed the natives. Greatest mistake was not properly genociding all of south and Central America when they had the chance.

What do you mean? I've seen what South Spanish women look like already. Beside the Islamic regimes in Iberia lasted for 800+ years consecutively. They lasted more long than the entirety of America and a few other countries combined.

South europeans were always white meds not nordics, essencialy because of the neolithic farmers, thounsads of years ago, nothing to do with moors, that were an absolute minority in iberia and expelled by war means.

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I think the argument is that anglos came to settle and brought their wives, whereas the Spaniards came as conquerers and bred with the local fauna.

Why are you sensitive about this anyways? I've never argued to whether they were white or not. Also you act as if time only functions as a pillared bubble. South Spanish more than anything have ALOT to do with Berbers and Arabs. No reason to hate on that lil' tidbit lol.

The portuguese did not contribute to the spic problem unless you count brazillians as spics (which is fair but they're more monkey-like than roach-like)

I'm just saying the truth. iberians from north, south or center have nothing to do with arabs or north africans, open a genetic map for god sake:You have not even one muslim tradition, folk, trace in iberia, not even one. Only some architecture (much less than the romans left) and that's pretty much it.

Stop posting that fucking shit, the statistics there (>1% iberia being moor) was during the moor slave period. That was ages ago, very very long ago and does not reflect current portugal.

I think it's not only settle but exterminating the locals what caused the difference. A "pure spanish high class" would have been obliterated sooner or later by the indios. Anglo style of kill, steal and send the survivors to reserves is the only way to manage those lands

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yes. not even a question

Ironic that most Yas Forums users are Spics in denial

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