Your opinion on Redditors?

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Clueless soibois pretending to be smart

Who’s got the npc version of this faggot?

I’d love to stick my middle finger up his ass and leave it in there for 10 minutes. I would be able to feel my finger warm as his butthole moulds and tightens around my finger. He contracts his ass tube and I can feel a little nug nudging my finger. After the 10 minutes I’d pull out my finger and inspect the brown juice and light coating of poo paste on my fingernails. Then, I would smell my finger while looking at him in the eyes. Then, finally I would lick and suck my finger and taste what he had for breakfast that morning, eyes watering and tongue burning.

80% are bots, the rest are failures that think they're smart

If I could remove a group of people from this planet, I'd have to think long and hard between Muslims and Redditers.

>average australian post

They think they know about politics but most of what they say is "Orange man bad Christianity bad Bernie good pedophilia good trans good look at my 200 kilo cat named chonker wholesome 100"

They are a vermin to humanity

Jimmy Numale is actually pretty based

Idc about them at all. 90% of them are harmless cunts just posting in the internet. The only people I deem important enough to dislike are the antifa basedboys and I dont think they are a real threat.

Your brain is upside down I am not surprised



>he doesn't into shitposting

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Take them away and stay them away.

Go on

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Is that the real life Jimmy Neutron? I want to meet his nerd friend and see if he is mongoloid or a beaner.

Muh shut up nigger your ass is upside down take your head out of it

>this thread has replies

my god you all need to go back

4chink v plebbit, also kill yourself faggot

There used to be a thing back in the late 90s called, WebTV. It was for people who were too stupid to use a browser and comprehend the Internet. Everyone else on the Internet hated them. They became Reddit.

go back, then

I want to put my nostrils right on his poohole and sniff all his tiny little poo particles. You know how dudes have thick black hairs around their balloon knots? Well I’d lick the brown poo off each one and smell his waste. Hopefully his bloated and blown out zig-zag prolapsed anus hole will push out a puff of brown air right into my nose and into my skull and brain. Maybe even a small nug to nibble on.

kill yourself nogger

Cool beard style tbqh

Is it worthwhile going to reddit and dropping subtle redpills on them? I've never once been to that site.

Fire up the ovens

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Ok, chang.

This cunt DOES NOT represent us as a nation.

JFC The Jimmy Neutron Netflix series looks like shit.

thats gay

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Should be treated like every genetic dead end, ignored. They don’t matter. Their entire life they have devoted themselves to achieving the most amount of pleasure they can for themselves. They are dead men/women walking. The only people who matter are people who are having children, they are the future. Everyone else should not get to vote, or even have the right to put their selfish opinions into public discussion. They don’t matter.

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Pretentious psuedo-intellectuals who are incapable of hearing even the slightest disagreeing opinion

No he's just some shitposter


i like the subreddits where they shit on basedboys and leftoids. consumeproduct sub is based af.

based IMO

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fake intellectual onions cucks

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It gives bottom of the barrel people a voice and reinforcement from other bottom of the barrel people reaffirming their bottom of the barrel sentiments.

>People who shouldn't have a voice are now convinced their outlandish opinions have value, when in reality they're completely out of touch with how a healthy person thinks, talks and acts.


he's just making a leaf nest to lay his eggs in

They actually think like this kek
