Can we PLEEEEASE gas all the kikes now?
The USA: Global Simp Force
(daily reminder that we do this because of evanglicucks)
Israel may ask for double its usual $3.8 billion from the U.S this year
Lol, you will pay like you always do....
Also its worth it for you... its not like you have a choice..
Guaranteed Trump will give it to them with glee.
amerimutts btfo
Whatever, it's not my money.
>Also its worth it for you...
Please explain the benefit of keeping you cunts alive?
rather wasteful to have a box for each tool
What's the problem? Just print it.
Can we be certain they aren't just being modest in asking for double? Their need must be great to ask for three times as much. We should send them that twice a year just to be safe.
America YES pay up and shut up we own you we can still squeze you mutt retards for a couple more decades till you go ''poof'' don't fuck it up golem.
What the fuck is wrong with Jews? Can they really not even pretend to understand how people with souls function? Being unable to stop being Jews for even one year is why America is going to be country 110 and possibly the last due to them being global pariahs. With the internet now, if we exposed the Holocaust and further expose the blatant hypocrisy of their people then how in the fuck will they ever recover again? Judaism is going to be solidified as the religion of the soulless and God forsaken.
This is a whole new level of kikery. I do not even know what to say anymore just gas them now.
What happens to Israel when America collapses?
Oy vey you got a point there, goy. Maybe some kind of box lease is in order.
inbred red hat wearing trumpniggers will run you over with trucks if you touch their precious jews.
Yeah except that's horseshit. The people uptop defend Jews and I can't have a 3am drunk conversation over patio furniture with anyone now without them admitting that Jews are ruining everything. People are scared to expose them because they know what happens to those who do, but they know and soon it's going to be too common knowledge to continue with this.
They had a ten billion surplus last year. And this year Congress, is thinking about messing with Social Security again.
Surely Trump would not allow that to happen.. right Yas Forums?
To brainwashed Americans... They are Gods chosen people
Doesn't the golem turn around and attack its former master?
We have to pay Israel and let them exist! Otherwise they might take revenge on us for betraying them!
They might enact a plan to destroy us from within- Wait...
They could brainwash our kids to fuck niggers and cut their dicks off? Wait...
They could price us out of our own homes and kick our parents and grandparents out into the cold? Huh....
Well maybe they could turn all of our education centers into propaganda rigs to turn our children against us? Well shit.
OH OH I KNOW! They could hobble our spending power with inflation and control over the federal reserve so that there is no such thing as a comfortable American!
Actually it seems like having Israel as an ally is worse than having them as an enemy, weird right?
If this article is even remotely true, then the Jews have officially overplayed their hand. Things were already at the boiling point here but now that nobody has money or jobs there will be no hesitation to call this out when they have nothing to lose.
better quadruple it tho
Gas yourself
based yid telling it like it is. Enjoy seeing those centuries of genetic upgrades go down the shitter when your ashkenazi daughter marries a mizrahi. You've been larping as sandniggers for centuries; now your bloodline will sandnigger itself into sandniggerness. kek.
>America is going to be country 110 and possibly the last
Country 110. I like that. We should propagate that phrase as much as possible. It is simply powerful. People will start asking whats this about and the answer will be 109 countries who expelled/killed jews before. Huge repdill.
yes, sir
nah, it is our taxpayers' money.
We are trillions of dollars in debt to the federal reserve
We give Israel billions of dollars every year
so what about it?
Yes sir Mr. Goldberg
Can I get you some free kosher cow beef, chicken, and eggs too, we're literally throwing it away since us goyim need to keep paying most of our salary to your agriculture companies
Jews rock!