COVID is a lie and the lockdown is a crime

This is just a trick to destroy the economy and establish a psycho-dictatorship of technocrats and "scientists"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Even normies are understanding this now. Sure makes it easier for justice to be seen as justified in the eyes of the public, huh?

Conveniently, viruses are "invisible"

Ou know that, I know that and a couple mutts suspect it, but try telling it to the #StayHome idiots.

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Who better to run the world than people with training

I’m comfy collecting gibs and hopefully more trump bux 2: electric boogaloo

Just wish the gym was open since I don’t got shit to do

Only productive things I’ve done is tasks I’ve put to the side before. Hundreds of old documents shredded. Painted bathroom and hallway. Built some ikea thing.

meh ive been making more since the stupid lock down so whatever

Check out the european death statistics. EVEN old fucks are barely dying more often than usually.

We're destroying the lives and futures of billions to keep old gouls alive for a couple months longer and to implement the perfect surveillance state. I hope you people like forced vaccinations for every "pandemic" to come in the next years.

the gibs you're getting are the first step into the Universal basic income so you can spend on your netflix and amazon prime subscription. We are fucked, only dumbfucks don't see this

yes we know


Even in New York the number of actual corona deaths out of the population is less than 9 out of 10k


People should be mad as hell at governments and media right now

> Blasting this nothing completely out of proportion
> Social distancing, no freedom of assembly
> Stay home, watch our bullshit propaganda
> Killing off sick and old people by denying them treatments
> Lowering health care expenses under guise of deadly virus meme
> Crashing the economy so only a few - already too large - corporations will survive
> Bailing out banks and those large corporations who fucked it up on top of that
> Tracking and surveillance everywhere
> Fucking police telling people what they can and cannot do
> Places where you have to wear a mask to publicly show your obedience
> People mistrusting and snitching on each other
> Blablabla do you want people do die by being irresponsible?? blablabla... when instead governments and media should be ashamed af for instumentalising deaths like that

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>A new report from the Institute for Policy Studies found that, while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, America’s ultra-wealthy elite have seen their net worth surge by $282 billion in just 23 days. This is despite the fact that the economy is expected to contract by 40 percent this quarter.

I wonder what this whole lockdown could be about

Of course, every country voluntarily is destroying their economy. Take your meds.

I've known it's a crime against humanity since the phrases
>self quarantine
>shelter in place
>Hillary Clinton
>Barak 0boma

Were uttered first
I just threw in those last 2

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I'm going to start calling it that in public

Good idea user

Had been calling it Corona Panic Fear and people already have to pause

happening fags BTFO. your little wet dream is over

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Everything that has happened is done. Stop arguing about reasons, and get ready for the conquences, or suffer.

You have been warned.

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I’m afraid it’s only just begun.

What if i told you the flu and or pneumonia shot + ColdVid19 = Death to boomers?

Made that up just now.
What do you think?

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Been saying this since 1999... the rich will not be satisfied until they have ALL the money

Pic relate

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No and yes.

This is a (((controlled demolition))) of the World financial system and the jew flu is playing the role of the Arab hijackers. World govt. based in Jerusalem, World currency, vaxxed and nano chips for the good goyim, for the bad goyim......

Some of my family members almost died. After three weeks they started eating again. I got it too for more than a month and a half. I am young and very strong. I never did a test, but whatever I got was seriously fucked up. All of the symptoms were mild except the lungs. Wherever it can take hold of it will fuck you up. My siblings were at risk, but they were fine, just a flu.

It might come back on September or October. Make sure you are ready for the second wave.

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Thanks for the tip, Bill.

Your doctor should have at the very least given you a Zpack (or did you not go to the doctor and instead run around town coofing open mouth) an inhaler and cough medicine at best would have given that Chloro drug.

Your doctor should be sheltering in place and self quarantineing


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Create a viral strain that causes cough and fever. Release it 6 months before event.
sell stocks profit.
Claim it is deadly, must quarantine entire world.
Every death now on is COVID
Scare world,
crash economy
Stock market goes up... hmmmm

>guys the quarantine is working that means it's a hoax


>ready for the second wave
>of the flu
imagine being this much of a low test s01 boy faggot

some people are making more on unemployment than they did working. 1000 bucks a week. of course they love the lockdown

fuck off liar I don't know anyone with COVID

you forgot shoving bentilators down old ladies throats and 80% of then on the vent die

This cough has been around since 2016 at least

The smell =:[