Thinks he's based and redpilled

>thinks he's based and redpilled.
>never heard of US military Project Moon Dust, which was on the face of it, about retrieving crashed Soviet craft from space, but in reality it was a UFO crash retrieval program

Attached: 8a1201b0a4e9980995ab05e60d30f270.jpg (675x547, 82.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm fucking going insane, I can't believe the UFO videos are real and that generals and Pentagon officials have actually been pressured not to fund investigation by internal subgroups.
Are all the schizos right? Is the 5G Corona shit real somehow? Fluoride in the water? Fuck man...

Schizo's are right about ufos, but 5G corona is bullshit retard bait.

iceland needs to be range banned

ok retard.

Dude, you were told those videos were real 3 years ago when the guy who worked for AATIP semi-leaked them to the new york times.

k.....keep me posted

I mean we have video evidence of the UFOs officially confirmed now but is there any correlation between 5G installation and cases? Isn't China like covered in 5G and they have it worst?

iceland doesn't have 5G and we have lots of cases.

I just thought he was making it up and never watched the vids

te government adopted this alien ufo nonsense because it fills people's heads with fear.
Maybe it's not widespread but it might be in the hotspots

Well, the last 3 years has been a constant back and forth with the pentagon claiming the videos are not real, then admitting they're real, then stating Elizondo never worked for AATIP, then admitting he did work for AATIP, then them saying AATIP wasn't about UFO's, then admitting it was, and now finally releasing the videos themselves and confirming they are "footage of objects that we are unable to identify".

Share those vids, Thyron, I haven't been online for a couple days and every thing is about the ay lmaos.

UFO's have been around long before the U.S. government. Maybe it fills you with fear, but it doesn't fill me with fear.

our population density is very low. one or two towers is barely enough.

UFO schizzoids go take your meds.

Two videos are from 2017, east coast USA.
1 video is from 2004 (and was leaked as early as 2007 on a German website) and is off west coast USA.

>craft capable of traversing the galaxies
>manages to crash, for some reason

anyone who actually believes this is a retard.

How does a radio wave cause a virus?

How come 3G/4G didn't do the same?

How come me working with HF/VHF/UHF radios didn't make me ill?

fucking kek
>muh Roswell bro
>muh flying saucers
>muh Bob Lazar is legit bruh
>muh UFO crash retrieval program
>muh 5g
Daily reminder this is fake alien invasion propaganda so that some old Jews can sell their space force equipment to the American taxpayer.

Why wasnt I born a glownigger so I double cross 3rd world governments and can scam you lizard brained brainlets of off your taxes?

ayyyyy lmao. There are no "aliens". Those are just scams to sell military equipment

Attached: screenshot03.jpg (639x480, 32.3K)

Are you new? More redpills here. 9/11 was staged. Jews control the world,

>Maybe it fills you with fear, but it doesn't fill me with fear

Attached: (you).jpg (1280x720, 613.93K)

>South Korea has lots of 5G and low cases
>Iran has no 5G and lots of cases

That's like being a stoneage man and looking at b-52 bomber and thinking it's some magical thing that could never crash. Anyway, what makes you think they're coming from other galaxies?

do you legit believe in ayyys? mind if i pick your brain?

Is it true that you Icelanders don’t even date or get married and just sleep around?

Also this podcast. Which is now getting censored by youtube.

>Crook Lazar

It isn't even censored, Bob is a smart scam artist, the entire thing is such a load of crap. But hey you're clearly a retard so you never bothered to debunk it.

When you search "Bob Lazar", the podcast with 10 million views doesn't show up.

And he is telling the truth.

Something very interesting... way back in the 80's He said that when UFO's in high speed mode, they rotate 90 degrees and fly belly first, then the pentagon release Footage of a UFO, rotating and flying belly first.

He explains it about 15 - 17 minute mark on this video...

... and then fighter pilots note that "its rotating!" at 1:40 on this video,

I'm mostly convinced (90% convinced, the other 10% is skepticism that maybe I've completely lost my fucking mind) that there has been interaction between us and some "others", possibly for many thousands of years, that are far superior to us and seem to display abilities bordering on magic. This interaction seems to have increased dramatically since the U.S. dropped atomic bombs. I don't know if they're Ayylmaos (meaning if they come from other planets). They could be extra-dimensional or ultra-terrestrials, or maybe it's all three, extraterrestrials as well as the other two. But whatever they are, there is far too much evidence from around the world for this to be some massive delusion. It's also plausible that some are man made, but it can't be entirely manmade as they predate human aviation.

>And he is telling the truth.
Just like that, without any doubt you take this shit for granted.

Any decent person would look at his shit from both perspectives? Nothing to undermine his story? There is quite a lot of evidence.

Lazar is a con artist, 100%.

Imagine not believing that Aliens are UFOs aren real lmaooo