Now, I know all you incels will never reproduce (and that's a good thing) so this is just an very hypothetical scenario.
What would you do? How would you approach this?
Now, I know all you incels will never reproduce (and that's a good thing) so this is just an very hypothetical scenario.
What would you do? How would you approach this?
Ah, a thread truly befitting of the golden standards of posting, here on the boards of Yas Forums.
Do proceed with your inquiry into how the users of Yas Forums would provide parenting, or lack therof, should they have a transgender child in the near or distant future.
It should be titillating no doubt, I shant miss the high brow discussion that is soon to be afoot.
What transgender kid?
Give my money away, smoke some pot and then mention it at work so im fired.
You can so whatever the fuck you want with your life, but im not going to pay for it.
Id rather be a jobless cunt that smokes pot all day, then go to work so you can mutilate yourself with my money
Nothing a strap won't cure.
I'm a pot smoking jobless loser because I don't want to support free abortions for illegal immigrants.
Disown and kick out of home
Why would I molest my kid?
>1 post by this ID memeflag
all fields
Why would I abuse my own child?
Donate it to the orphanage
If my child admitted to me they wanted to be a tranny, I would have them institutionalized. Relinquish my parental rights, and get rid of that freak show
I won't have a transgender child because I will raise them in a healthy environment where they get proper nutrition and they won't develop mental illnesses. Of course they will become what they naturally are, which is the gender they were born.
If one of my children did still turn out to be transgender I clearly failed as a parent and should probably reevaluate my parenting methods. I guess would seek to help my child over come his/her mental illness and sickness.
>fix them
I'd try to figure out where they learned about trannies. Is disney putting that shit in their cartoons?
Have sex, Intel.
>transgender child
There's no such thing, commieanon. Whenever a child "comes out as transgender", it's literally just the degenerate parents who want in on the fad forcing that shit down the child's throat. They should all be hanged from a tree.
I’d disown it
cause you're a sick cunt
Incels can reproduce if they pay for surrogacy.
I'm not going to molest or rape my son, so the chance of them being a faggot are exceedingly low.
>Now, I know all you incels will never reproduce (and that's a good thing)
Thanks, buzzfeed.
Burn it with fire while stoning it to dead
This. If you raise your kid properly they'll have boundaries, direction and confidence and not want to fucking change their whole sex/gender whatever.
Where was the tranny epidemic until about 15yr ago when we started teaching children about how to cut their dicks off in nursery school.
Blood atonement
Sound like an excuse desu
Imagine raising some little faggot baby that doesn’t know what sex they are and giving them the option of choosing. Lmfao.
Congratulations you just cucked yourself.
I'm not a despicable subhuman chuld abuser so it wouldn't be possible for my child to "become transgender"
Its a very rare case where the child has this birth defect
If my child self claimed he's a trans
I'd beat the trans out of him
Implying it was'nt a medical condition
In all honesty I’d probably make them wait until they are 16ish to make the decision and if they still want it I couldn’t care less
I had a friend who had a boy and a girl, both transgender. The liberal response is to take great pride that your children are emotionally troubled like this. It deflects from what, in my friend's case, was obviously something weird going on behind closed doors. One kid, fine. But both = blame the parents. But since liberals are never wrong, it was a gift from God.
Its a bot
racism. It is the only cure.
If I had a son that came out as transgender, I would stay calm take care not to show disapproval. I would take her on a nature hike and talk about what she was going through and what this decision meant to her. But prior to any of this taking place, I would have already come down this trail earlier and dug a six foot ditch behind a thick section of brush. As we approached the spot, I would choke him unconscious and carry him to the edge of the pit. With his head over the hole, I would cut his throat and bleed him completely into it. I would take a saw out of my backpack and cut him into pieces. Everything except his teeth and hands would go into the hole. Then I would pour two bags of quick-lime over the body parts and cover everything up. On my way home, I would stop at Friendly's and have an ice cream sundae while I played around on my phone.
get a new one, what else is there to do. Mental health is hard to cure.
How about gays (pretty much the same). I know a few people who were gay and kept it to themselves until they were out of their parents supervision. How will you act if your child did the same?
Ill never have a transgender kid
Ok, this one takes the cake. Your ISP provider will be hearing from me soon.
No, no, don't bother deleting the comment. I already archived everything.
I wouldn't let the Internet and fucked up porn raise my child, so this is an impossible scenario. There's no such thing as a "trans" person unless they're one of the 0.000000000000000001% of people who are naturally born somehow intersex.
Kill the mother.
And the jewish teachers.
You just know thy're responsible for brainwashing the child.
there is no such thing as transgender child other than an extreme minority of kids that experience gender dysphoria which can get help when they are an adult so that they aren't just swayed by ideologues in school talking about how great it is to be transgender and how society accepts it, so if you fail to be an alpha male changing to female (lesbian) can be a better life for them due to the social acceptable and attention they get for it compared to their crippled beta male existence of rejection and humiliation by others.
I wouldn’t abuse my child so they wouldn’t go trans. Not a problem
I would encourage my "trans" child to conduct himself with Christian grace and ground himself in the Lord's teachings. Even if the current situation is bad, I would never commit battery and beat him. Deus volt.