Micheal Moore Redpill On Environmentaliats

I stumbled on an article about some new Michael Moore documentary thats been supposedly pissing off leftists who have been pushing green energy. I've seen this fucking dude's shit docs before and fell for it as a young impressionable teenager in the early 00s. But I decided to watch this and I'm wondering what's the catch.


For those who need a basic summary, Moore states:

>Left wing environmentalism has done nothing but consume the same if not more energy into worthless "green energy"

>Electric cars putting more strain on grid run off coal

>Solar panels need precious rare earth minerals that take more energy to produce than what they yeild in energy, and have a limited lifespan.

>Guys like Al Gore have rode their campaigns off environmentalism even though they have been profiting off of fossil fuel corporations.

What's interesting is he offers no alternative such as nuclear power, and basically leaves the viewer (I'm assuming the typical blue pilled Leftist) in a state of disparity, with the bleak future of depleting resources and planetary destruction. My guess is this is to get the white lefties to further stop procreating and to basically capitulate to the idea of a future where the government controls who is born and where/when.

What's Yas Forums's take on this ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice quints, but who the fuck is that hambeast and how is this shit politics?

Did he knew what he filmed when he wanted to release it?

>What's Yas Forums's take on this ?
Moore sees the writing on the wall and is trying to flip.

Checked, not sure if wasted, probably wasted since your post mentions Michael Moore - a giant faggot. Climate change is 100% normal though.

> About Climate Changes & Global Warming:

> Why You need to change ALL your plans for the Future:

> Will YOU Survive the Coming Ice Age?:

> How the ENTIRE European Population will be NORDIC in some thousand years:

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Put him in a dressing gown and he looks like my grandma.

her name is Joan.

plus the doc also pays lip service to muh overpopulation so it really is 1 step forward, 1 step back for the multiple necked nonce

Those digits...

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Power is always politics how could it not be politics?

Why would anyone listen to that watery fat Amerishart Lardtard, all he is doing is following any theme that he thinks will earn him some money. "Oh look, all these dim libtards follow this dying Earth shit, this is another moneyspinning bandwagon to board".
It's not his words, he's a charlatan.

I don’t watch Jews on camera or Jewish films.
Nobody cares about eco cucks any way.
Helium 3 solves humanities energy needs.
By 2050 we will have unlimited power from fusion using h3 as a fuel and then we can convert the excess into hydrogen for cars and power electrically driven co2 capture technology to reverse any fossil fuel emission.
Screen cap this and time will prove my prediction.
t. Wolf

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The real climate problems are not the carbon dioxide (which is basically the life-blood of nature and plants thrive in higher CO2 environment, and CO2 follows warming it doesn't cause it). It's industrial agriculture, and modern civilization in general, and the thousands of metric tons of endrocrine disruptors, pesticides, pharma drugs, chemical carcinogens, radioactive debris from failed nuclear power plants military sources, etc that are killing the planet and us with it.

A huge problem that "global warming" / "climate change" obsessed leftists totally ignore is deforestation and desertification (which deforestation contributes to. Hitler was very much against deforestation - pic related.

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You must be a young zoomer, but I'll fill you you in:

Basically Moore is a morbidly obese rich lefty who's made big money writing books and making independent "documentaries", some of his biggest ones being Farenhiet 911 and Bowling For Columbine. His politics are your typical northeast shitlib tropes:

>whites are racists
>Guns are bad, Americans are obsessed with guns.
>Muh evil corporations
>fossil fuel extraction is are killing the world.
>Republicans are evil and Bush stole the 2000 Election from Gore.

And other basic bitch California-tier political leanings. His docs are made in such a way that they feel like "redpills" to teenagers and impressionable normies.

I agree but the doc was unusual for him in that it shits on liberal Environmentaliats and basically says they've been duped. Thus my interest.

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>electrically driven co2 capture technology

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Is this superior to nuclear power? How is it a better alternative?

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Right, so, with the current shit going on with Chinkflu, and with Microsoft Faggot ranting about reducing the population in size, do you think the next big liberal push is a kill off of the population?

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checked, rare thread quints

based and redpilled

Current fusion energy is released as 80% neutrons (unusable and the neutrons literally destroy the fabric of the reactor core) helium 3 has a much lower neutron emission rate and requires less energy to begin the fusion reaction and it’s by products are non toxic.
Sorry if I sound schizophrenic I’ve been awake for 2 days.
I posted a link to electrical co2 capture developed by MIT

>starts off with a very fake CGI view of the earth
very cool michael, thank you!

check and always has been the plan pilled

Interesting, I'll have to look into this a little more, this is the first time I've heard of this.

However, based on what's going on, I'm honestly thinking the next big thing pushed by the left is going to be something that attempts to keep people from procreating without approval. Putting on my tinfoil hat for a second, what if all of these diseases/forced Government inoculations are the beginning steps to this, and there will be a push legislatively as well to control reproduction in the name of saving the environment?

I wonder how soon the push is going to be? Maybe this COVID shit was the attempt but it didn't go to plan?

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BROKE: Slow depopulation via fear porn
WOKE: Hard depopulation via Coronavirus + "Mother Earth is Dying!" bullshit

It's all lies. It always has been, and always will be.
The late, great Michael Crichton gave many speeches and wrote many articles about what a farce environmentalism is, and always has been.
(Environmentalism is distinct from conservationism and common sense sanitation laws.)

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>do you think the next big liberal push is a kill off of the population?
for whites, yes

Got interested in the Peak Oil argument in the 90's. Like the Holocaust lies, the war lies, it was another nail in the coffin of believing the world is reasonable. Hydrogen powered cars, hydrogen is an energy store, it takes more energy to make hydrogen than hydrogen can give. And that's just an example. Entropy is a real thing. The "environmentalist's" arguments against the documentary is he's right, he's right, he's right, but that no good lying bastard doesn't understand if we just give it enough time it will work because technology is improving. They close down coal plants and replace them with even bigger natural gas plants and environmentalists cheer for a win and take the money. Biomass, burning bloody trees.... Wankers. But just another day at the office on planet cloud cuckoo.

eco-fascism is the way forward. simple as.

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Bruhhh look at this dude...

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I guess to look at it as just a liberal idea is to risk ignoring both sides- It's a technocratic thing really
I'd say that the plandemic is the way to get back on target for them, especially since the resulting broke, hungry and immuno-suppressed ppl will die off in huge numbers

Sounds like what Yas Forums has been saying for years.

brothas, is this male or female?

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Please get some sleep

Honestly the current lack of eugenics is holding us back.
H3 is old news.
Ever wonder why people wanna goto the moon again? Why India is shitting in the street but funding a space program?
Why USA is making a space force?
H3 current valuation is several trillion dollars per kilo and guess where it’s made?
The sun. Solar wind blasts it out of the sun and the earth’s magnetosphere stops it from entering our atmosphere the nearest deposit is the moon surface.
As for breeding programs let’s face facts. 50% of the population are physically repulsive and mentally handicapped. Would you be against a government operating a human breeding program with the express intention of making better , healthier , smarter more attractive people?
Jesus it’s fucking over dude. We’re dysgenic as fuck with porn addicted zoomers and women in open rebellion against men. Fuck it just make a few Isaac Newton’s to progress science and let’s get the fuck off this rock with some decent sub luminal space ships and colonise other worlds.

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>posts an absolute slag
ngmi bro

You're right, population control goes beyond politics and is just another tool for the oligarchy to use on us, but it's the left which has been hell bent on suicide, and I'd not be surprised if they'd be the first to support some type of new distopian means to kill off people en masse ostensibly to "save the world". And as
says I believe whites will be the first to be on the chopping block.

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dunno what dafuq "eco-fascism" is....but it sounds like what we already have
but if you're talking about "Gaia Worship"....no.
That will never fly with New World whites. (Perhaps Old World whites will worship trees or whatever, but Americans, Canucks, Aussies, and Kiwis will never fall into that shit since our stock is predicated on conquering frontiers, not worshiping them.)

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Idk she looks like an American girl I fell in love with so I find her attractive...
I still miss you Isis.

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We already have eugenics.
For instance, you're impotent and childless.
And the world is better off for it.

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>cutting down 10,000 year old trees is based
do you drive a lifted coal roller to own the libs?


I will have more children then all of you in the thread combined. I’m top 2% of the gene pool and the sperm bank paying me to wank into a cup proves it.
Next question?

He didn't film it someone else made it and he put his name on it as producer/presented by as an endorsement to get its name out there so people see it. There's no mistaking the docs message they flat out day "green" energy is a net loss which is owned by like bankers who double dip profits by making the energy, the products, and the green energy. They are triple dipping selling the original energy 3 times. They go over how the Koch brothers own every process in making the largest solar array including concrete. It is just re disturbing wealth back to the jews