Use AI To Reveal Pedos

Apparently this pops up when you search, 'pizza podesta' in TalkToTransformer. Sure it's nothing, but seems like this tool can be used for good to find criminals.

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Where does the AI get its content from?

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Based AI

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Bumping for potential BTFOing

are you mentally retarded
do you not know how markov chains work
this is literally the opposite of effective

Glad you all finally caught on.

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Seems to be more a schizo simulator than anything really

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Boston Marathon

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Obviously wikileaks you gay schizo

give link

Yes sir, I am retarded. What is a markov chain? A chain of grocery stores or something?

finding out what clinton wants from leafland

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Alright, I think I'm done

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we've been doing this all night
>>It is a Predictive Neural Network. Which means its only task is to find what word should come next in a sentence.

>It has multiple parameters, such as D=the number of words before the one to generate it takes into account at each step. The temperature which tells the AI how "random" or "factual" it has to be. And a seed that is generated at random before each step and lets minor iterations occur in the predictive process, allowing for infinite different responses.

>It was trained on webpages and books. A lot of them. 1.558 billion different webpages and books to be exact. It has completely understood the structure of the English language, and can complete anything by creating stuff or giving facts and informations depending on how you formulated it in the prompt.

>This things does not copycat, this things creates, all the way thru.

>It looks like copycat because it is so efficient at writing like humans.

>Try complicated and very precise stories, try porn fanfictions, try recipes, try ANYTHING.

>It. Just. Works.

it's a technique for how AI like this works
it strings together elements of text based on the frequency with which similar terms appear relative to each other

here's a very, very simplistic example:
suppose "biden sucks" and "sucks to be you" are, unrelated to each other, two very popular phrases on the internet. the more people repeat them, the more the AI process sees these phrases and thinks "the word 'sucks' often follows the word 'biden'. the word 'to' often follows the word 'sucks'". it would then eventually create nonsensical (or, with some better tweaking and coaching of the algorithms) semi-sensical phrases like "biden sucks to be you" or "biden sucks to your mother" or some other halfway-coherent gibberish.

in short these programs create new text by combining elements of existing text in ways that seem likely based on computer pattern matching but not always necessarily on logic or human sense. when you feed podesta mails into them, you aren't uncovering new secrets, you're just RANDOMIZING shit from the sources that are already publicly available. this is especially destructive when it's things like ip addresses, encryption fingerprints, etc, because instead of legitimate data you just get garbled non-functional strings of numerals.

if you want to read podesta emails just go to wikileaks or lurk on this board, this stuff has been pored over for years. talktotransformer is for entertainment

Ok, thanks for explaining. Basically it's shit that's already out there. If it seems new, it because the AI is greaf or confirming our bias.

My only question is, is it POSSIBLE that it can scrape websites, text, or databases that haven't been seen?

>is it POSSIBLE that it can scrape websites, text, or databases that haven't been seen?
no, that's the whole point, any text you get from this tool is RANDOMLY GENERATED SUBSTRINGS based on billions of existing pages, it literally MAKES SHIT UP. You could literally get it to generate the text "podesta killed seth rich" and it wouldn't mean shit because IT'S A COMPUTER PROGRAM RANDOMLY JOINING WORDS TOGETHER.

Like this?

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This seems just like Troll Trace irl. Creepy af

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i'll post some good ones from previous thread

actually, fuck that. i'm not spending 30 fucking minutes on this piece-of-shit faggot-ass captchas after this. google can shove a spiky cat dick in its eyeball. i've typed 50 capchas already just for this post. i've literally been doing nothing but capchas since my last fucking post

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What did it mean by this?

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Didnt the transformer devs make some new algorithm than is 1000x better but they refuse to release it because its just too realistic. Called A2 or something like that..

this is it. if you look through the previous thread someone explains it

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and so on

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Proof Podesta paid redditors to derail and rid the subreddit investigating PizzaGate from what I've seen it's real or too close to the real thing that the entire time they were shitting themselves

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sometimes it gives accurate information that you can check.

Proof psy ops exist

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Proof PizzaGate was using a disguise to the public

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