See how those toxic men drive this innocent girl crazy in workplace!
Why are men so toxic in workplaces?
I guess it would be cool if women worked all the time and men got to chill at home with kids, working out, gaming, and fixing shit
I've only ever known women and fags to cause problems in the workplace, because they like gossip, drama and sucking up.
What if men just left. Let these caustic bitches rot in their own misery. They can have their cats, lesbian romances, their work, and their daily struggle. They'll shrivel and die in 10 years.
Women, unless applying a marketable skill, just create bureaucracy
When men are new in something they tend to look for advice and respect those who have been there for far more time,They tend to respect the dynamic that already exists and hope to become part of it in a healthy way.
Women on the other hand HAVE to be noticed, they can't just be the "new girls" they HAVE to be the center of attention cause eveybody in that group has to arrange the way they do things otherwise they would make their holes unavaliable to them.
>women trying to mine natural resources
Wasnt there an episode of survivor where they split up men and women and the men decided jobs and s strategy and built a functioning utopia on the island and the women failed to accomplish anything
>I heard you where planning to litigate against our law firm while on payroll.
>You're uh, fired.
women are the kikes of gender
Pretty sure men invented work
Males build things
Females parasite off those things.
Men build civilizations
Females destroy civilizations.
I just hope I live long enough to watch the female parasite starving in great pain.
Same here. It's also mostly the women making sexually harassing comments and fags molesting men... but no one calls them out on it. The vast majority of the time those cunts crying about sexual harassment to HR were guilty of it themselves and didn't like the turnabout.
I enjoyed firing those people when I was a manager. Don't you come to me complaining about a coworker horsing around with you today when I saw you yesterday trying to force yourself on his wife in some gross lesbian display, you fat bitch.
please let men be NEETs and let the women be auto mechanics and factory workers and burger flippers... PLEASE
I think survivor did it but i remember seeing it on some other survival show too, and yes the men had successfully divided up tasks and had shelter, food all set up and the women couldnt accomplish anhthing because they couldnt stop arguing
These posts are stupid and meaningless. The owner of my company is a man. Sage.
That movie sounds like a kike schizo fantasy.
yes please, take over my job and let me sit at home wanking off all day sounds fucking BASED honestly.
Can't even read this blurry shit
Hell I'd gladly be a NEET and take care of the house and kids while women wageslave for my convenience
you can have it karen, i'll be in the garage drinking and fucking your whore sister. btw, water bill is due, you better get it paid, i'll be just fine using the creek out back but i imagine you would consider that a problem.
>See how those toxic men drive this innocent girl crazy in workplace!
This is all very true and an excellent point.
>I've only ever known women and fags to cause problems in the workplace, because they like gossip, drama and sucking up.
Men have anger management issues caused by testosterone. It means they can often be extremely difficult and mad. This is an enormous problem today.
I nearly collapsed a lung laughing while reading this.
Women are absolute child-like retards, and literally cannot survive without men.
no need for a genocide, but women should be controlled like in islam. that's the only good thing shitskins came up with (though it's much older to be honest than islam).
> women are incapable of responsibility
> women are not empathetic (except their own closest family) - you can find countless examples where women are much worse in a workplace to other women than men would be
> women cannot find values deep inside - they'll conform to absolutely any degeneracy
it's said that we have so little strong based men to tackle this problem. civilization has to collapse by itself and be remade anew
This. Total parasites.
Woah a movie made by a Jew.
This proves white men are the problem.
I would stick a piece of cod in your puss, hold your head in the toilet, and fuck you and as I busted a nut inside your cunny, scream out "ITS FUCKING RAW" then proceed to flush the toilet.
t. Mobilefag
kek this. Feminism was a scam and they know it, men are fine dating women who earn more than them but women don't want to date men who earn less. Even the woman who wrote this, unless she's a lesbian she won't be willing to marry a stay-at-home dad.
Articles like this are just angry rants and projection from feminists who realize their movement is falling apart as more and more people realize how dishonest it all was. Women are the ones enforcing traditional gender roles, not men.
>men have anger issues caused by testosterone making them extremely difficult and mad.
Hmmm sounds like some basedboy lingo there. I think the men you work with are just angry they’re surrounded by fucking morons.
Some dudes are just angry dudes fair call but some cranky cunt should have zero effect on another adult male, don’t be such a pussy.
>Men have anger management issues caused by testosterone.
>basedboy? Fucking basedboy. Phone posting is a sin
ahaha so cute so funny Hahaha.
strangle women. they talk too much.
And Texans