Just think about it...
Who is the enemy?
Despite being 2%...
where's soros?
So Warren Buffet stopped being a Jew?
OMG. They are all boomer! :O
Thanks for adding it.
where's rockefeller?
>wait, I see where you're going...
Lest we forget that behind every successful man there is a woman who benefits from his toil.
>MacKenzie Bezos
It pisses me off
You accidentally labelled some of the people as both jewish and white.
Not rich enough
Jeff bezos makes $10mil/hr. $86+ billion a year. Can you even fathom that?
>one of 3 woman in that list
>source of wealth: divorce
topkek, can they do anything?
>Buys software cheap from CP-M, rebadges it MSDOS.
That's not Jewish at all.
Oh Im so sorry, of course, if you look close enough, he becomes brown.
You apparently can't fathom the difference between net worth and salary. You absolute twat.
The people who are richer than those on the list, but are not on any list.
Bezos is a jew you idiot. Koch is a jew. OP is probably a jew.
Top Kek
Think about what?
Most of the list are made of money, earned in early USSR.
The Kochs have literally an Episcopalian bishop in their family.
>Women are only gifted money, they don't make it
Pic related: Successful female multi-billion dollar business entrepreneur.
That was literally just gifted money. She only got rich because she got backed by her papa, then his friends saw that as an go sign for investment, and as soon as a few of them invested, funds started investing into her business that anyone with half a braincell would realize is an impossibility. Or at least anyone with any knowledge in medicine/biology.
She was promising some huge fucking things with nothing to show but a sketch with absolutely no data or anything solid behind it.
>This is bait
Hahaha nice one. She was a fairly good con-womyn though. Good for her.
Implying one of them earn any of his wealth.
All of them.
the (((anglos))) are the real enemies, not )))jews(((.
You don't have the Rotschilds and the Warburgs there, kiddo?
Ill see myself out. I did not see that poster wrote RELATED... ill just go and end myself, ty.
fuck jews