Brit/pol/Rolls edtion

Carrie Symonds gives birth to a healthy baby boy: Boris Johnson is by his fiancée's side for arrival of their newborn son at London hospital as couple thank 'fantastic NHS maternity team'
>Royal Navy submarine lockdown party captain sacked
>Coronavirus: Testing opens for millions more people in England
>Virus crisis could lead to 18,000 more cancer deaths, experts warn
>Coronavirus has killed more Americans than Vietnam War
>New Gun Infographic was made and a UK /k/ Thread was made and expectedly died soon after, though the NHS are attempting to resuscitate
>Tripfags are (thankfully) Dying from Corona
>Eddie and ManHands the Newest Brit/pol/ Couple?

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Other urls found in this thread:

britpol? more like shitpol

delete shitpol or move it to bant where it belongs


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>Health Secretary Matt Hancock admits Britain may not hire its army of 18,000 contact tracers until mid-May
mid-may is only 4 months too late.

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Where can I find a suit like this?

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Press C to clap , to wish congratulations to Bojo and Carries, for the birth of there Newborn son

Attached: skynews-boris-johnson-carrie-symonds_4789388[1].jpg (1600x900, 129.11K)

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Time machine

It's infuriating we pick them up and bring them here, even more so during this Corona stuff going on. Fucking does my head in.

Matt Hancock is one of the most pathetic, least attractive, and least intelligent MPs in parliament.

>A literal bastard child
>first PM to have a child out of wedlock whilst in office.

Now this, this is pure conservatism. BASED TORIES!

You again

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Whats bojo going to call his kid?


Do you reckon if I figure out where he lives, since hes 75 now, and knock on his door and ask him if he still has the suit whether he'd give it to me.

>least attractive



Thrift shops

You'd only pull it off if you don't look like an autist though

He's the epitome of a cuckservative. A beady eyed little cunt who loves whoring for brown people whilst denigrating his own countryfolk and then expecting people to vote for him because 'the alternative is Labour'


>knock on his door

Carry a scythe and point at him when he opens the door, hell give you anything you want

a shop for poofs

Yes but go at night and through the garden door, but on a serious note you probably have to go to a tailors to get something like that made up

>Carrie Symonds gives birth to a healthy baby rodent
> Boris Jewh'n'son is by his thot's side for arrival of their newborn (((son))) at London hospital as couple thank 'fantastic NHS maternity team'
As the 8'th or 9'th to the kang throne kikel , he'll get dick chopping procedure, as soon, as yiddish name given.

Anybody concerned, that due to the old age and inferior kikel DNA his sprog was born 4-6 weeks prematurely? Will he be another retard by Jewh'n'son?

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I don't look like an autist, and I'm quite slim, not too skinny where I look weird, but I've got a twink bod.

reminder that this plasma treatment is going to kill people and it won't save a single person. this virus has ADE. the last thing you want to do is add antibodies into a patient's system. hancock has blood on his hands for supporting this "treatment".

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daily reminder

>if you don't look like an autist
Kek do you know where you are?

They were saying on the radio that she could of been further along and they said the summer so the press are not on there backs

>One Airbnb host has $22,000 in monthly expenses due and no way to pay. This is how mini real-estate empires across the country are crumbling.

Good, good, it’s all coming together nicely.

I might get one made after I've got a few more practical suits tailored because I don't think I should go to work or to a job interview in one.

Literally, fucks jew, without a care as how big of a nose going to plough through that pussy.
She's ruined now!

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that's a terrible investment. we won't get a vaccine thanks to ADE, the extremely fast mutation rate and the HIV/Ebola/Dengue inserts in the genome of this virus.

I havent been able to source that anywhere else. From what i can see he "owns" it in the sense the govt has a stake, and hes the minister for coof.

Jesus Christ, that fucking comb over aswell, it just looks so fucking terrible, I don't know why he doesn't just shave it or slick it back. Its too far back to fool people into thinking he doesn't have a massively receding hairline.

One of them, yes.

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someone on Yas Forums did a longest common subsequence analysis between a strain of SARS-CoV-2 and a strain of HIV. it found that SARS-CoV-2 actually contains 98% of the HIV genome. if that's not proof of it being a bioweapon, i don't know what is.

That's a small penis

yea you wear that sort of suit after you have settled in or around Camden town

Why are you rating male mps on attractiveness? You sound like you got tendencies mate.

Move brit/pol/ to bant.
OPs are not updated and often contain links from the day before.
The lads of brit/pol/ are unable or more likely unwilling to use the report function for off topic posts.
The lads of brit/pol/ are unable or more likely unwilling to use the report function for the prolific spammer Pube.
brit/pol/ is constantly failing to self moderate/police the general and the general would be better suited on /bant/ where the threads would naturally move faster due to off topic posts and the spammer.

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If you're an NHS nurse why wouldn't you move to America and make 3x as much as you do in England doing half the work? All I see on the internet is how great the NHS is but to me all it seems like is an underfunded, buereucratic cesspool

Just another lie by a jew for the gullible goyim.

I imagine she would of had a c-section, middle classes are to posh to push.

I updated the link with bojos birth actually

>You sound like you got tendencies mate.
I do, but that doesn't change the fact that he's an ugly fucker and that our leaders should at least be presentable and not look like dopey dads from adverts.

Just as well. Csection babies are more intelligent and taller due to their heads not getting clunge crushed
t.csection master race

Why don't you just shut the fuck up?

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What's the real reason Colin is throwing the towel in?

Attention all:
This is confirmed to be doommong’s ID. Hide posts by this ID. Do not respond to this ID. Do not acknowledge this ID from this point onwards.
That is all.
>pic related

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Anyone calling it a cob is nonwhite
Bap is ok only if the roll is a triangle shape

Unfortunately the reality will probably mean that those properties will be bought up by foreigners, large conglomerates or those with excess capital (pakis) so such a collapse might not lead to houses going to the people

Yea but you dont get all that vagina bacteria on the way out to help your immune system

True, she's, if i may, a higher price end scale whore,

He just comes across as bland and ineffective to me. Compare to sunak, son of spock, who sounds authoritative and industrious.

There's no rush.

No mate. This spammers paradise needs to be moved to /bant/

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Get all of that i need off the missus mate

Is this real?

As if something or anything wrong in milking goyim dry

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Marriage is meaningless in the modern age

Filtered he a long time ago, mate.
You should do the same.

I'm not your m8.

KYS faggot

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imagine actually appealing to Yas Forums admins and caring about how this site is run. Sad little runt, did you run for school council as well?

Probably some gay tory bollocks like 'Julius' or 'Alfonso'

Nonce above
Nonce below

>still seething about the one who got Brexit done

Too lazy to pick our own fruit
Too lazy to report our spammers and off topic mongs.