Why do they always cave?
Why do they always cave?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why a football player who makes millions of dollar cave in
What’s the group?
Because he wants to make a million dollars a year kicking footballs duuurrrrrp
>Why do they always cave?
because the truth is everyone loves their enslavement to jewish society. they'd kill themselves if they were made outcast to the worship of the rich and famous, their money, eternal consumerism.
whatever would these faggots do without their netflix and game of thrones and star wars bounty hunter tv show haha le epic tyron lancaster cock joke baby yoda little yeed haha cock and wine and dragons big purple meanie thanos beaten up by captain america spongebob mcdonalds television hollywood movie marvel superhero batman video game
these people are hyper-socialised to the jewish society known as western civilisation and they'd probably kill themselves if they were to be made as non-people like Sam Hyde or Varg. they would literally kill themselves because they are like women who need attention and bread and circuses of jew clown world
Nvm, I looked it up. Lol, “I didn’t know what it was.” Reminds me of my friend (female) who has a Black Sun tatted on the back of her neck because she “has always like that design.” I was like, uh, “me too, lol. Do you know where it’s from?” That was a fun conversation
3%ers. Representing the 3% of Americans who fought in the Revolutionary War.
It’s a boomer 2nd amendment group.
>Reject your history stupid goy
>The America Revolution is now viewed as a far-right anti-government paramilitary group
The world is mad.
i tattooed a swastika on my face, hope it doesn't have any negative meaning i am not aware of
This. This guy literally just converted to Judaism before our eyes.
the money and no one wants to live the life of a dissident.
What is the tattoo? "M"
What a crybaby.
Bet his (((boss))) instructed him to remove it
not only are they boomers, but they're vehemently anti-racist boomers
i bet that was the reason he was hired. So he could become the repentant dissident.
Tats are for pussy faggots pretending to be tough, how surprising
>why do they always cave?
shame. its always shame, shame is a very powerful weapon for a community. shame is not a bad thing, it is how a community keeps those in it in check. the problem is that the people that traditionally would have been shamed by the community, started doing the shaming TO the community by banding together with others that would be traditionally shamed by the community and the community conformed. the community conformed so much the "shame culture" is virtually outlawed and you are shamed for shaming a whore instead of raising her black kids.
Because Americans talk a big game but in reality they are the biggest pussies in the west. That's why they've never won a war by themselves and cuck fetish was invented there.
my only solace is in knowing just how bad it's going to go for them when this Kali Yuga finally ends.
I'm pretty sure the owner of that team is literally Jewish, so if he wants his money, he'll have to be a good goy.
3%ers are described as a far right paramilitary group? what the fuck kind of onions latte sipping cuntfucking liberal commies cite fucking SPLC and think that shit means anything? SPLC is a terrorist organization according to me. Quote that shit in your usa today article you pinko journo scum. Truly the greatest enemy of the people.
Black sun is ancient hindu long predating Hitler same as swastika
They’re all Jewish. Roger Goodell is the only non Jew commissioner in major US sports.
Nobody gives a fuck about a punter he will he forgotten in 48 hours
>suck jew dick
>make $$$$
>get drafted to a team called the patriots
>get called far right wing murderous terrorist for getting a tattoo of some boomer militia group's logo
>boomer militia group chose its name based on the original patriots who supported the american revolution
can't help but enjoy the irony of this bs
painfully anti-racist larping boomers or not, I'm enjoying the insanity of this clown world
Just enough time for the chilling effect to do its job
As far as everything I’ve ever read, it was first introduced in its current form at the Wewelsburg Castle as a mosaic on the floor of the SS “ritual” room in one of the three towers. There may be similar symbols that were certainly influential in the terms of hooked spokes on a wheel but if you wanna enlighten me on where you learned this stuff, I’m more than happy to get educated and not say stupid shit online. Cheers, user.
good, filthy g*rm's ancestors had nothing to do with the revolutionary war
Pretty sure it’s just the money/contract
>get tattoo of chill fbi infiltrated range buddies
>it causes reddit to have a period
>noo im not that evil..
young players are so naive
Getting a tattoo like that on your arm is just asking for trouble in these times.
Not true. I threw away my academic career to represent a right wing political party and they can't do shit. I teach in a High School and do academic consultancy for a firm now. Doubled my money and my holidays.
You will all submit, you filthy inferior goyim.
All racial theory is true except (((we))) are the superior master race.
Pic related also bent the knee, even without any pecuniary gain.
Because there arent many jobs for professional handegg players. You train for years in hope for an opening and a very high paying job. If you get blacklisted you can go work in wallmart and you missed a once in a lifetime opportunity for getting rich
What field?
Pictured: all the guys on Yas Forums who tell you their beard is cool and makes them look tough and scary
Pussy faggot
>Justin Pipewater