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Christ is the king of kings. He is not our servant.

>humble servant

What? He is God - literally the opposite of a servant


1 - He sponsored Event 201
2 - He gave money for Anthony Fauci, Neil Ferguson, Gavi and WHO
3 - He financed the quantum dots research
4 - He financed ID2020
5 - Anthony Fauci gave money to the Wuhan´s laboratory (from where this money came from?)
6 - He is talking about vaccines nonstop 24 hours each day
7 - He resigned his job as Microsoft´s CEO in the middle of the pandemic
8 - He wants to test a new kind of vaccine in the people mRNA vaccines
9 - He is already talking about a new pathogen that can hit the world in the next months
10 - He is talking about reducing the world´s population using vaccines

He was a toothless brown poor jew from the Middle East.
Differently from your ashkenazi jew that are basically converted slavs and germans

He was a toothless brown poor jew from the Middle East.
Differently from your ashkenazi jews that are basically converted slavs and germans

It's actually a good point, following Christian traditions and Jesus' teachings have become quite different, which says a lot about how tradition can lose sight of origins.

Jesus Christ doesn’t represent any of that tho. Maybe in the most pea brained peeps believing rights were ordained by god. But for others common sense is in keeping those rights.

>mason nigger
Off yourself satanic blood sucking pedo.

The guy is Baha'i. It should be no surprise that he knows fuck-all about Christianity. As a Hollywood actor, that won't stop him from lecturing the rest of us though.

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Close to as bad as being from Denmark

Lol nigger he was god not humble “servant”

Everyone thinks mohammed was a messanger of peace but history tells us he was a blood thirsty perverted warlord. strange transformation too

How did Moses become globohomo

Jesus, Champion of I love fucking science.

>*in the mind of le tranny

bahaiis beleibe that al mehdi (kinda like coming-back-jesus of Muslims) came back already and is their prophet.
literally Christians to Jesus,
but they are nothing like christians.

He's not wrong though

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meant to say Christians to jews

"the religion of peace" is literally just a meme that muslims like to say, they all know muhammad's reign started with raids on meccan caravans, leading to the sacking of mecca by his muslims, smashing the pagan idols and forcing many of the people to become muslim or die, then the muslims forming a large empire by conquest and even conquering jerusalem from the romans

The abject poor today were called demon-possessed in Jesus' time and could be driven out, we don't have that power anymore because of our lack of faith.

>Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber.

>but but the bible says to be compassionate to "refugees"

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Let me guess, this "literally who?" is a Jew, right?

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I really hate this gaslighting bullshit that lefties do all the time
>b-but your god said you should help the poor, so you must be a socialist
fuck these people

"After I had read your letter, I became convinced we are not speaking of the same Christ. My Christ is a might savior who heals the weak and suffering. Your Christ is weak and pathetic and seems rather in need of healing Himself." K. Pobedonostsev to Leo Tolstoy.

Oh wow, another twitter screencap thread about some retarded ass tweet from a literal nobody blue checkmark Jew? I must applaud OP for his originality

The religion of peace thing is fucking weird. I've spoken with liberal types who unthinkingly regurgitate it, like some sort of reflex as soon as you mention terror. It demonstrably is not peaceful, as are none of the major religions really, but particularly not this one
Its fucking scary how easily people are manipulated into attacking their own and defending the other

>No, I don't actually believe in your silly God, but I do want to dictate how you practice your religion

Liberals don't like criticising brown people, even if looking at the views of Muslims and the history of Islam, it's everything they oppose. but these leftists also believe that everything negative they hear about the 3rd world is just western propaganda against outsiders

this isn't controversial, islam is more warlike than christianity

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He is right tho. Big portion of American christians is a bunch of gun-toting Israel worshipping boomers.

I’m sure this blue check mark spends a lotta time in church huh

Fpbp. He came not to bring peace but a sword!

Jeremiah 7:5-7 – If you do not oppress the alien…then I will dwell with you in this place…
Jeremiah 22:3-5 – Do no wrong or violence to the alien.
Ezekiel 47:21-22 – The aliens shall be to you as citizens, and shall also be allotted an inheritance.
Zechariah 7:8-10 – Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor.

Just a handful I found.

he's got it backwards tho

Sweden is so cucked now. You guys used to invade people for Jesus. Look at your fucking flag. Just change it to a yellow crescent moon for Christ’s sake

This image always bothered me because he's made to look a fool even though he's absolutely right