Is the official reason there are troops in the Middle East still 9/11? Or is it Saddam's WMD's still?

Is the official reason there are troops in the Middle East still 9/11? Or is it Saddam's WMD's still?

Like, what's the official narrative at this point?

Attached: Map_of_Middle_East.png (993x960, 304.13K)

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taliban, isis and al'qaeda

Didn't the USA just hand control back to the Taliban in Afghanistan after all that?


That is definitely not the "official" narrative.

Attached: greater israel.jpg (1024x576, 106.97K)

The opium

The official narrative is combating terrorist paramilitaries that pose threat to US safety.

So many people need to be genocided in order for this to happen though

area of semites sons of sam son of noah whos bloodline streches to abraham
arabs are semites
so this theory is weak
try harder goy

Attached: greater israel.png (2400x1844, 559.17K)

Imagine thinking there was a cosmic deity who gave a fuck about an area smaller than my suburb.

Yes, we must stop them from coming over here and raping our livestock. Based digits, btw.

Aren’t most of those Arabs just Arabized non-Abrahamic semites? Like Arabized Arameans, Canaanites, Assyrians etc

The military industrial complex.

Stability. If the US were to leave it would create a power vacuum that would be filled via violent struggle. But the abject reality is that chaos was the goal all along. Disrupt the local power structures and topple their leaders so no singular entity could challenge Israel. In this vein the US doesn’t even have to win, they just have to not lose. The stated goal was to install a democratic regime after the WMD thing turned out to be bogus.

yes but they still fall somewhere on the bloodline


funny how after saddam was ousted we don't know jackshit about the iraqi presidents because they cant take control of the area only the capital at most

No they don’t. They aren’t from Abraham. They are from Shem but not from Abraham
Lol, no.

the arabs in mecca and the arabian gulf's bloodline comes from ishmael whos son of abraham

Yes, I know that.


So wait, was this cunt even real? Was he bona fide schizophrenic? Like, what did he do for a day job when he wasn't inventing Jew stories?


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But then Iran went apeshit so now they're basically stuck babysitting Israel and Saudi Arabia

Attached: quote-we-re-going-to-take-out-seven-countries-in-5-years-starting-with-iraq-and-then-syria-wesley-clark-65-49-13.jpg (850x400, 75.84K)

im absoulutely sure all prophets were fake
moses went to some fucking mountain for 2 days and came back saying he talked to god
probably got stoned on some hash up there and saw some shit
mohammad always went to a secret cave to get his messages from god definitely on that fat kush
jesus was an extension of moses weed trip and his mother was a rape victim
abraham was some pagan who decided he will only worship one idol and even was about to sarcrafise his son for that pagan statue

Free redpills. Take the whole course, no skimming or skipping. The drug will not be effective unless you finish all the pills.

>tl;dr soundbite that oversimplifies it but points towards a fundamental truth
it's for Israel

Man, it's funny you mention weed. I got thinking after a cheeky toke, and I thought... Let's say these "prophets" did have absolute knowledge of the universe. They could teach you about quantum mechanics and the Schrödinger Eqn and the wave function and subatomic particles, if you had the vocabulary. But that's a big IF. Obviously, people didn't. They had a vocabulary of about 20 words, like "goat" and "sell" and "eat" right?

How the fuck do you be a good prophet with people like that? It was always doomed to failure.

Americans want to fight and die for Israel, that's basically the point.

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Who cares about the official narrative, they are just going to lie, and then people are going to die.

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How about this theory?`Oh wait, it's not just a theory, it's also completely real!

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Sounds like something they would say.

Damn. 1:10,000 chance of rolling that and you didn’t even mention the Jews. What a waste.

But they have to protect their greatest ally from being holocausted by their enemies.

Troop deployment in middle-east = Anal Sex
>Pull out too quickly and you create a vacuum causing embarrassment

Sometimes their babysitting isn't good enough...

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