All the philosophers and impressive buildings are in southern Europe

Why are scandinavians so swarthy, though?

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i like how nordic p*gans use rome as an example to why paganism is good,and they completely forget that germania was literally a fucking jungle before christianity

Strictly weather reasons.

Read Tacitus.

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fucking jungle monkeys. they were sleeping on tree branches.

>Cornelius Tacitus (/ˈtæsJtəs/ TASS-it-əs, Latin: [ˈtakJtʊs]; c.AD 56 – c.120) was a Roman historian and politician. Tacitus is considered to be one of the greatest Roman historians

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bruh the fact that you know about Tacitus and his work about germanic people is because southern civilisations knew how to write things down you know...philosophy, literature and shit, that's how superior they were

rent free :^)

literally,i remember once i watched a documentary about ancient germanic inhabitments,it looked like the sheep hut my grandfather had

you little bastards love living in communes, we know.

they also married sheep.

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Nobody cares about the opinion of an Albanian though

i am vlach though,and i am originally from greece
apo kefalovryso ioanninon

jesus christ this looks like one of those gay hippie communes

Interesting. So are you considered minority Greek in Albania?

nu înțeleg

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no,some albanian vlachs do it for greek passports,but most of us got it because we had a grandfather born there
nu aduk romaneshti

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I thought romania only has commieblocks

you're not bringing something romanian. that's what I understand from what you wrote.

you thought

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no i said i do not understand romanian in aromanian.its not intelligible

>something is somewhere
>so its of this race
Must be why the balkans are so backwards and non-white, Nords were here and created everything then left.


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are you fucking serious?you really believe goebbels propaganda?

We wuz nords and sheeit?

Rape mixing.

lol imagine eating horse meat

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No, you're not. You're an african and an invader to this land.

do you know your history?do you know that you literally are a mutt of slav and turkic invaders?

You are a retarded Nigger.
Most Philosophers after the Renaissance have been German. Hegel, Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger.....
Not to dismiss our med bros, the Roman/Greek tradition was the foundation of all that.
Italy generally lost in importance after the Renaissance and ended being primarily being a battlefield between Austria and France. All the new artstyles either started in France or Germany. Baroque, Romanticism, Historicism....
The Scandinavians are more of a footnote in European history except the short 100 years that Sweden was a military great power, this is true, but with sparse population that is to be expected.
Your romanian ass never achieved anything since antiquity. Stay mad faggot.

Oh I am laffing alright

tried some hungarian horse sausage, pretty good senpai, not as good as pork but pretty good

sorry i like my easter lamb

Nowadays yes. Only a few of us here keep the spirit(genes) of the Nords.
Yeah, you're laughing as to cope with the fact that your genes are closer to those who raped and pillaged than to the Greeks.

>the amount of larping

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Take your meds. Asap

I wrote AFTER the renaissance you retard.
How can one gypsy be this retarded? Have you stolen the stupidity of others to add it to your own?

why does he look like a literal downie? is this guy suppose to be smart or something?

Looks like that one CIA plant that does that right wing podcast

>AFTER the renaissance
so you were not responsible for it. do you have something to offer the world? or were you always forest macacos?

>swarthoids are mad because they have been traitorous
There is a reason why white people always succeed and swarthoids don't. You're vulgar and do crimes even for fun while the Nord creates and helps. Its like you're the spawns of Satan, just imagine a world without non-whites. You will lie to yourself if you say that you don't want to live in such a world.

The Eternal Med Master Race will perdure forever.

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I'll just leave this here

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meds are the niggers of Europe.

take a look at your parents or ancestors.just because you were born blonde doesnt mean youre nordic borislav

Exactly, that's why I said Nordic, not just blond and blue eyed. To be Nordic requires the already mentioned things but you also have to have the phenotype and the soul.

Someone post the phenotypes of the Roman Emperors.

Noone ever claimed that the Renaissance didn't start in Italy. Are you off your meds again?
The Renaissance was half a millenium ago, things kinda happened since then. And the overwhelming part of it was British, French or German, with minimal Southern European achievement.
Btw, the Renaissance wasn't really a period of high Philosophy, Antiquity was. The greatest Renaissance Philosopher was Spinoza, a Dutch Jew.
I am done with you now. You are too stupid to even bring anything to the table.

>Noone ever claimed that the Renaissance didn't start in Italy.
>minimal Southern European achievement

>I am done with you now
he's afraid

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