/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3520

► Detected: 3,149,405 (+12,897) ► Died: 218,386 (+573) ► Day: 111 (-18:47:35)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,900 strains have been sequenced —

[YouTube] [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News (embed)

Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Brazilian city of Manaus digs mass graves as deaths mount

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Virus binds to ACE2 like SARS, first route found

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

NYC official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

Sweden doesn't test or count suspected deaths

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

▶ 65 new cases in Armenia
▶ 52 new cases in Kazakhstan
▶ 6 new cases in Georgia
▶ 456 new cases and 11 new deaths in Ukraine
▶ 20 new cases in the DR Congo
▶ 38 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bulgaria
▶ 32 new cases and 1 new death in El Salvador
▶ 16 new cases in Uzbekistan
▶ 8 new cases in India


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My theory is that the Chinese in Wuhan were dropping dead to something else, not this pussy-ass coronavirus you see today.

>China reported a third case of bubonic plague on Sunday after two other plague cases were revealed last week, but the disease remains rare despite its fearsome reputation and authorities say the cases appear unrelated.

Pneumonic plague (a coof version of the bubonic plague) was making a comeback just last year in November 2019, the same time that a supposed new coronavirus made its way in China. Could this have been the cause for China's panicked response in Wuhan and not really the novel coronavirus? Maybe they really DID have millions of deaths and maybe they really DID have those people being welded shut and just dropping dead but they have since then got things under control and now they're just doing psyops to have the whole world shutting down its economies over a non-existent (((epidemic))).

Explains why there's so much shilling now in /cvg/ to exaggerate the disease as much as possible. It's in China's best interest to have the whole world shutdown as long as possible since they will be the only ones to benefit from a positive economic growth rate despite taking a hit themselves.

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oh man, something is really going on huh? I wonder what this is all about, i mean you guys, not that overblown virus thingy.

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>Dead: 224,192
lol, still only 224,192.
How many days has it been stuck at 224,192? Four days? Five days?

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>The Federal Reserve, which has pumped trillions in emergency funding into U.S. financial markets to stem the damage from the coronavirus pandemic, is expected on Wednesday to reiterate its promise to do whatever it takes to support the world’s largest economy

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As of April 28th, 2020:

31,587 total deaths assumed (no test required) per ICD codes U07.1 and U07.2.
Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States: 981,246.
Age group 55-85+ make up the majority of assumed COVID-19 deaths, over half of which are counted as Pneumonia.
Out of 31,587 total deaths assumed, 29,056 (92%) are from the age group 55-85+.

Total assumed deaths from COVID-19 as a percentage of confirmed cases: 3.22%.
Total assumed deaths from COVID-19 as a percentage of the age group 0-55: 0.26%.
Total assumed deaths from COVID-19 as a percentage of the age group 55-85+: 3%.

As a percentage of the total population (0-55), only 0.001% have assumed to have died from COVID-19.
As a percentage of the total population (55-85+), only 0.03% have assumed to have died from COVID-19.

No tests are required to determine if a coronavirus was an UCOD (Underlying Cause of Death). This means that if you
are eighty years old with a twenty-year history of hypertension and COPD, due to CDC recommendations, COVID-19
can be added to the death certificate and the death may be counted as a COVID-19 death. This is how the numbers of deaths
for COVID-19 in the United States are generated. If a test does happen to be performed, it is not to find evidence of COVID-19
specifically but to find nucleic acid that corresponds to coronaviruses in general, of which most people have inside them even when

COVID-19 only exists in the minds of the gullible.

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise


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>COVID-19 only exists in the minds of the gullible.
It's true. USA economy just shits itself sometimes, totally normal, having so many jews around.

Attached: Weeee Line goes up.webm (480x480, 2.87M)

>reinfected four times
>still living
What a legend

Ok so whats new? The Op's are always the same!

UEFI, and, by extension, SecureBoot is a big tech conspiracy that prevents any operating system that hasn't been graciously blessed by Microsoft from booting.

This means that by default no truly open Linux distributions or other third party operating systems, or, hell, even older versions of Windows may boot on any new PC.

And don't start in on that "oh, it can be disabled" crap. Think about it, how well will that really work in practice?

You: "Hey, I need to boot my Linux USB drive on your computer, is that OK?"
Friend: "Uh, sure, I guess."
Friend: "Uh, it isn't working."
You: "Oh, I need to go in to your bios and disable SecureBoot."
Friend: "Duh, you aren't disabling anything that makes my computer less secure!"
You "but...."
Friend "NO!!!".

And there WILL eventually be desktop machines that do not permit disabling SecureBoot.

Does SecureBoot really make your computer more secure? No. It "secures" Microsoft's operating system marketshare, and "secures" Windows from methods used to use unlicensed copies.

If we weren't living in a clown world, something like SecureBoot would be illegal.

part and parcel with living in a jewed state

Is it reinfection or laying dormant?
Either way that's fucked


Updated and shit

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i-is the baby infected?

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You are REALLY forcing the idea that "everything is normal". Stop shitting the thread, you already got BTFO'd by quads:

you know what really sad is,

that they shut down that "star wars commando" app.

we all had such a great chat in this app.....

anyway, not going off topic

as i said, everything is fine in germany and we are doing great! No panic because, to be honest, there is actually nothing to be worried about. Nobody here stays home and numbers are actual low.

American should calm their shit too, don't coock to hot as needed and have a nice day.

How much longer can she reign supreme? I hope it's years

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You didn't answer where you are from.

Good updates, user, I didn't convert pic related to text for nothing.
You should explain in your first posts what's in the pastebin, though, because it will get ignored otherwise.

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god i wish

how did Boris have 24 wives and 298 children

hey, calm down, chill my friend, it will go back to normal. You see Germany is already doing great again. No need to spread panic!

It's you choice of Washington, Pekin and Tel aviv

ear a dick, i told you to eat a dick, why don't you eat dick? You need to eat dick now, or you will never eat dick!

He's Turkish in origin

>+20 yesterday
>+94 today

end my life

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he's getting mad why don't you go outside chang it's nothing to worry about anyway no panic in germany!

>or you will never eat dick!
I chose this option.

Wraum wlislt Du nciht Antwroetn?

If it can infect cats and dogs
Can it infect livestock, birds and mosquitos too?

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Here you are Chang.
Coronavirus Cases:
Plenty of folk have it but according to you nothing is wrong. Could you explain why you want everything to return to normal?

Few years is the minimum, with no real upper bound

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>the "ignore everything that's wrong and don't panic" shill has lost his mind
Well shit, another "kraut" frag for Corona-chan, I guess.

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weaponized corona-chan

maybe he really is from Berlin, he sounds as delusional as the whole city's existence

you need to eat a dick, don't you know how important this is? Get a dick, and eat it, now or it might be to late!!!

which country is her asshole on though?

Too poor to afford that tom hanks baby blood, eh?

That's great to know fellow Gary but it doesn't have much to do with corona.

Are most cases in Sarajevo or somewhere else?

Birds are anecdotally suspected:
If it can infect dogs and cats, cows and pigs are likely. Might be an "all mammals" virus like rabies, plus birds.

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Okay, get me yours. I'll heat up the oven.

It’s fairly obvious

and he surely sounds as gay as Berlin's inhabitants, too

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fucking inner mongolia lol. she's ass to ass with earth-chan

i thought you kikes don't like ovens?

Asking the important questions. Looking like Russia or Mongolia.

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seems to me her asshole is somewhere in siberia