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Buy high, sell low!

that face when in usdc

kill me now

Dymp it

someone explain the significance of that for me

it's pumping

it recovered better than stocks

I am not expecting another downleg in the stock market - but the bitcoin down leg should be shallow because its proven to be better than stocks at this point

i AM expecting stock downleg.. fuck.


Lol, not buying crude oil and airlines/hotels

Buy buy buy!!!! It's not a meme!!!! Buy now!!!! Lmao. Idiots.

It's not better it's just people like you want to believe it is better so you spend money to prop it up to confirm your belief. It is artificially propped up on your desire to believe, not because it has actual value

reminder that farming gold in wow is more stable and has a better $ per hour ratio than this ponzy scheme.

FYI: Chainlink is a scam

if you aren't in crypto yet.
this message would be a signal to get in.
Massive, massive amounts of dollars euros yen and other national currencies have been printed to buy up stocks, bail out big ones, etc etc. a HUGE inflation hit will happen, the next few years prices of items will go up tremendously in all national currency denominations, except for crypto. crypto will go up, cause its the scarce and better money without borders.

Faith in an economy or stock is better than value at times my fren

Except it is worthless when shit goes down and you need things to trade. "I'll trade you this SD card with bitcoin on it for your horse." Good luck with that. Marijuana and alcohol are the 2 most valuable resources

This lad gets it.
Inflation is coming, move your cash into something the government doesn't just print and hand out like candy.

You do know there is an space between complete societal collapse and the status quo, yes?

if it's at $8,000 now, realistically what might it be a year from now, assuming the recovery continues?

i don't believe in shit

but in the next downturn in stocks every stock fag is going to want to buy the dip on crypto - its proven itself now

you are an idiot and don't undertand anything about finance and currency. in countries where currency is failing, they use crypto.

Mysterious, completely unforseeable dump after a short fomo period, right? Of course

HAHHAHAHHA, people believe this?

Hotels may be why Trump didn't fight against closing the country against the coronahoax. If he had people would say he was saving his own bacon. He had to basically recuse himself as a leader, or go harder. Not buying airlines etc that have taken a 60% beating and doubling your money when the economy opens is betting it never will.

Ask yourself: what are you going to do with the money you didn't bet on recovery if you are right and the zombie apocalypse does infact happen?

Get a robinhooding

The retardation logic that bitcoin isnt effected by inflation when all it is is different printed bill for americsn dollars. Your dumb ass thinks it doesnt lose value if it stays at $10k during inflation when the $10k you trade it back for wont go as far in the end. It is just a different colored greenback

they actually have wallets now that work just like venmo

around 20k
but don't buy btc. buy alts for bigger gainz

People also believe in Crypto because it takes power away from central banks. But yeah if you really want to world to stay as it is, do not buy crypto.

in Lebanon tthe currency of their country devalued 50% in 6 months. Also now they closed the banks so no one can get to their funds. is this something you would like to happen to you? then keep being a stupid fucking retarded sheeple and hold your dollars

No they dont the only people who use crypto are darknet markets and marijuana seed dealers. You're a fucking retard Walmart, Amazon, and the grocery store dont take crypto and that is where everyone shops

I doubt it’ll ever hit 20k again if that’s what you’re asking. Last time it did that was just a bubble caused by everyone buying and mining that shit to oblivion

Reddit is gonna use ethereum for karma so you fuckers better own some

coinbase has a debit card - i think it's only available in europe but they have the American license as well


With unemployment comes the drugs and bitcoin is basically representative currency for the drug trade.

>it takes power from banks
>except all it represents is americam dollars and I have to trade it for USD to make any real purchases in life other than drugs on the internet

>literally just a debit card used to spend american dollars
This shit is so stupid that you believe it is something other than the same old shit different day. I get if we researched shit like coin base its owned by JP Morgan chase or some other jew bank

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>tfw Corona-chan's happening made me forget the halving happening in May
So many tough choices being a poorfag, purchase food for the upcoming recession, or purchase crypto for a store of value

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yes u can buy cards with store credit with crypto. amazon, Walmart. yes. read the dailystormer guide fuck stick

no you don't have to trade if for usd to make purchases, the reason you think this is because you are a fucking retard that has zero clues what is happening in the crypto and financial spaces.

You are the example of someone saying The Bible is a bunch of bullshit with no value while he never even read a single page.

If you think bitcoin is immune to inflation you clearly know nothing.

altcoin season when?

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Yeah, we're in that space right now, and it still took a massive shit. Power is still on, water is still flowing, food is still on the shelves, nobody is really killing each other, yet I still can't buy shit at my grocery store or have a random neighbor who even knows how much a bitcoin is.


I think he meant to say hyperinflation.

it is just a bunch of jewtales though, and I'm well studied

Its pumping because the halving is coming up in 3 weeks, it'll dump after that

no it hasn't

>Its pumping because the halving is coming up in 3 weeks, it'll dump after that
Halving always pumps